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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Award Excellence, Invest in Trust: Tailored Energy Management Services for East European Local Authorities


Guidelines for local authorities on stakeholder engagement, to be integrated with eea methodology

A guideline targeted to implementing municipalities focusing on the main aspects for the development of local communication strategies including the precise definition of the target audiences the analysis of the right argumentation for each of them the design of the messages and the selection of the right communication channels the use of the appropriate communication tools and the proper monitoring and evaluation of the activities

Report on the pilot application of the training scheme

A report on the pilot application of the training programme with the participating municipalities according to a coherent monitoring scheme developed under the WP including potential for replication The content and results from the peer review meetings will be included in the report

Best case studies

Report on the implementation of the the civil engagement strategy in each participating pilot municipality including at least one largescale pilot activity To be disseminated and communicated through all relevant communication channels nationally and internationally

Analytical report and recommendations on eea integration with SECAPs supported by eea online energy management tool (EMT tool translated and adapted)

Analytical report and recommendations facilitating the integration of the eea energy management approach with SECAPs development using the full capacities of the eea online energy management tool

Set of promotional materials - reports

A report on all promotional materials developed under the project: project flyer, poster, roll-up, final brochure, presentation and press releases.A draft of the deliverable will be uploaded at M18.

Final report on design and setup of national eea programmes and organisational structures

Final report on the activities undertaken in each country for the design and setup of national eea programmes and organisational structures Including analytical report on pilot implementation barriers and gaps analysis and pathways for further development

Policy recommendations at national, regional & local level enabling innovative business models

The policy brief will promote specific recommendations for the integration of the eea approaches within appropriate national regional or local strategies and plans including SECAPs long term strategies for mobilizing investments in energy efficiency at local level operational programmes reports on NECPs etc The report will be updated at M37

Local civil engagement strategies for pilot municipalities

Local civil engagement strategies targeting increased public support for the eea implementation and citizens engagement in specific projects possibly through application of innovative financing models and better integration of the energy community perspective

Toolbox for innovative business models for investors, municipalities (public entrepreneurs) and energy communities

An easytouse toolbox describing different business modelling scenarios for attraction of private investment exploiting the leveraging potential of existing public funds The models well be designed from the point of view of both the municipalities and the private investors integrating different options for combining nationalregional and local public funds with private financing including through using of energy performance contracting ESCo schemes

Report on implementation of eea and integration with SECAPs in pilot municipalities

A report on the pilot implementation of the eea methodology in the participating municipalities under strict planning and application of quality assurance mechanisms including the results from the pilot audits from the first potential municipalities

Intermediate report on design and setup of national eea programmes and organisational structures

Intermediate report on the activities undertaken in each country for the design and setup of national eea programmes and organisational structures Including descriptions of the institutional partners their role and type of engagement as well as national consultants and targeted municipalities

Public result-oriented report

A resultoriented report ca1216 pages focused on the final results of the project and the pathways for their future exploitation and featuring description of the performed activities in the 5 involved countries

Training programme and materials available off- and on-line

A training programme on municipal energy planning and management eea implementation and SECAP integration with a set of topics with clear learning outcomes targeted at two levels policylevel decision makers and energy managers and experts Available for classroom training and in online using the Moodle platform in modules with a total duration of 24 academic hours 8 hours of introductory training and 16 hours of sectorspecific topics

Website of the project

A project website containing full information about the project goals and activities the project team the public deliverables and the news regarding the project implementation Providing links to the communication tools and to the learning platform

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