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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Global Asylum Governance and European Union's Role

Risultati finali

ASILE webpage and logo

Since the very beginning of the project, ASILE will elaborate a visual identity with a logo and templates, as well as a website that will provide the readers with the information on the project, publications and upcoming activities. The ASILE webpage will be kept updated and will be further elaborated by the ASILE Portal (which will have the title of the project and an .eu domain). The Deliverable will consist on a Report presenting the logo, templates and visual materials, as well as information on the project website (structure, content, aims, links).

ASILE Portal

In Month 46 the ASILE Portal will be fully operational and will include all the relevant findings from the Project. The Deliverable will consist on producing a Report detailing the technicalities of the Portal, function and materials included, as well as the impact (numbers of views, downloads, etc.) and potential ways forward. The Portal will consist on an interactive web platform, through which users are able to access the data, research findings, reports and other relevant information produced within the ASILE project, as well as to obtain access to relevant reports, legislation, policies and case law on the level of individual countries. It may further include information relevant in the area of asylum, refugee and international protection. The tool would be designed during the course of the ASILE project, having a formal launch of the Portal on Month 22 when some deliverables have been already published, concurrent with the design of the project’s web presence.

State of the Art Synthesis Report: The Intersection between Instruments and Actors in Asylum Governance

The Report will draw a synthesis of the countryspecific assessment across all countries covered and will locate them in light of the UN GCR cycle and process The Report will produce a Typology of Policy and Legal Instruments and Actors Matrix which will provide the basis for and nurture the envisaged Workpackage 2 on ActorsThe Report will be drafted by EUI CEPS AU

Interim Six Country Reports

In month 18 the interim version of the Country Reports Chapter 2 Status Vulnerability and Rights from Canada Bangladesh Brazil Jordan South Africa and Turkey will be submitted The Deliverable will be further elaborated and developed with updated information and it will be published in its final version in Month 36 D45 Final Country ReportsThis interim Report will be drafted by University of Oslo It will involve ABIUNEW CEPS and the partners in the six countries under study

Working Paper: Inventory and Typology of EU Arrangements with Third Countries – Instruments and Actors

The paper will analyse the interaction between procedural mechanisms for the accelerated examination of protection needs of persons from presumably safe countries of origin and the arrangements with such countries. It will also assess the compatibility of such third country arrangements with international refugee and human rights law as well as the EU CFR. This paper will be done by Aarhus University (P2) in collaboration with Gothenburg University (P3) to ensure a strong linkage with Workpackage 2.

Interim Report on Selected Country Studies

Submission of the interim findings from the five countries of study Jordan Turkey Serbia Tunisia and Niger The Report will focus on the specificities that the EU ascribes to the cooperation arrangements with these countries in light of EU asylum law and fundamental rights standards as well as the implementation of EUled legal pathways of admission for people in need of international protection It will map EU andor Member State arrangements on asylum governance with the five selected countries and will identify and analyse the political financial and legal components of these arrangements and the instruments employed in each of these contexts The interim Report will be drafted by VU AU SDU and DRC

Working Paper on links between refugee recognition and resettlement processes

This paper will assess the workings of vulnerability in three interrelated key sets of institutional practices Given the focus on refugee recognition the risks that refugee protection will be undermined by treating refugees instead as vulnerable migrants will be explored It will examine the institutions and actors in RSD process its legal framework and the information in the public domain about its outcomes in terms of refugee recognition rates access to rights and security of residence The paper will therefore explore the links between resettlement and onward mobility and RRR as a further process that enables some few refugees deemed particularly vulnerable to move onwards This paper will be done by University of Oslo in cooperation with UNEW

Working Paper: Catalogue of International and Regional Legal Standards

This working paper will identify relevant legal standards enshrined in international and regional systems of direct and indirect applicability to asylum governance and mobility/containment policy and related instruments and arrangements. It will be based on legal doctrinal methodology, covering international and regional conventions and instruments on refugees and human rights, including the UN Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement. This paper will be elaborated by Aarhus University, in cooperation with CEPS.

