CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.
Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .
Report on the ability of the salt separator to desalinize inorganic compounds from representative black liquor complex mixture, and on the strategies to continuously extract the salts.
Process design and analysis for the integration of the production of HTL biofuels in conventional pulp millsReport describing the integrated concept design developed in task 4.1.1 and the process analysis performed in task 1.4.2.
Scale-up, risks and costing of integrating the production of HTL biofuels in conventional pulp millsReport on the scale-up methodology and analysis of the overall concept design with estimation of the capital and operating costs including mitigation of technical risks.
Report on the mid-term workshopProceedings of the first workshop organised by the midterm project
Report on batch experiments with different feedstocks and evaluation of concentration profiles. Performance of on-line analyticsReport on batch experiments with different feedstocks and evaluation of concentration profiles. Performance of on-line analytics.
Feasibility assessment of integrating the production of HTL biofuels in conventional pulp millsReport on the economic analysis of the overall process based on a representative business case.
Report on continuous HTL processOperability and performance of the continuous HTL process. Kinetic parameters, correlations, models, and performance of heat and pumping energy recovery systems (Task 1.3.1 and 1.3.2). Test results of industrial black liquors, including kinetic parameters, correlations, models, and performance of heat and pumping energy recovery systems (Task 1.3.3).
Report on the environmental sustainability assessmentA report on the methodology and the results of the assessment of the environmental sustainability of the BL2F value chains.
Project Management PlanA Project Management Plan for project partners, including general info, definition of roles and responsibilities, guidelines, quality assurance plan and training material on research ethics, project procedures, etc. Also includes a Gantt chart and a work Breakdown Structure.
Report on Summer SchoolReport summarizing the organization, program and outcome of the summer school along with the presentations shown and working material elaborated.
Report on the final workshopProceedings of the second workshop organised by the end of the project.
Report on corrosion resistant alloys and recommendationCorrosion mechanisms, and performance of the most relevant metal alloys in HTL conditions.
Report on the online analysis of the HTL-oilCapability of the online analysis method on the measurement and control of the properties of the HTL-oil.
Report on economic sustainability and ecoefficiency analysisA report on the methodology and the results of the economic sustainability and the eco-efficiency potential of BL2F.
Visual identity, project website and social media accountsDescription of the visual identity of the project, the public website plus the Twitter and LinkedIn accounts described in task 7.1.
Replicability analysisReport that evaluates the potential of the BL2F solution to be applied to other sectors
Report on feedstock characterizationReport on the selection of feedstocks and characterization of their chemical and physical properties (Task 1.1)
Report on 2nd stage HDOReport on testing and selection of 2nd stage HDO catalyst.
Report Circularity performance assessmentA report on the selection and description of the circularity assessment methodology, environmental, economic and social indicators of BL2F.
Report on overall side stream treatment conceptReport on the selected aqueous streams and gas treatment concepts.
Demand scenarios for biofuels in 2040Report on major trends influencing the future demand of biofuels
Policy & stakeholder assessmentReport mapping national and EU policies and stakeholders, with recommendations for policy interventions and measures
Dissemination & Communication PlanPlan outlining all the communication and dissemination activities (overall strategy, key messages, target audiences, visual identity and social media channels, handbook for partners...) related to task 7.1 and task 7.2
Report on IHDOReport on testing and selection of IHDO catalyst.
Report on aqueous phase reforming conceptReport on the long-term operation of reforming catalyst and its integration to the IHTL process.
Report on integrated HTL-salt separationReport on the ability of salt separator to desalinize black liquor while maintaining high liquefaction efficiency (integrated HTL-salt separator), the steadiness of the separation over time and the quality of the desalinized stream (S content, inorganics and organics).
Report on public engagement activitiesDescription of the communication materials produced, and activities carried out in task 7.3.
Report on HDO kinetic modellingReport on HDO kinetic model development and parameter estimation.
Report on HTL-oil characterizationProviding comprehensive compositional data of the HTL-oil sample(s) and analytical method description as well as concentration profiles of key products in dependence of reaction conditions, and the stability of fuel intermediate (linked with WP3).
Reports about the model structures and modelling principles, their main input variables and results.
A detailed plan for data management, incl. information about the data collected and generated under the project, handling, publishing and the storing of the data after the project.
Rautiainen, S; Hyppönen, F; Viertiö, T; Lehtonen, J; Meca, L; Kukula, P
Publié dans:
NWBC 2022: The 10th Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference, Numéro VTT Technology 409, 2022, ISBN 978-951-38-8772-8
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Blucher, D; Lange, T; Saanum, I; Sandquist, J; Uusitalo, M
Publié dans:
31st European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Numéro European biomass conference and exhibition proceedings, 2023, Page(s) 988-991, ISBN 978-88-89407-23-3
European biomass conference and exhibition proceedings
Arias, A,; Nika, C.-E.: Vasilaki V.; Feijoo, G; Moreira, M.; Katsou, E
Publié dans:
Renewable and sustainable energy reviews, Numéro Volume 197, June 2024, 2024, ISSN 1364-0321
Elsevier BV
Lappalainen, Jukka; Baudouin, David; Hornung, Ursel; Schuler, Julia; Melin, Kristian; Bjelić, Saša; Vogel, Frédéric; Konttinen, Jukka; Joronen, Tero
Publié dans:
Energies, 13 (13), Article: 3309, Numéro 13, 2020, ISSN 1996-1073
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
Wörner, M., Werner, L., Canabarro, N. I., Baudouin, D., Hornung, U., & Dahmen, N.
Publié dans:
Energy Fuels 2024, PyroLiq 2023, 2024, ISSN 0887-0624
American Chemical Society
Wörner, M., Barsuhn, A., Zevaco, T., Hornung, U., & Dahmen, N.
Publié dans:
"Energy Fuels ""PyroLiq 2023""", 2024, ISSN 0887-0624
American Chemical Society
Runyu Wang, Roger Deplazes, Frédéric Vogel, and David Baudouin
Publié dans:
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Numéro 2021, 60, 10, 2021, Page(s) 4072-4085, ISSN 1520-5045
American Chemical Society
Nicholas I. Canabarro, Darius J. Yeadon, Maximilian Wörner, Ursel Hornung, Frédéric Vogel, David Baudouin
Publié dans:
Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2024, ISSN 0896-8446
Elsevier BV
Pola, L., Collado, S., Wörner, M., Hornung, U., Diaz, M
Publié dans:
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Numéro colume 11, issue 5, 2023, ISSN 2213-3437
Elsevier BV
Lucía Pola; Sergio Collado; Maximilian Wörner; Ursel Hornung; Mario Díaz
Publié dans:
Chemosphere, 339, Art.-Nr.: 139737, Numéro 10, 2023, ISSN 0045-6535
Pergamon Press Ltd.
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