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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Championing A Multi-Sectoral Education and Learning Experience to Open New Pathways for Doctoral Students

Descripción del proyecto

Doctorados colaborativos para satisfacer las necesidades del futuro

El mercado laboral se ha transformado en gran medida durante los últimos años, en gran parte debido a la globalización y al desarrollo tecnológico. Además de las especializaciones surgidas en sectores muy técnicos y de reciente creación, se prevén muchos más cambios en un futuro próximo. Desafortunadamente, la educación superior no está evolucionando lo suficientemente rápido, lo que implica una carencia de las competencias necesarias para abordar los problemas de la sociedad actual. El proyecto financiado con fondos europeos CHAMELEONS creará unidades internacionales, intersectoriales e interdisciplinarias para aumentar las probabilidades de encontrar un empleo por parte de los alumnos que hayan cursado un doctorado. El proyecto les ayudará a ampliar sus competencias y a ajustarse a las necesidades del mercado, ampliando sus perspectivas de desarrollo futuro en disciplinas donde puedan servir a la sociedad de las maneras más productivas.


Ten years from now, jobs will be more knowledge and skills-intensive than ever before. Globalisation and technological advances indicate that there will be changes in sectoral structure and demand for new types of skills we are not even currently anticipating. Currently only 30% of all doctoral graduates currently stay in academia with the remaining 70% seeking employment outside the academic setting, for example in industry and government . It is therefore clear that these graduates possess many of the required skills for purposeful employment outside academia. A gap has been identified in that current doctoral curricula do not foster big thinkers and creative problem-solvers, graduate attributes that society needs. There is a growing need to re-imagine a PhD education that incentivises doctoral students to engage with research consumers, not only within their discipline, but also, across other disciplines and sectors to have real social impact for an improved society. At a professional and research level, international, interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral networks are on the increase. Such collaborative doctoral programs can assist the knowledge society in finding innovative ways of approaching the world’s problems by asking creative questions and finding creative solutions within multiple employment contexts. To date, there is a lack of research in the area of the interdisciplinary, inter-sectoral doctoral education and the question remains: how do we best design these programmes to ensure that the PhD students’ develop into big thinkers? The overall aim of CHAMELONS is to develop a range of interdisciplinary, inter-sectoral and international modules which are designed to broaden the skills of PhD graduates and improve their employability in academic and non-academic environments.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Régimen de financiación

CSA - Coordination and support action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 378 125,00
4 Dublin

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Ireland Eastern and Midland Dublin
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 378 125,00

Participantes (9)