Interim Synthesis Report

The WP4 Synthesis Report will provide knowledge and present the preliminary findings on the Refugee Status Determination practices in the six case study countries and indepth comparative case study on the refugee recognition regimes in Jordan and Bangladesh It interim version will be delivered in M22 This Report will be drafted by University of Oslo in cooperation with ABIUNEW

Working Paper - The Right of Asylum in Comparative Regional Perspectives

This paper will examine existing international and regional human rights and refugee law standards and different regional approaches to asylum in light of the UN GCR

Country Fiches

The Country Fiches will examine and provide evidence on: Country-specific instruments, including design (core features) and situations when they are used (e.g. cases of temporary humanitarian needs, crises of large-scale and/or protected nature, others?), their material and personal scope including beneficiaries and their identification, referral and selection processes, non-discrimination, integrity and safeguards, and actors/stakeholders involved. At total of six Country fiches will be submitted: Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, Jordan, South Africa and Turkey.

Working paper on the legal standards to assess the right to work and refugee self-reliance practices, in light of vulnerability conceptual framework

The paper will explore which statuses result from the RRR, in concrete whether particular procedures are associated with particular statuses, such as security of residence and the other rights that follow consequent on refugee recognition. Case studies of Jordan and Bangladesh will be explored in-depth in order to understand the link between refugee recognition, rights (in particular work rights) and security of residence. This paper will be produced by University of Oslo, in cooperation with ABI/UNEW.

Report Mapping the Field of Asylum and UN GCR Actors (Interim Version)

The Report will offer a comprehensive understanding of the instruments programmes and arrangements that are developed for the functioning of the GCR it will use network analytical methods to identify and analyse the key actors that take part in the design and implementation of those instruments programmes and arrangements and their relationshipsIts interim version will be submitted in Month 22 and its final version in Month 40

Workshop presenting Six Country Fiches

A Workshop presenting the interim findings of the Country fiches will take in Brussels (potentially hosted by CEPS), in cooperation with the EUI.

Training School (EUI)

The Training Schools will be a fourday event destined to a max of 1518 participants This Task will be led by the EUI Transnational School of Governance in cooperation with CEPSThe participation of refugee and migrant scholars will be promoted Promotional videos displaying the activities and some lectures of the Training Schools will be elaborated and published in the project websiteA compilation of the materials and the Programme will be published


Externalisation of asylum in Europe: Unpacking the UK-Rwanda Asylum Partnership Agreement

Autori: Nikolas Feith Tan
Pubblicato in: EU Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy, 2022
Editore: Odysseus Network

„Krise“ an der belarussischen Grenze und wie die Kommission das Feuer weiter anfacht

Autori: Julia Kienast
Pubblicato in: 2022
Editore: Blog Asyl

Between politics and inconvenient evidence: Assessing the Renewed EU Action Plan against migrant smuggling

Autori: Kheira Arrouche, Andrew Fallone and Lina Vosyliūtė
Pubblicato in: CEPS Policy Brief, Numero No 2021-01 / December 2021, 2021
Editore: CEPS

Whose Pact? The Cognitive Dimensions of the New EU Pact on Migration and Asylum

Autori: Sergio Carrera
Pubblicato in: CEPS Policy Insights, Numero No 2020-22, 2020
Editore: CEPS

Denmark’s Legislation on Extraterritorial Asylum in Light of International and EU Law

Autori: Nikolas Feith Tan, Jens Vedsted-Hansen
Pubblicato in: EU Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy, 2021
Editore: Odysseus Network

ASILE Country Reports - Bangladesh, Jordan, Brazil, Canada, South Africa & Turkey

Autori: M Sanjeeb Hossain, Lewis Turner, Natália Medina Araújo & Patrícia Ramos Barros, Roberto Cortinovis, Nandi Rayner, İlke Şanlıer Yüksel
Pubblicato in: ASILE Country Reports, 2022
Editore: ASILE

Bhasan Char: Prison island or paradise? Are Rohingya refugees being denied their right to freedom of movement?

