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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary



Periodo di rendicontazione: 2020-12-01 al 2022-05-31

The EU Parliament in its report on railway safety and signalling from July 2021 calls for a joint effort towards the introduction of GNSS in the ERTMS deployment. And the European Railway Agency (ERA) sees the train-borne localisation function based on satellite positioning as a game changer, facilitating ERTMS L3 Moving Block, moving away from track circuit-based train detection towards advanced traffic management and control, with a system wide gain in capacity and a potential reduction of operational costs.

The rail operators SNCF, DB, and SBB, are working hand in hand targeting a train-borne localisation function for the whole European Railway sector to ensure the successful adoption of GNSS in ERTMS. Their joint collaboration in the EU-funded "Certifiable Localisation Unit with GNSS in the railway environment" project (CLUG) aims at performing a preliminary feasibility study of an on-board localisation unit with the following characteristics:
• failsafe on-board multi-sensor localisation unit using an IMU, a tachometer, GNSS, and a track map with a minimal number of reference points;
• on-board continuous localisation providing location, speed, acceleration, attitude, etc;
• operational and interoperable across the entire European rail network;
• oriented towards the need of the future ERTMS railway systems.

Bringing together railway companies (SNCF, DB Netz and SBB), railway signalling industries (CAF and Siemens), navigation specialists (Airbus Defense & Space, Naventik, FDC), a research institute (ENAC) and a certification expert (NaveCert), the CLUG Project will improve localisation performance and enable multiple new applications. Ultimately, this project pushes for the development of a key enabling localisation technology strategic for the future-proof set-up of train digitalisation and automation to respond to the increased mobility needs of all European citizen and goods by leveraging the train, a green safe and efficient means of transport.
CLUG will apply to the Train Localisation System a system engineering early phase methodology, which has proved effective in development of other Safety relevant complex systems, to the Train Localisation System. This methodology starts with identification of operational requirements, safety requirements and system feared events. These are then translated into technical requirements for the Localisation System within the Train Signalling System. Then a concept design is developed. This design is analysed and tested to determine its compliance to requirements; this includes prototyping and experiments using real-life data acquired for defined scenarios. Test results measured are then used to demonstrate the adequacy of the design or to update the design to improve performance where necessary. This methodology will be compliant with the CENELEC considerations.

The project has been structured around 5 work packages as shown in the table below and in the WBS :
WP1 – Project Management and Coordination to ensure the coordination between consortium members and across activities;
to manage the administrative issues of the project
WP2 – Mission Definition and System Requirements to define the system needs, the operational scenarios and the high-level system requirements
WP3 - Localisation System Design to elaborate a Localisation System design following a system engineering
WP4 – Testing and evaluation to test and evaluate the performance of localisation solutions consisting of different receivers and sensors, combined by fusion algorithms, using real world data
WP5 – Application to the Train Localisation System to exploit, summarise, disseminate and communicate the project outcomes

The project has fullfilled all its objectives and reached all the milestones that were fixed:

• Collection and definition the mission requirements for a continuous and failsafe Localisation System
- the work carried out in WP2.1 to WP2.4 has been gathered respectively in D2.1 to D2.4 deliverables which have been delivered at the end of the first reporting period.

• Definition of a novel certifiable Localisation System architecture and concept based on GNSS technology along with other sensors, compatible with ERTMS. The work was carried out in:
- WP2.5 and WP2.6 to define the preliminary system architecture and interfaces (D2.5 and D2.6)
- WP3 to design the system detailled architecture and algorithms that were implemented in the TLOBU prototype (D3.1 to D3.5)

• Definition of a process for prototypical certification of the localisation unit
- the work performed in WP2.7 with the redaction of the deliverable D2.7 "Identification validation certification methods" and in the WP5.3 with the redaction of the deliverable D5.8 "Prototypical certification" defining the steps and important elements to consider to certify such a localisation unit

• Demonstration of the feasibility of a multi sensor approach
- The work was carried out in the frame of the WP4, in which the test were set up, realised and the recorded data analysed (D4.1 to D4.4)

The project has a very large scope,
• From the specification of preliminary mission and system requirements
• The definition and design of a functional system architecture of two different solutions
• The set-up of data collection means onboard three different trains
• The RAMS and performance analysis
• And up to the preliminary work on certification

These results have been disseminated through multiple public deliverables that can be found on the clug website ( :
• D2.1: High Level Mission Requirements
• D2.2: Operational Scenarios Definition
• D2.7: Identified Validation Certification Methods
• D3.1.1: GNSS augmentation usage for CLUG 
• D3.4: GNSS augmentation needs for rail
• D4.2: Raw data
• D4.3: Ground Truth
• D5.4: Definition of the required map for localization
• D5.6: Final Dissemination Report
• D5.7: Preliminary definition of the system performances and interfaces

On top of it, the project results have been reused in several other projects, of the Shif2rail program, or ERJU, as well as different eurpean initiatives (ERTMS User Group) or project to modularise the onboard and trackside infrastructure (RCA and OCORA).
GNSS is amongst the “game-changing” technologies for future digital and automated rail operations, acknowledged in a report from the European Union Agency for Railways (ERA) in 2015. The benefits include:
• Reduction in capital and operational expenditure of railway Infrastructure Managers achieved by decreasing the cost of the trackside equipment.
• Increase in capacity achieved by reducing the headway between trains
• Enabling fully automated trains
• Increasing rail attractiveness to passengers by enabling comfort functions such as real time train tracking

Increasing the line capacity, reducing headways between trains, reducing expenditure for rail infrastructure rollout all thanks to an improved onboard localisation unit for ERTMS can help reduce emissions, help digitalize the railways and accelerate the adoption of sustainable and smart mobility solutions that revolve around rail. The CLUG TLOBU can make rail transport more attractive, enhance the competitiveness of rail for citizens and businesses and all without having to add a single meter of new track.