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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Introducing the Internet of Bees: A Smart Beehive System


Einführung fortgeschrittener Technologien in der Imkerei

Honigbienen sind für unser Leben unerlässlich, da sie ein Drittel der für den Menschen bestimmten Nahrungsmittel bestäuben. Die Anzahl der Bienen nimmt jedoch ab, sodass Imkereibetriebe gezwungen sind, ihre Bienenstöcke von Bauernhof zu Bauernhof zu bringen, um die Bestäubung möglich zu machen. Die Imkereibranche, die 600 000 Imkerinnen und Imker in ganz Europa umfasst, ist auf solche Aktivitäten im großen Stil nicht vorbereitet und Bienen können nicht so oft auf diese Weise an neue Orte gebracht werden. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt Pollenity schlägt ein intelligentes System zur Überwachung der Bienenstöcke vor, das den Imkereibetrieben erlaubt, ihre Honigbienenkolonien im Auge zu behalten, ihre Produktivität zu bewerten und potenziellen Gefahren vorzubeugen. Das System besteht aus drei Produkten: der Beebot, ein Sensorgerät innerhalb des Bienenstocks, das von HiHive, einer belastbaren Waage, und dem BBoard ergänzt wird. Das Projekt wird der Imkerei das Internet der Dinge zugänglich machen und so die Nachhaltigkeit des Sektors verbessern.


We rely on one third of all the food on our tables to be pollinated by honeybees. However, their number is dwindling. This obvious shortage has created a new industry - “pollination on demand”. Beekeepers move their beehives from farm to farm in order to provide this service. But beekeepers are not used to such large-scale operations and bees are not used to be moved too often. This results in honeybee colony losses of 32% to 45%.
Pollenity sets off to fix this fundamental disconnect between plants and pollinators. We are offering a smart beehive monitoring system that allows beekeepers to remotely monitor their honeybee colonies, measure their productivity, identify threats and react accordingly and on time. Our product portfolio consists of three products – Beebot, HiHive and the BBoard. The in-hive sensor device, called the Beebot is complimented by a robust weight scale – the HiHive.
The beekeeping industry in Europe features 17 million beehives and 600,000 beekeepers, which is also our serviceable obtainable market. We follow a two-tier revenue model with assets sales of the Beebot sensor and the HiHive scale, and a SaaS subscription model for the access to the software at a small fee per month.
At Bee Smart Technologies, our mission is to assist agriculture with IoT by adopting advanced technologies focusing on sustainability and re-establishing a caring relationship with nature. Our efforts have already been internationally recognized. In 2017, we became part of the IEEE network, received “The best IoT start-up” award from Central European Startup Awards, were featured in Financial Times, received FCC certification and have generally made a lot of buzz over social media.
The objective of the Phase 1 project is to prepare the Phase 2 project that will help Pollenity for large scale market uptake.

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