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UP-lifting Communities: Structuring collective Action for Sustainable local Transition and Identifying Regulatory Solutions for adopting frontier technologies and disruptive business models


Design of UP-STAIRS Energy Service OSS Framework

The OSS business model and its internal procedures will be developed Each service offered by the OSS will be defined and standardised in order to ensure all the pilot communities receive comprehensive assistance and all business and technical decisions for implementation comply with minimum operating standards The internal procedures will be agreed and the skills of the staff delivering the services identified in order to shape the team needs Opportunities to articulate the UPSTAIRS service through or in cooperation with other existing services will be analysed to ensure consumer acceptance and community uptake The specific methodology to bring together noncollectively organised consumers will be developed considering socioeconomic and technological aspects type of measures etc and the outputs of task 52 on assessing potential actors for collective actions It will entail the creation of a regional database of citizens interested in different measures that are willing to develop energy efficiency projects through collective action This intracommunity cooperation will represent the critical mass needed to optimize consumer collective purchasing power The database will be able to filter according to different criteria type of measure location expected investment and others and will be a scalable tool to put together nonorganised individuals and engage them into collective actions The UPSTAIRS OSS business model will be the platform through which the UPSTAIRS Implementation Champion may also facilitate the combination of collective solutions to optimise energy management eg distributed generation storage or demandresponse as an aggregate within the community to increase impact and bankability of the implemented technologies This standardised OSS business model and the methodology will deliver a flexibly designed framework in a dissemination format to be used for replication purposes Chapters in the delivered business model framework will include the regional adaptations from Task 25 in order to provide examples on different strategies to put an OSS for the promotion of collective actions into each of the 5 pilot regions

Collective Community Engagement strategies

As citizens are at the heart of the energy transition individualized regional citizen engagement plans for communities will be designed and tailored to each context based upon a standard blueprint developed as part of the UPSTAIRS OSS Framework For this the Engagement Strategies will build on the Barcelona Municipality Energy Information Points a public service codesigned and coordinated by Ecoserveis from 2016 the Rhodoshop project in Bulgaria the Cork Smart Gateway for Citizens Engagement Survey project and the Community Energy Strategy of the UK Although these projects had objectives other than collective action their engagement strategies at community level and the results will be used as inputs to the overall UPSTAIRS engagement strategies Within the UPSTAIRS Framework structure the community engagement strategy will be managed by the UPSTAIRS Implementation Champion in each region and used as a starting point with communities that are very new to the SEC model Development of all the strategies will involve facetoface meetings with the community to present the OSS and its services and will use participative methodologies identified in Task 21 to better identify and connect with peoples needs

Detailed Report on the legislative, administrative and incentive framework for collective actions in different countries

This task will conduct the survey and focused interviews on the main problems needs challenges that citizens and all interested actors eg representatives of schools hospitals local companies etc may face when they act collectively to scaleup their investments etc to garner funds or other support Task leader will provide a template of the questionnaire and interviews that other partners will conduct in their regions In parallel the desktop survey of the regulatory and legislative framework in partner countries context in the light of how legacy facilitators can supportrelieve emerging collectivisescommunities to face regulatory and technical issues The latter are assumed to suffer from a still weak decisionmaking power The synthesis of these will identify the obstacles and drivers of the projects implemented and study their replicability

First Progress Report

A project progress report will be written in the form of a brief report

Dissemination and Communication Plan. 1

A draft Dissemination and Communication Plan DCP has been outlined in Section 22 of this proposal A detailed DCP outlining the projects target audiences strategies for engaging the target audience and activities will be produced by M3 of the project and will be updated regularly through the project at M6 M12 M18 M24 M30 and M36 ECO will work closely with ESV in the development of the DCP The DCP will cover the following topics A the identification of key target audiences eg home owners NGOs Local Authorities B a definition of the strategy and objectives to guide the dissemination and communication activities C further definition of the graphical identity of the project logo templates based on the logo for UPSTAIRS that was created during the development of this proposal D the key communication messages and content required to create awareness about the UPSTAIRS communicate with target audiences and create an environment that will foster innovation and interconnections between participating stakeholders E the definition selection and utilisation of the most effective communication channels and tools to reach the target audiences and ensure the success of the awareness creation campaign including social media F participation in three external conferences internal project meetings and planning and organising the final project conference which will take place in M35 distribution of downloadable end user material such as a compendium of research results best practice case studies innovation and improvements in energy audit management field and in energy conservation enterprise culture

Adapting UP-STAIRS Framework to each pilot region

For each pilot the regional context will be taken into account considering the availability of staff and public front offices to locate the OSS or the need for new ones the existing services procedures etc As part of the regional context this task will define the verification parameters to validate project launch In all cases synergies with existing services will be sought to optimise the use of public resources and to incorporate a crosscutting approach Each region will explore the specific needs of the local community in terms of energy efficiency and retrofit including technologies needed for a given area and ambition of the community for local generation and will prioritise them according to their multiple potential impacts For example the UPSTAIRS service will tackle such issues as splitincentives dilemmas by acting as neutral facilitator between tenants and owners It will also explore the regional tax and policy incentives to complement the prioritisation according to costbenefit criteria A Community Energy Action Plan for each localregional community will be outlined with a longterm scope setting up strategies to tackle all the needs either in the short and the long term

Training Plan for the UP-STAIRS Implementation Champion

This task will develop a suite of training tools and resources that will be freely available for download within the training platform (WP4). Content will be developed by TYN, ECO, SEC and ESEB in the form of Learning Units (LUs) and will include an indicative syllabus, course resources required and level of accreditation to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF). The training program will involve the public authorities and their staff, and will be intended to involve energy consultants and experts (both from the public and private sectors) in the region in promoting collective approaches. The initial training of the UP-STAIRS Implementation Champion will be carried out prior to the OSS setup, and then again once the OSS service is running, as part of an overall iterative strategy to engage all the local/regional energy community.

