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Integrated Home Energy RenOvation Service

Descrizione del progetto

Innovazioni per la ristrutturazione delle case nell’area metropolitana di Tolosa

L’UE pensa alla riqualificazione delle case europee come una soluzione conveniente in termini economici e un mezzo per proteggere gli immobili dalle conseguenze della povertà energetica. Il progetto I-HEROS, finanziato dall’UE, svilupperà un servizio di riqualificazione edilizia interamente integrato nell’area metropolitana di Tolosa. Il progetto incrementerà la collaborazione e il coordinamento tra programmi e iniziative esistenti e produrrà innovazioni, come ad esempio uno strumento appositamente sviluppato per la diagnosi tecnica urbana. I-HEROS sarà attuato da un consorzio composto da partner con esperienza sul campo nelle questioni tecniche, digitali, sociali, legali e amministrative legate alla riqualificazione, con il supporto e l’impegno delle parti interessate locali. Il progetto garantirà la sostenibilità a lungo termine del servizio attraverso l’istituzione di un’offerta economicamente interessante, un solido piano aziendale e il monitoraggio delle prestazioni del servizio.


The 3 years long I-HEROS projects aims at developing a fully integrated home renovation service in Toulouse Métropole, the 4th French city with an urban area of 1.3 M inhabitants. The project aims at enhancing cooperation and coordination between existing programs and initiatives while adding innovative elements such as a technical diagnostic tool developed specifically for the Toulouse Métropole housing stock. This will be achieved through a strong consortium relying on partners with in-field experience in the technical, digital, social, legal and administrative aspects of renovation, as well as through a strong support and implication of the local actors. The consortium will capitalize on a widespread regional and national coverage to ensure efficient dissemination of the results and upscaling. The partnership with a German partner ZEBAU, with extensive experience in EU dissemination, will initiate cooperation and replication on an intricate level with the city of Hamburg and Germany. Long term sustainability of the service will be ensured through the development of an attractive financial offer and a robust business plan developed by the consortium under the lead of the Caisse des dépôts et Consignations.
To reach the ambitious objective of renovating 2000 homes per year after the project, a 2-year trial period will initiate 500 renovations per year. During this trial, KPIs tracking and an external evaluation will enable the monitoring of the service performances and its optimization to ensure both the quality and sustainability of the service, ultimately improving homeowners trust. It is expected that, 3 years after the end of the project, 70 M€ of investments in renovation will have been triggered with more than 500 homes saved from energy poverty situations while the whole service will support in excess of 1300 jobs. Three years after, 56 GWh/yr of primary energy will be saved and the reduction of GES emissions is estimated at 14 700 tCO2-eq/yr.

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

CSA - Coordination and support action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 858 995,50
31500 Toulouse

Mostra sulla mappa

Occitanie Midi-Pyrénées Haute-Garonne
Tipo di attività
Public bodies (excluding Research Organisations and Secondary or Higher Education Establishments)
Costo totale
€ 858 995,50

Partecipanti (6)