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Migration Impact Assessment to Enhance Integration and Local Development in European Rural and Mountain Areas

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - MATILDE (Migration Impact Assessment to Enhance Integration and Local Development in European Rural and Mountain Areas)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2021-05-01 al 2023-01-31

MATILDE set out to improve knowledge on the social and economic impacts of migration processes that are directed from countries with a strong migratory pressure and from European cities towards rural and mountain areas. To do so, the project conducted both quantitative and qualitative analysis of the effects of TCNs arrival and settlement on the social and economic domains. The two-level consortium, which brought together research and local partners, guaranteed a multi-actor perspective and the engagement of local stakeholders throughout the project. The role of the local partners has been particularly useful in sharing and implementing the recommendations produced by the project. The project conducted the assessment of the social and economic impacts of TCNs at EU-aggregate, national, regional, and local levels. It devoted specific attention to challenges and potential linked to local development, redistribution of local resources in terms of access to and quality of services, and changes in urban-rural relationships deriving from the arrival and settlement of migrants in rural and mountain areas. Path-dependency of immigration processes, insisting on specific local contexts on a temporal scale, was considered as an important impact factor, keeping in mind that spaces in which immigrants settle down are both the input and the output of a process of collective production of places.
MATILDE has achieved all its objectives and responded adaptively to the dramatic challenge posed by the Covid-19 pandemic. MATILDE carried out an exhaustive mapping of the foreign immigrant presence in the 10 countries involved in the project, with a specific focus on rural and mountain areas and with a series of in-depth studies on the territories that will later become local case studies. At the same time, we proceeded on a theoretical-methodological level, developing a conceptual framework capable of grasping and then representing the multidimensionality of migration processes related to European mountain and rural areas, with particular reference to the link between immigration and local development. This work of conceptualisation was accompanied by a reflection on the research dimensions and tools most suitable for understanding the migration phenomenon in the territories considered, both from a quantitative and qualitative point of view, in order to build finally an original and innovative toolbox for the subsequent phases of investigation in the field. The research partners intensified their relations with local partners, fostering the involvement of the latter in the reflection on conceptual tools, data collection and activation of local networks, for future engagement in view of the participatory action-research envisaged in the different territorial cases.

With the development of a conceptual framework capable of capturing and then representing the multidimensionality of migration processes related to rural and mountain areas of Aragon, with special reference to the link between immigration and local development. As local partners implemented in the Autonomous Community of Aragon in the Comprehensive Management Plan has been improved of the Cultural Diversity of Aragon (2022-2025).
Through the multiscale analysis of social policies and their interaction with TCNs, MATILDE has provided concrete evidence and guidance for policy makers to improve the governance of migration at various levels. MATILDE examined factors and processes through which migration can be a driver of economic development at various levels. The project has built new knowledge about TCNs contribution on several economic dimensions and provides concrete measures, policy recommendations and best-practices that can strengthen the potential of migration to deliver significant economic benefits. Overall, the results of these analyses support more effective economic policies conducive to sustainable growth and, in the long-term, reducing conflict over scarce resources such as employment. In terms of policy impact, MATILDE has provided new knowledge on policy effectiveness at different levels. The project identified solutions and key actors that shape integration, therefore contributing to a more informed understanding of the challenges and opportunities of integration and the possible solutions to the policy voids or the lack of effective policies. MATILDE operated on the basis of a solution-oriented research approach that, while investigating the impact of migration at different levels, also identified best practices and solutions together with the subjects involved in the research activities. MATILDE has generated new scholarly knowledge by providing a conceptual and methodological framework (MATILDE matrix and toolbox) to understand TCNs impact in destination countries, regions and local contexts and their relations with situated social and economic structures. The project has therefore contributed to a better understanding of the challenges and opportunities for hosting communities and TCNs. Our place and context specified approached has led to a number of publications with significant local level impact. MATILDE addressed misperceptions related to foreign immigrants by reinforcing public awareness through the co-construction of knowledge with stakeholders at different levels Evidence-based knowledge was used to stimulate the use of a different language in public debates on migration – thereby, building more inclusive and reflective societies. Public impact in MATILDE regions was guaranteed by the embeddedness of local partners, that acted as a channel to reach a broad range of stakeholders and a logistics facilitator in order to organize and take part in local events where MATILDE results were presented to a broad range of actors. MATILDE has made a remarkable contribution to the revitalization of the remote, agricultural and mountainous places in Europe, which have been neglected over the last few decades.

MATILDE has provided guidance to design and implement policies that improve the integration of migrants, so that they are more visible as an engine of economic and social development. Especially useful has been the analysis of best practices to strengthen the potential of migration, identifying problems, solutions and key players that shape integration. It has had significant impact to identify misperceptions related to foreign immigrants, to stimulate the use of a different language in public debates on migration, reinforcing positive narratives around immigration and its people. As a local partner, we have acted as a bridge to reach a wide range of interested parties to contribute to the revitalization of the rural environment and to value that migrants have done for it and what they contribute.
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