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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Empowering Energy Poor Citizens through Joint Energy Initiatives

Descrizione del progetto

Sostegno a progetti che affrontano la povertà energetica

Oggi, la povertà energetica rappresenta una sfida importante. Ecco perché i programmi di sostegno e le iniziative finanziarie alternative si sono rivelati uno strumento valido per mitigare gli effetti sui cittadini in tale condizione. Il progetto POWERPOOR, finanziato dall’UE, svilupperà progetti a sostegno dei cittadini colpiti da povertà energetica e l’uso di opzioni di finanziamento alternative come le cooperative o il crowdfunding. Sarà incoraggiato lo scambio di esperienze e conoscenze, la realizzazione di interventi di efficienza energetica su piccola scala e l’installazione di fonti di energia rinnovabili. Progetti pilota di sostegno saranno pianificati e sviluppati in otto paesi dell’UE sotto la direzione di sostenitori/mentori certificati dell’energia che sosterranno oltre 22 000 famiglie colpite da povertà energetica e incoraggeranno il coinvolgimento dei cittadini. I risultati miglioreranno le conoscenze dei responsabili politici e saranno utilizzati per iniziative globali e dell’UE.


The main objective of POWERPOOR is to develop support programmes/schemes for energy poor citizens and encourage the use of alternative financing schemes (e.g. establishing energy communities / cooperatives, crowd funding). POWERPOOR will facilitate experience and knowledge sharing, as well as the implementation of small-scale energy efficiency interventions and the installation of renewable energy sources, increasing the active participation of citizens.

Pilot energy poor support programmes/schemes will be designed, developed and implemented in eight countries across Europe, led by a network of certified Energy Supporters and Energy Communities Mentors. The Energy Supporters / Mentors will support (more than 22,000) energy poor households to plan and implement energy efficiency interventions, as well as participate in joint energy initiatives. Energy poor citizens will be engaged through various planned activities, such as Info Days, Local Energy Poverty Offices, and ICT-driven tools (Energy Poverty Mitigation Toolkit). The establishment of the Stakeholders Liaison Groups will also facilitate the engagement and the provision of support to energy poor households. Guidelines on how to tackle energy poverty in Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans will also be developed.

Based on the experience gained and the lessons learnt from implementing POWERPOOR, EU policy recommendations and 8 National Roadmaps will be elaborated, so that policy makers at all governance levels can learn from the project. The project results will be broadly disseminated, and synergies will be pursued with global and EU initiatives, such as the EU Energy Poverty Observatory and the (EU and Global) Covenant of Mayors on Energy and Climate. The participation of networks in the Consortium will strengthen the dissemination and exploitation of POWERPOOR outputs across Europe during and beyond the project implementation.

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Bando secondario


Meccanismo di finanziamento

CSA - Coordination and support action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 300 625,00
157 80 ATHINA

Mostra sulla mappa

Αττική Aττική Κεντρικός Τομέας Αθηνών
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 300 625,00

Partecipanti (14)