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Community Tailored Actions for Energy Poverty Mitigation

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Scientific overview report of the concept of energy poverty with specific focus on the five pilot countries

Provides an evidence on the distinction of the nature of energy poverty in the different subregions of Eastern Europe and also call the attention of the European decision makers about the limitation in the tools applied compared to the Western and Northern part of Europe

Report on media and outreach activities

Report on the media relation and digital networking activities including articles, scientific publications and newsletters published throughout the project

Interim Exploitation and Sustainability Plan

Presents the ComAct plan for exploitation of the project results including recommendations for maintaining ComAct outcomes after the end of the project and their wider replication outside the project countries

Data Management and Ethics Compliance Plan

The report outlines the data management policy and ethic’s compliance principles, including the handling of personal data, in line with the GDPR regulations that will be used by the consortium regarding all the datasets that generated during the project and security measures that will be implemented to prevent unauthorised access to personal data or the equipment used for processing.

Educational materials for energy efficiency and energy poverty reduction

Educational materials for energy efficiency and energy poverty reduction will be prepared at country level, referring to the previously identified needs and context. In English and on the languages of 5 pilot countries.

Policy paper on interpreting energy poverty on a building level and policy recommendations for the pilot countries

It will build on D1.1 overview report but also on the survey (resulting from Task 1.2), implemented in the pilot sites and on the results of the pilot measures.

Implementation Action Plans of the 5 pilot projects

Implementation Action Plans of the 5 pilot projects The Action Plans will include steps for involvement and engagement of different participants in the activities for energy poverty reduction In English translated to each of the 5 Pilot country languages

Optimal cost-effective technical solution scenarios

Optimal costeffective technical solution scenarios in English and translated to the 5 pilot countries Hungarian Bulgarian Macedonian Lithuanian and Ukrainian

Report on the validation of cost-effective optimal technical solutions in the ComAct pilots

This report will include conclusions and recommendations relevant for dissemination through policy briefings in Task 6.2.

Final publishable summary of the project

Final publishable summary of the project at the end of the project to present project results.

In-depth description of new/adapted financing schemes for application in ComAct pilot cases

Indepth description of newadapted financing schemes for application in ComAct pilot cases in English language and on the languages of the pilot countries Hungarian Bulgarian Macedonian Lithuanian and Ukrainian

Inventory of community activation and stakeholder engagement techniques with special attention to the geographical coverage of ComAct

Inventory of community activation and stakeholder engagement techniques with special attention to the geographical coverage of ComAct presents findings on how to activate communities and how to create an enabling environment for HOAs with high rate of low income residents

Resource Centre Work Plan for each of the 5 Pilots

Resource Centre Work Plan for each of the 5 Pilots prepared for the specific needs of the residential energy efficiency sector in respective pilot country

Business plan of Resource Centres

The sustainability of the ComAct RCs is seen through paid services that will be offered after ComAct is finished to homeowners, companies, local authorities and other potential clients.

Communication and Dissemination Plan, including project identity

BPIE with input and support from all partners will develop a communication and dissemination plan that will define key target audiences as well as the best tools to reach them

Report on the validation of financing models adapted to the needs of energy-poor households in the ComAct pilots

This report will include conclusions and recommendations relevant for dissemination through policy briefings (in Task 6. 2).

Stakeholder Engagement and Community Involvement Strategy for each of the 5 Pilots

Stakeholder Engagement and Community Involvement Strategy for each of the 5 Pilots in English and on the languages of the pilot countries Hungarian Bulgarian Macedonian Lithuanian and Ukrainian

Final brochure, poster,policy briefings, infographics

Final brochure, poster,policy briefings, infographics.

Report on the validation of the results on implementation of Community Involvement and Stakeholder Engagement activities in the pilot sites

This report will include conclusions and recommendations relevant for dissemination through policy briefings in WP6.

Inventory of energy efficiency technical measures for energy-poor households

Inventory of energy efficiency technical measures for energypoor households in English and translated to the 5 pilot countries Hungarian Bulgarian Macedonian Lithuanian and Ukrainian

Guidebook on the concept of energy poverty and its relevance in the five pilot countries

Guidebook on the concept of energy poverty and its relevance in the five pilot countries resulting from the work on the overview in Task 11 and field survey in Task 12 Available in English and in the languages of the pilot countries Hungarian Bulgarian Macedonian Lithuanian and Ukrainian

Final Exploitation and Sustainability Plan

Presents the ComAct plan for exploitation of the project results including recommendations for maintaining ComAct outcomes after the end of the project and their wider replication outside the project countries.

Draft brochure, poster, policy briefings, infographics

BPIE as a lead responsible for creating a draft of brochure poster policy briefings infographics

Report on dissemination at events, including a final conference report

Results of ComAct dissemination events including a specific section dedicated to the final conference (with minutes, photos, presentations, list of participants, recordings of the webinars etc.).

Educational materials for energy advisors

Educational materials for energy advisors in English and translated to the 5 pilot countries Hungarian Bulgarian Macedonian Lithuanian and Ukrainian

Knowledge Sharing Platform on the pilots

Developed in Moodle httpsmoodleorg it serves as a onestopshop for all information regarding the ComAct pilots Overall aim is to make information transparent and easily accessible for parties within and outside the project IWO the WP5 Leader will coordinate the content while ENOVA will be responsible for setting up and maintenance of the platform that is connected to the ComAct website see Task 63

Toolbox of financing models for energy-poor households

The toolbox will be integrated in the ComAct website implemented through Task 63

Project website

Continuously updated as per project development maintained 2yrs after ComAct project ends

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