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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Citizen Science for Environmental Citizenship: Backyard Birding and the Potential for Cultivating Green Engagement

Descripción del proyecto

Cómo hacer crecer la ciudadanía medioambiental

La participación y colaboración del público en la investigación científica con el fin de aumentar el conocimiento científico se denomina ciencia ciudadana y sus beneficios son ampliamente conocidos. Sin embargo, el papel de los ciudadanos en este proceso y el de la ciencia ciudadana a la hora de respaldar la ciudadanía medioambiental no se comprenden plenamente. El proyecto EnviroCitizen, financiado con fondos europeos, investigará la medida en que la ciencia incentiva e incrementa la ciudadanía medioambiental y promueve la sostenibilidad medioambiental a través de la implicación de los ciudadanos en actividades medioambientales. El proyecto se centrará en actividades de observación de aves con el fin de estimar la evolución de la implicación de los ciudadanos y evaluar la forma en que estas actividades impulsan a los ciudadanos a ejercer la ciudadanía medioambiental. Los hallazgos se utilizarán para elaborar programas escolares y eventos públicos en varias lenguas destinados a aumentar la participación en actividades de recuento de aves y a concienciar sobre la ciudadanía medioambiental.


While many projects have stressed the scientific quality of citizen science activities, there has been less inquiry into the ‘citizen’ part of the phrase ‘citizen science’. EnviroCitizen proposes that the social capacity potential of citizen science extends to the very roots of what it means to be a citizen of the planet. We want to understand the ways in which citizen science involvement has been and could be in the future used to cultivate environmental citizenship, which encompasses new ways of thinking and acting in all aspects of life to promote environmental sustainability.
The EnviroCitizen project brings together seven partners in Norway, Sweden, Estonia, Netherlands, Romania, Spain, and Cyprus to uncover the processes by which citizen scientists working in environmental-based activities can strengthen their environmental citizenship. We have selected to study birding activities because they hold great potential for developing environmental citizenship. We will (1) assess the evolution of citizen involvement in citizen science birding activities; (2) evaluate how citizens learn about and enact environmental citizenship through their citizen science birding activities; and (3) develop innovative community interventions designed to complement existing citizen science birding programs in order to cultivate environmental citizenship in the future. We will create new knowledge and community interventions in six different languages and cultures across Europe through an ambitious multi-language school-based educational program and public engagement events to both increase participation in existing bird counting activities and raise environmental citizenship as a deliberate outcome of involvement in these activities. We have engaged ornithology non-profit organizations as supporting external groups in the project in order to facilitate the research tasks as well as uptake and impact of the project’s intervention deliverables.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Régimen de financiación

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 665 295,00
4021 Stavanger

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Norge Vestlandet Rogaland
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 1 017 150,00

Participantes (6)