Opis projektu
Zwiększenie inkluzywności edukacji naukowej
Nauka jest kluczowym elementem nowoczesnych społeczeństw. Jednak nawet w nauce obecne są stereotypy społeczne i działania dyskryminujące wpływające na określone społeczności (osoby z niepełnosprawnością, mniejszości, imigrantów i kobiety). Dlatego też w UE, gdzie swój dom mają liczne społeczności narażone na dyskryminację, konieczne jest wprowadzenie inkluzywnego podejścia do edukacji naukowej, aby można było zapewnić takim społecznościom pełen udział w społeczeństwie. Z tego powodu celem finansowanego przez UE projektu C4S jest zbadanie relacji pomiędzy nauką a społeczeństwem poprzez koncentrację na narażonych społecznościach dla zapewnienia im widoczności i równego dostępu do nauki, a także dla zwiększenia bazy wiedzy na temat inkluzywnej edukacji naukowej. W sześciu lokalnych punktach dla dzieci i ich rodzin organizowane będą działania z zakresu edukacji naukowej promujące świadomość w zakresie nauki oraz inkluzywne podejścia do edukacji naukowej.
AIM: Communities for Sciences (C4S) will be developed in 9 European cities (Milan -Italy-, Brussels -Belgium-, Manresa -Spain-, Vic – Spain-, Vienna -Austria-, Budapest -Hungary-, Sofia -Bulgaria-, Lund -Sweden- and Berlin -Germany) and their areas of influence. The activities that will be implemented will be coordinated by a local Hub in 6 cities with the leadership of one of these local partners of the Consortium. Each Hub will focus on a specific vulnerable community (immigrants, Roma community and disabled citizens) working with and for children and youth aged from 0-16 years old and their families. C4S will study the relationships between science and society by focusing upon vulnerable communities due to the fact that they are often not visible as active social agents. It is necessary not only to create activities for them, but also to include them as co-participants of these activities in order to ensure a more coherent approach towards inclusive education and to promote anticipatory policy-making. This will be done through science education activities, through formal and non-formal educational institutions, from an inclusive standpoint, to provide them with better science awareness and capacities and to make them progressively aware of exclusionary practices that at times may occur in science. Special emphasis will be put on engaging them in an intersectional approach to fight against the gender discrimination suffered by women and girls on multiple levels. In addition to this, each HUB will engage with policy-makers, educators and institutional representatives to promote their role in supporting and promoting an inclusive science education approach and to consolidate such inclusive practices on more solid grounds.
Słowa kluczowe
- H2020-EU.5.c. - Integrate society in science and innovation issues, policies and activities in order to integrate citizens' interests and values and to increase the quality, relevance, social acceptability and sustainability of research and innovation outcomes in various fields of activity from social innovation to areas such as biotechnology and nanotechnology Main Programme
- H2020-EU.5.g. - Take due and proportional precautions in research and innovation activities by anticipating and assessing potential environmental, health and safety impacts
- H2020-EU.5.d. - Encourage citizens to engage in science through formal and informal science education, and promote the diffusion of science-based activities, namely in science centres and through other appropriate channels
- H2020-EU.5.h. - Improving knowledge on science communication in order to improve the quality and effectiveness of interactions between scientists, general media and the public
- H2020-EU.5.a. - Make scientific and technological careers attractive to young students, and forster sustainable interaction between schools, research institutions, industry and civil society organisations
- H2020-EU.5.f. - Develop the governance for the advancement of responsible research and innovation by all stakeholders, which is sensitive to society needs and demands and promote an ethics framework for research and innovation
- H2020-EU.5.b. - Promote gender equality in particular by supporting structural change in the organisation of research institutions and in the content and design of research activities
- H2020-EU.5.e. - Develop the accessibility and the use of the results of publicly-funded research
Zaproszenie do składania wniosków
Zobacz inne projekty w ramach tego zaproszeniaSzczegółowe działanie
System finansowania
RIA - Research and Innovation actionKoordynator
08242 Manresa