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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
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WeCount: Citizens Observing UrbaN Transport

CORDIS fornisce collegamenti ai risultati finali pubblici e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti ORIZZONTE.

I link ai risultati e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti del 7° PQ, così come i link ad alcuni tipi di risultati specifici come dataset e software, sono recuperati dinamicamente da .OpenAIRE .

Risultati finali

Final Summative Project Report: summarizing overarching conclusions of the citizen science activities, guidelines building, installation and data analysis

summarizing overarching conclusions of the citizen science activities guidelines building installation and data analysis

Dissemination and communication strategy - UPDATE2

update D61 with and updated list of events policy brief

M&E Framework Report

evaluation framework to evaluate the cases

Overview of WeCount communication activities

An overview of all communication activities within WeCound

Exploitation strategy

A description of how the WeCount consortium members will build on the outcomes of the project and recommendations for using the results after the project ends

Summative M&E Case Study Report - Cardiff, Dublin & Ljubljana

An evaluation report for 3 case studies Cardiff Dublin Ljubljana1 project strategy and direction 2 project management 3 project outputs 4 individual and organisation uptake 5 project outcomesimpact and 6 context of the project and its stakeholders across the wider policy area

Dissemination and communication strategy - UPDATE1

update D6.1 with and updated list of events & policy brief

Dissemination and communication strategy

This Deliverable will further refine the target group’s contacts, identifying key messages and the most efficient channels to reach each of these and will incorporate a Knowledge & Impact Management Framework as the two strategies are intrinsically link. It will also guarantee a maximum exploitation of the project results (by establishing the ‘WeCount project legacy’).

Summative Pilot Report - Leuven & Madrid

Summarizing the process establishing the citizen science activity the results of the citizen engagement in terms of participant involvement data analysis on data generated in the citizen science activity and policy impact

Infrastructuring local communities for citizen science interventions on mobility

This deliverable includes knowledge gathered through T21 T23 and T24 It presents and discusses the strategy used to nurture community champions and local communities in the five pilots The first version of this deliverable is delivered at the end of the first two pilots Madrid and Leuven The final version includes the methods improved for running the second set of pilots Cardiff Dublin and Ljubljana

Final Summative M&E Project Report

overarching evaluation summative report of all pilots and cases and project as a whole

Summative Case Study Report – Cardiff, Dublin & Ljubljana

Summarizing the process establishing the citizen science activity the results of the citizen engagement in terms of participant involvement data analysis on data generated in the citizen science activity and policy impact

Summative M&E Pilot Report - Leuven & Madrid

An evaluation report for the pilots Leuven Madrid1 project strategy and direction 2 project management 3 project outputs 4 individual and organisation uptake 5 project outcomesimpact and 6 context of the project and its stakeholders across the wider policy area

Initial WeCount platform and sensor kids

An integrated web-platform with information, back-end data handling procedures, front-end data visualization and a set of available “as is” sensors kits, including usage and (if needed) assembly guidelines, for initial use in the first 2 pilots (Leuven and Madrid).

Final WeCount platform and sensor kits

The final WeCount platform and sensor kits adapted from D31 codesigned with users continuously in two initial pilots Leuven and Madrid as well as the three followup case studies Cardiff Dublin and LjubljanaThis will include an API to sensor data for users outside the consortium


a wellstructured interactive WeCount website will serve as the entrance point for the project


Applying Social Learning to Climate Communications—Visualising ‘People Like Me’ in Air Pollution and Climate Change Data

Autori: Fogg-Rogers, L.; Hayes, E.; Vanherle, K.; Pápics, P.I.; Chatterton, T.; Barnes, J.; Slingerland, S.; Boushel, C.; Laggan, S.; Longhurst, J
Pubblicato in: Sustainability, Numero 2021, 13, 3406, 2021, ISSN 2071-1050
Editore: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/su13063406

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