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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

UP-lifting Communities: Structuring collective Action for Sustainable local Transition and Identifying Regulatory Solutions for adopting frontier technologies and disruptive business models

Description du projet

Un nouveau cadre pour les communautés énergétiques

Pour adapter le marché de l’électricité à l’avenir, le Paquet Énergie Propre (PEC) établit un équilibre entre les décisions prises aux niveaux européen, national et local. Si les États membres peuvent choisir leur propre bouquet énergétique, ce dernier doit respecter ses engagements d’améliorer l’efficacité énergétique et l’utilisation des énergies renouvelables d’ici 2030. Le PEC contient deux définitions de la communauté énergétique: Communauté de l’énergie citoyenne et Communauté de l’énergie renouvelable. Le projet UP-STAIRS, financé par l’UE, fournira un cadre commun pour la croissance de ces communautés énergétiques. Il vise à faciliter la participation des citoyens à la transition d’un marché de consommation à un «marché de prosommateur», tout en permettant aux autorités locales de travailler en étroite collaboration avec les citoyens dans ce voyage à travers un guichet unique. Le cadre commun du projet comprend des modèles d’activité, des conseils politiques et réglementaires pertinents et un soutien pour évaluer le potentiel énergétique d’une communauté.


The residential sector has a significant role to play in achieving the EUs binding target of 32.5% energy efficiency saving by 2030. Recent EU Directives have advanced definitions for two types of energy communities. A Renewable Energy Community and a Citizens Energy Community. While there are similarities between the two, there are key differences - their structure and ability to participate as a market actor. There is limited available information published in an approachable manner that explains these differences. Thus organising an energy community requires a great deal of expertise. The regular consumer often feels side-lined and unable to participate.
The UP-STAIRS project addresses these issues with a goal to accelerate the growth of energy communities by providing a common framework. UP-STAIRS removes the barriers to citizen participation in the transition from a consumer-market to a prosumer-market. This transition requires active learning and participation from all stakeholders. The UP-STAIRS Energy Service Framework enables Local Authorities and Citizens to work together through a common structure embodied in a one-stop-shop.
This common structure includes business models and decision support for energy assessment of a communitys energy potential. UP-STAIRS provides a full service information repository on policy and regulatory advice which will give the UP-STAIRS Implementation Champion the confidence to understand the impact that their energy community can make into the market. Community support is through a compendium of energy tutorials on key topics including behaviour change, prosumerism, collective actions and their benefit to consumers, and what it means to become an energy citizen in a sustainable energy community. The UP-STAIRS project consists of 1 RPO, 1 NGO, 1 consultancy organisation, 1 SME, 1 National Energy Authority, 1 Regional Energy Authority, 3 Municipalities/city councils and 1 consumer organisation from 7 member states.

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Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 328 095,00
T12 YN60 Cork

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Ireland Southern South-West
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 328 095,00

Participants (10)