Periodic Reporting for period 2 - BATTERY PLUS (High performing batteries for accelerated uptake of hybrid and electric vehicles)
Berichtszeitraum: 2020-12-01 bis 2022-05-31
Finding a better battery is crucial to the green energy revolution.
Nevertheless, current battery developments have been primarily focused on cars, targeting big manufacturers under long-delivery times, underserving market demands towards new mobility options. There is a trend underpinned by:-(I) EU Transport goals to reduce C02 emissions from cars, (II) New mobility patterns demanding more flexible, accessible and affordable transport and (III) Increasing urban densities and traffic congestions as >68% of world population will be living in high-density urban areas by 2050 (UN)- that are expected to contribute towards a massive spread out to other vehicles used in urban and inner cities such as Light Electric Vehicles–LEVs ( and Heavy Duty Electric Vehicles– HDEVs(e.g. buses). So far, there are still crucial customer pain points depending on battery technology that must be overcome.
Electric vehicles may stall without a battery revolution and LEVs and HDEVs cannot be left behind.
After the project we now have two outstanding market ready battery solutions that will allow our internationalization and scale up. With our technology, with our own production and with certifications and homologations. flexiEBUST is the first high voltage battery pack manufactured developed and manufactured in Spain with UN/ECE-R100rev2 certification and flexiFIVEL is the first battery solution of its kind with this automotive certification.
We have manufactured flexiEBUST and flexiFIVEL prototypes for validation and for demonstration purposes with potential customers that tested them in real conditions. This served as validation and demonstration activities very useful for our market uptake.
During this period, we successfully certified both battery solutions. We also industrialized the product in our own factory in Barcelona and prepared the industrialization scale-up for the next years.
Apart from the more technical work we also updated our commercialization and marketing plan including a internationalization plan. Added to this we did more than 20 demonstration activities and enlarged our dissemination and communication actions. Also during the last year we updated our IPR strategy and made sure that we keep our freedom to operate correctly.
We follow a B2B model, our target customers are HD&LEV manufacturers. Next steps are manufacturing scale-up, finalise regulatory compliance, pre-commercial actions. BATTERY+ will accelerate our growth phase and accessing new geographical markets, primarily in EU and later on international markets (USA, Canada and LATAM). The project will position EU at the forefront of the electric-vehicle development race, arming LEV/HDEV vehicles with the best batteries in sight. It will also bring substantial benefits to the lives of millions of people worldwide: diminishing air and traffic pollution, contributing to sustainable development and increasing safety an facilitating the efforts for electric battery manipulators.
After the project we now have two outstanding market ready battery solutions that will allow our internationalization and scale up. With our technology, with our own production and with certifications and homologations. flexiEBUST is the first high voltage battery pack manufactured developed and manufactured in Spain with UN/ECE-R100rev2 certification and flexiFIVEL is the first battery solution of its kind with this automotive certification. This achievements are bringing the market opportunities that we were looking for.