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Glare control with media functionality - VideowindoW

Description du projet

Utiliser les avancées technologiques pour contrôler les reflets

De nos jours, le verre utilisé pour les fenêtres et les portes apporte davantage de lumière naturelle et de transparence. Toutefois, la maîtrise de la quantité de lumière et de chaleur pénétrant dans un bâtiment reste un problème. Les systèmes actuels de contrôle de l’éblouissement ne sont que partiellement efficaces. VideowindoW propose une nouvelle solution. Sa technologie novatrice intègre des pixels microscopiques dans la couche externe du verre, transformant une façade vitrée en une plateforme médiatique transparente adaptée à la diffusion publicitaire. C’est la méthode idéale pour contrôler l’éblouissement dans les zones urbaines à forte densité de trafic. Le projet VW, financé par l’UE, établira un plan d’affaires pour le marché européen, identifiera les espaces publics adéquats, élaborera des modèles économiques et étudiera l’intégration du système dans les façades en verre existantes.


In urban environments, glass offers transparency to buildings and public spaces. It is however always accompanied by glare control solutions to manage the amount of light and heat entering the building. VideowindoW has developed a revolutionary alternative to conventional blinds or awning, which eliminates the choice between daylight or transparency. Multiple transparent modules are integrated into the glass façade, each module consisting of tiny LCD-segments (‘pixels’). The transparency of these pixels is independently controlled at very high speed. This enables the transformation of the glass façade into a transparent media platform. The content shown in the glass façade simultaneously serves as glare control. By using light sensors in combination with a proprietary algorithm the density of the content is calculated to yield the required degree of transparency. VideowindoW reduces energy consumption up to 30% (of which 20% climate control and 10% interior lighting). These savings help customers achieve sustainability goals. Customers now even have the opportunity to turn glass into a source of revenue, as it is transformed into potential advertising space by VideowindoW.
The proposed SME-Instrument project is aimed at the European scale-up of the VideowindoW technology towards high-traffic locations, such as public transport hubs). VideowindoW offers a revolutionary glare control technology with added media functionality and lower energy use, that can be applied to many other market segments as well. Each of these might require a different market approach and tailormade business model.
Specific objectives in this Ph1-study are to explore promising business cases for VideowindoW in public transport hubs, identify other promising market segments, define potential business models to help determine value-based pricing, research how VideowindoW can be optimally integrated in new and existing buildings, and elaborate on a detailed business plan for European scale (D1).

Appel à propositions


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Régime de financement

SME-1 - SME instrument phase 1


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 50 000,00

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L’entreprise s’est définie comme une PME (petite et moyenne entreprise) au moment de la signature de la convention de subvention.

West-Nederland Noord-Holland Groot-Amsterdam
Type d’activité
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coût total
€ 71 429,00