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advanced all Solid stAte saFE LIthium Metal technology tOwards Vehicle Electrification

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - SAFELiMOVE (advanced all Solid stAte saFE LIthium Metal technology tOwards Vehicle Electrification)

Berichtszeitraum: 2021-07-01 bis 2022-12-31

Energy generation and storage is a key technology in the modern world. Batteries have been identified by the European Union (EU) as a key technology to aid the transition to a low-carbon economy. Europe's future battery cell business is especially important as many European nations make plans to phase out the internal combustion engine over the next two decades. The European Commission proposed a 30% reduction in CO2 emission of vehicles by 2030 compared to 2021 levels, intensifying the fight against global warming. The plan, which will progressively tighten existing CO2 limits, features incentives for automakers to shift to EVs.
However, the technological and commercial competitiveness of battery cells is one of the main challenges that must be overcome if millions of EVs are to be launched in the near to mid-term. For instance, currently the European industry lacks sufficient cell technology and manufacturing capacity, implying that today’s batteries do not meet all the requirements to enable widespread adoption of electric vehicles.
In this context, SAFELiMOVE will develop a new lithium metal (LiM) battery cell technology based on a safe, reliable, and high performing solid-state electrolyte, gaining a competitive advantage over the worldwide competition (mainly Asian). This will sustainably strengthen the EU as a technological and manufacturing leader in batteries. In addition, the implementation of this initiative will lead to the achievement of other complementary objectives, among which we can mention:

1) Development of a battery with high gravimetric and volumetric energy densities up to 2 times higher than the ones found in SoA (450 Wh/kg and 1200 Wh/L versus 240 Wh/kg and 600 Wh/L).
2) Development of a battery easily adaptable to operate at room temperature (versus 70°C for a commercial battery pack using LiM) by the incorporation of a highly conductive hybrid ceramic-polymer electrolyte, able to cover the typical EV operating conditions.
3) Identification of a safe technology based on all-solid-state concept which allows working with high specific capacity LiM anode decreasing the risk of side reactions, instabilities and fire derived from the use of conventional liquid electrolytes.
4) Encourage a sustainable technology based on the decreased dependency of critical raw materials as cobalt (decreased in the active material to only a 5%) and free of graphite (LiM anode).
5) Increase the competitive cost compared to current technologies, which will result from combining innovative, highly performant materials with efficient and cost-effective cell design.
6) Development of new technology for scalable processing of all solid-state batteries.
7) Development of a battery technology that allows meeting the requirements of driving autonomy, cycle life, charge time and power at discharge required by EV users
From January 2020 to December 2022, three main actions have been taken towards the achievement of SAFELiMOVE goals: 1) SAFELiMOVE cells design; 2) Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 materials development and interfaces optimization; 3) manufacturing of the first SAFELiMOVE 1 Ah cells.
Firstly, in order to ensure the achievement of SAFELiMOVE’ s targets in a properly and timely manner, different specifications required for the cell format design have been defined based on the estimations of key cell parameters such as volumetric and gravimetric energy densities. Starting from the requirements for the final cell used in the battery-based electric vehicles (BEVs), the design of different cells formats, namely 10 Ah and 1 Ah pouch cells, which will be developed within the project have been defined. Moreover, the evaluation of the different generations of materials as well as the preliminary results of the 1 Ah prototype cycling will allow to close monitor the needs to update the defined design and targets at the beginning of the project.
Additionally, a battery cell is very much defined by the materials and the interaction of materials within the cell. The development of a set of advanced battery materials is therefore one of the core activities within the SAFELiMOVE project. The individual material properties already define the potential of the cell in terms of energy density and cycling performance. However, what is even more important is the interaction of the materials with each other in the complex environment of a battery cell. Within SAFELiMOVE project the material development has been done in three steps (Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3), and the testing of each material generation has allowed to finely tune the design of the upcoming one., In this way, after the development and delivery of Level 1 materials, a depth study of the different inter- and intra-interfaces was done and the subsequent material levels were designed accordingly to overcome the identified shortage. During this period, SAFELiMOVE Level 1 and Level 2 materials have been developed and delivered to cell manufacturers, comprising a hybrid electrolyte, NMC cathode material and an ultrathin Lithium metal foil. Additionally, Level 3 material has been developed and will be the final material generation to be used within 10 Ah cell in the last period of the project.
Finally, from the cell perspective, two generations of SAFELiMOVE coin and mono-layer pouch cells have been manufactured using Level 1 and Level 2 materials. The interface characterization and electrochemical testing of these cells has provided the feedback to develop the first SAFELIMOVE prototype of 1 Ah that is currently under validation by means of safety and cycling.
Currently, the battery market is dominated by conventional Li-ion technology, where a graphitized material as negative electrode, a lithium transition metal oxide as positive electrode, and a carbonate-based liquid solution as electrolyte are employed. However, the need of higher energy density batteries has attracted much interest in the use of materials with higher capacity [e.g. lithium metal, LiM (3860 mAh g–1) vs. graphite (372 mAh g–1)]; and at the same time, avoid the use of flammable organic solvents due to their severe safety issues.
On this regard, SAFELiMOVE has gone one-step further beyond the state of the art and is tackling above mentioned issues by the development of a safe hybrid ceramic-polymer electrolyte with high electrochemical stability allowing the deployment of Ni-rich NMC (high voltage and high energy density) cathode, combined with high specific capacity LiM anode.
In addition, other expected results and impacts are:
1) Proven safety and cost reduction (<100€/kWh) thanks to the developed solid-state technology.
2) SAFELiMOVE will allow the EU battery industry to differentiate itself from the competitors and create a new market whereby the price is determined by the added value of the new solid-state batteries.
3) SAFELiMOVE will cover the full range of modelling competences starting from ionic transport modelling until battery module design, filling the missing gap related to solid state battery technology.
SAFELiMOVE Level 1 pouch cell
SAFELiMOVE_Lithium film production and its characterisation