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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Performance Improvement for Vehicles on Track 2


D7.3 Position paper

The deliverable of the Task 7.3 is the final report including the propositions for WG10, the description of simulation process to limit over-speed testing improvement of the method for validating a model against measurements

D2.4 Optimization tool for multi-functional design solutions report

Optimization tool for multi-functional design solutions report

D9.4 Virtual Validation & Certification Brakes: Executive Summary of Specifications

This deliverable provides summary of following specification developed in subtasks 9.3.1, 9.3.2 and 9.3.3 - Railway Vehicle Certification Process Specification focusing Brake Systems (including Virtual Validation & Certification)- Railway Vehicle Simulator Specification (allowing Virtual Validation & Certification)- Railway Vehicle Verification & Validation Specification (allowing to test a railway vehicle simulator against its specification)

D4.3 KPI assessment report

KPI assessment report

D17.4 Extract Final KPI Report of TD1.7

General public description of the final concepts and the benefices compared to the original ambitions.

D8.3 Concrete applications description

The deliverable of the Task 8.3 is the final report including the new propositions, taking into account return on experiment about what has been done in WP7.

D18.4 Fundamental work on HVAC

Overview on standardisation of interfacesApplicability of alternative refrigerantsRisk aspectsFirst estimation of KPI reference values and KPI-impact of CO2 HVAC unitsImprovement in the environmental footprint(Results of tasks 18.7 and 18.8)

D3.4 Assessment for the optimization tool report

Assessment for the optimization tool report comparing the conceptual designs derived from the optimization tool with a laboratory demonstrator.

D15.1 Specifications for Open Call S2R-OC-IP1-01-2019

The members of WP15 will written a Design Brief to the Open Call to clarify expectations, deliverables and constraints and help the Open Call to start the work with any misunderstandings. This document will also define the data WP members could share with the Open Call and which data we need from the Open Call to continue our work.

D16.4 Extract Ecodesign analysis of concepts

Extract of the 16.1 which could be public

D9.5 Innovative Friction Pairing solutions - High level concept

- Innovative Friction pairing feasibility study - Market needs and new materials investigation for dust reduction focus

D4.1 Certification procedures report

Certification procedures report for the new generation of carbody shells including new materials

D14.4 kpi report

Definition of the kpi, definition, of the references to calculate the kpi and presentation of the results of the calculations or measures

D11.4 Detailed proposal on adhesion related standards changes

- the proposals on adhesion-related standards changes discussed by the PIVOT2 task group will be summarized within this deliverable- where applicable, additional measurements will be made to support the proposals by analysed measurement data

D1.5 Optimization tool preliminary results

Optimization tool preliminary results applied to railway carbodies.

D8.1 Technical Demonstrator of lighter running gear components

Evaluation of the different Technical Demonstrators, the obtained results and the benefits achieved including conclusion and recommendations.

D3.1 Talgo Demonstrator

Prototype demonstration in InnoTrans 2022 of Talgo Demonstrator

D17.2 Virtual prototypes for Innotrans 2022 - Interiors and Cabin

Virtual demonstrator to test the immersive configurator and build in real time a new layout and ambiance on board. The demonstrator will be done in Virtual Reality.

D3.3 Siemens Demonstrator

Siemens Demonstrator for the test campaign

D3.2 Bombardier Demonstrator

Bombardier Demonstrator for the test campaign

D6.1 Technical Demonstrator of HMS

This deliverable will include a description of the different Technical Demonstrator, the obtained results and the benefits achieved by the different systems.

D17.1 Physical prototypes for Innotrans 2022 - Interiors

Physical demonstrator in real size to test in real time the new interiors

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