Autori: M Sanjeeb Hossain and Maja Janmyr
Pubblicato in: 2022
Editore: Lacuna Magazine

Refugee Recognition and Resettlement

Autori: Cathryn COSTELLO, M. Sanjeeb HOSSAIN, Maja JANMYR, Nora M. JOHNSEN, & Lewis TURNER
Pubblicato in: ASILE Publication, 2022
Editore: ASILE

Catalogue of International and Regional Legal Standards Refugee and Human Rights Law Standards Applicable to Asylum Governance

Autori: Nikolas Feith Tan & Jens Vedsted-Hansen
Pubblicato in: ASILE Publication, 2021
Editore: ASILE

ASILE Country Fiches

Autori: Borhan Uddin Khan, Muhammad Mahbubur Rahman, Gerasimos Tsourapas, Fatima Khan, Nandi Rayner, Meltem Ineli-Ciger, Ozgenur Yigit
Pubblicato in: ASILE Publication, 2020
Editore: ASILE

From Denmark to Damascus: Human rights and refugee law dimensions of Denmark’s cessation push

Autori: Feith Tan, Nikolas; Vedsted-Hansen, Jens
Pubblicato in: Verfblog, 2021
Editore: Verfassungsblog
DOI: 10.17176/20210603-123801-0

How long is too long? The limits of restrictions on family reunification for temporary protection holders

Autori: Nikolas Feith Tan, Jens Vedsted-Hansen
Pubblicato in: Migration & Asylum Law & Policy in Europe, 2021
Editore: Odysseus Network

Inventory and Typology of EU Arrangements with Third Countries

Autori: Nikolas Feith Tan & Jens Vedsted-Hansen
Pubblicato in: ASILE Publication, 2021
Editore: ASILE

Implementing the united nations global compact on refugees? : global asylum governance and the role of the European Union

Autori: Sergio Carrera; Lina Vosyliute; Leiza Brumat; Nikolas Feith Tan
Pubblicato in: Policy Briefs; 2021/26; Migration Policy Centre, 2021, ISBN 978-92-9084-992-6
Editore: European University Institute
DOI: 10.2870/790752

The Right of Asylum in Comparative Regional Perspectives: Access, Procedures and Protection

Autori: Nikolas Feith Tan & Julia Kienast
Pubblicato in: ASILE Publication, 2022
Editore: ASILE

Collective protection as a short-term solution: European responses to the protection needs of refugees from the war in Ukraine

Autori: Jessica Schultz, Kari Anne Drangsland, Marry-Anne Karlsen, Julia Kienast, Nikolas Feith Tan and Jens Vedsted-Hansen
Pubblicato in: 2022
Editore: Odysseus Network

Bangladesh’s judicial encounter with the 1951 Refugee Convention

Autori: M Sanjeeb Hossain
Pubblicato in: Forced Migration Review, 2021
Editore: RSC, Oxford University

The EU grants temporary protection for people fleeing war in Ukraine

Autori: Sergio Carrera, Meltem Ineli Ciger, Lina Vosyliute and Leiza Brumat
Pubblicato in: CEPS Policy Insight, Numero No 2022-09/ March 2022, 2022
Editore: CEPS

Pushbacks and lack of accountability at the Greek-Turkish borders

Autori: Roberto Cortinovis
Pubblicato in: CEPS Liberty and Security Series, 2021
Editore: CEPS

Is Resettlement Still a Durable Solution? An Analysis in Light of the Proposal for a Regulation Establishing a Union Resettlement Framework

Autori: Meltem Ineli-Ciger
Pubblicato in: European Journal of Migration and Law, 2022, Pagina/e 27–55, ISSN 1388-364X
Editore: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
DOI: 10.1163/15718166-12340118

Making Sense of the Global: A Systematic Review of Globalizing and Localizing Dynamics in Refugee Governance

Autori: Leiza Brumat, Andrew Geddes, Andrea Pettrachin
Pubblicato in: Journal of Refugee Studies, Volume 35, Numero 2, 2021, Pagina/e 827–848, ISSN 0951-6328
Editore: Oxford University Press
DOI: 10.1093/jrs/feab092

The EU pact on migration and asylum in light of the United Nations global compact on refugees

Autori: Carrera, Sergio, Geddes, Andrew (eds).
Pubblicato in: 2021, ISBN 978-92-9084-999-5
Editore: European University Institute (EUI)
DOI: 10.2870/541854

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