Community Energy Action Plan for each pilot site

A community energy action plan will be developed in M18

Report on Delivery of Training and Participants Feedback

Report detailing the outcomes of the implementation champions’(ICs) training. Each pilot region will deliver the training to the ICs in their region and will keep a record of the discussions and key learning points. Participants will be asked to leave feedback on how the training can be improved and share their exchanges with policy/decision makers in their specific region. This feedback will be used to enhance the delivered training, which will be freely available on the digital platforms of the regions and will serve as the Train-the-trainer modules for future ICs.

Second progress Report

Second progress report for the project will be submitted to the commission.

Guidelines for practical implementation of OSS business models for collective action

SEC will develop guidelines for practical implementation of OSS business models for collective action in M39

Review existing OSS Structures, Strategies, Tools, Policies and Projects

Desktop analysis will be performed by collecting information about different existing Onestopshop OSS models with their specific features and processing into a comprehensive guidance material The desktop analysis will commence with an investigation of existing materials about OSS models and their practical implementation using as a starting point the following resourcesThe outcomes of the CITYnvest Project and more specifically the experience of GRELIEGE and Rhodoshop OSS and the findings from A review of local authority innovative large scale retrofit financing and operational models developed within the projectThe results from JRC Report The market of onestop shops around Europe The Enerinvest project Map of Experiences where ECO has already gathered and analysed different OSS business models across Europe and the USIf proved valuable other potential sources of summarized information about OSS business models functioning around Europe will be researched and used in the desktop analysis In addition to the desktop analysis personal interviews will be held with a number of selected OSS cases which show the most promising results according to the desktop analysis The interviews will be held in person or by phoneskype with the main aim to get firsthand information about the successes and more important the barriers which often tend to be undervalued and not shown in the public spaces like webpages and written reports These early interviews will provide guidance for the focus of future workshops WP3 WP4 WP5 and WP6 At the end of this task there will be a comprehensive report on current status and perspectives of OSS across Europe to be used as a basis for Task 22

Dissemination materials. 1

As described in section 22 of this proposal targeted publications relating to programme activities as well as looking to the future of Sustainable Energy Communities SECs For example a paper targeting policymakers will be produced to help close the gap on current policy support for SECs and current activities at the grass roots level The project will deliver a paper with recommendations for citizens and community leaders will gather the lessons learned in promoting collective actions The project partners will participate in relevant forums eg national steeringfocus groups fairs and events to further boost the dissemination of programme outputs and opportunities offered by crosssectoral and regional innovation Furthermore the project will run 3 workshops per pilot region during the delivery of WP3 aimed at capacity building and sharing of best practices Task 53 UPSTAIRS partners will host and participate in a final conference to be held towards the end of the programme M35 where the project team will present its outcomes and the future steps towards the use of UPSTAIRS across the European Union The final conference will be held in the context of the international conference World Sustainable Energy Days organised annually by the ESV and will address experts energy managers researchers local authorities large enterprises CEOs and policy makers wishing to be informed of the programme results to exploit them in their local national and international environments ESV will develop templates for UPSTAIRS presentations and reports M2 together with a programme leaflet in different languages if required which will be available in digital and printed format An informational fact sheet will be developed at the beginning of the programme by ESV in different languages in digital and printed format for distribution at seminars convention and conferences Other dissemination materials will be produced flyers posters to reach the citizens and get them know the OSS service as part of the Community Engagement Strategy in WP3

UP-STAIRS videos to engage target audience. 1

2 professional videos will be created in M6 to engage more stakeholders and another at M30 to share the results of the project

Organise one-day workshops with relevant stakeholders and producing an outcome report. 1

The objective of this task is to organize 3 workshops to engage decision makers and share the identified regulatory barriers and potential solutions for collective actions and discussing best ways to communicate with citizens Half day would be focused on brainstorming the solutions presenting project success cases and discussing further actions through the world caf approach The first will be held in conjunction with the initial Implementation Champion training the next two strategically place to maximise impact to policy and decisionmakers A workshop outcome report will be delivered after each workshop Updates to the UPSTAIRS Energy Service Framework will be applied as appropriate

Project Website

The project website will have a public section allowing access to training materials information on energy conservation measures and solutions and best practices information on upcoming UPSTAIRS events regional and EU information published papers the professional videos and other programme related information The website will also contain the private area which will be restricted to the partners and will contain any confidential documents


A review and mapping exercise of energy community regulatory challenges in European member states based on a survey of collective energy actors

Auteurs: Mazaher Haji Bashi, Luciano De Tommasi, Andreea Le Cam, Lorena Sanchez Relano, Padraig Lyons, Joana Mundo, Ivanka Pandelieva-Dimova, Henrik Schapp, Karolina Loth-Babut, Christiane Egger, Marcel Camps, Brian Cassidy, Georgi Angelov, Charlotte Eloise Stancioff
Publié dans: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2023, ISSN 1364-0321
Éditeur: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2022.113055

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