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Capacity-building in Arctic standardisation development

Risultati finali

Final report on communication and outreach activities

The report is merged with D85 into a new D84

Guidance on how to develop an APS

The report will use the results from the workshops in WP2WP5 describing stakeholder guidance to the design of an ABPS and how the design best can fulfill requirements from users and contribute to standardization development

Report on CBM activities in Russia

Report on CBM activities including experience exchange with users and stakeholders in Yakutia from the community meetings and with the Indigenous representatives from across Arctic Russia from the workshop in Moscow in February 2022

Scoping document for the project

The document will describe how the project will focus on selected prioritized activities not addressing every aspect of standard development in the Artiv

Report from the focus groups on CBM work

Report from the focus groups that will synthesize learnings and suggest next steps in enhancing use of observations from CBM programs for planning and decisionmaking ELOKA will be a major contributor based on its expertise in information system design and technical implementation including application of different tools and technologies for knowledge management and data sharing The report will include input for potential development of APS requirements

Report from research school in Aasiaat

Report from research school in Aasiaat and followup events The report from the research school will describe participation from civil society organisations representing fishermen hunters and other resource users government agencies at central and local level community members engaged in CBM programs and scientists from different disciplines The report will include APS requirements from the workshop

Report on BBM model used on halibut fisheries in Greenland

Report and technical guidelines presenting and providing a stepbystep description for using the software developed to facilitate implementation of Bayesian Belief Network models in natural resource management in Greenland The report will describe the design process and outcome of a BBN model for the halibut fisheries in West Greenland relevant ethical and practical considerations for engaging with indigenous knowledge in relation to BBN models and how BBN models can best be applied in the administrations management of Greenlands natural resources

Report from the first workshop and dialogue meetings in Longyearbyen

Report from the first workshop and dialogue meetings in Longyearbyen M35 The report will describe the outcome of the workshop with participation from the tourist operators shipping companies environmental organisations search and rescue agencies authorities and researchers from different disciplines

Report from the second workshop and further dialogue meetings

The report will address the community needs for more researchbased knowledge to support preparedness and adaptation to the effects of the dramatic climate change in the region Also the need for guidelines and standardisation of data production data management and communication will be addressed

Report on Arctic standards, protocols and framework model

The report will describe the comprehensive Framework model which will provide improved understanding of standards relevant to the Arctic There will be particular focus on data and observation standards

Communication Plan

Plan for all communications outreach activities and channels to be used in the project

Design and roadmap document for the APS

The report will present results from the work in WP6 to identify needs and requirements for an APS and plans for further work

Final synthesis report

Final synthesis report summarizing the requirements and recommendations from WP1 WP6

Report on future scenarios in Greenland

Report describing likely future scenarios of likely wildlife stock development as a consequence of climate change and availability of alternative income generating activities at the community level in Greenland

Report from dialogue meetigns with Greenland actors

The report will include the resulst of the dialogue meetings and discussions with the natural resource user groups government agencies and research institutions in Greenland The report will include user requirements for APS

Gender and Diversity Action Plan

The report will be updated by month 18 in connection with the period reporting

Horizontal scan report

The horizontal scan report will be a review of technologies and services that brings societal and economic benefit to the Arctic both to the local communities and to external actors The report will include a Linked Open Data database

Review of existing standards and frameworks relevant to the Arctic

The report will identify existing and evolving Arctic standards important for communities and operators

Report from interviews with users in Alaska

Report from interviews with CBM programs and information users in Alaska The report will summarize the results of the interviews including a concept map that describes the current information system for permafrost thaw and coastal erosion including who the stakeholders and observers are and what the information flow is between groups The report will include areas of interest identified for potential development of user requirements for APS

Education material for use in capacity-building

The first version of the education material will be provided by month 7. The material will be developed further during the project period.

Project Website and dissemination material

The first version of the project website and dissemination material will be provided by month 4. The website and material will be developed and updated during the project period. This includes policy briefs, fact sheets, brochure, videos and e-newsletter.

Website for project management

The website will be established for project management and internal communication between the partners stakeholders and other actors involve din the project Parts of the website dealing with internal matters among the partners will be passwordprotected

Data Management Plan

The Data Management Plan will include an Open Research Data Pilot


The Concept, Practice, Application, and Results of Locally Based Monitoring of the Environment

Autori: Finn Danielsen, Martin Enghoff, Michael K Poulsen, Mikkel Funder, Per M Jensen, Neil D Burgess
Pubblicato in: BioScience, Numero 71/5, 2021, Pagina/e 484-502, ISSN 0006-3568
Editore: American Institute of Biological Sciences
DOI: 10.1093/biosci/biab021

The need for transformative changes in the use of Indigenous knowledge along with science for environmental decision‐making in the Arctic

Autori: Helen C. Wheeler, Finn Danielsen, Maryann Fidel, Vera Hausner, Tim Horstkotte, Noor Johnson, Olivia Lee, Nibedita Mukherjee, Amy Amos, Heather Ashthorn, Øystein Ballari, Carolina Behe, Kaitlin Breton‐Honeyman, Gunn‐Britt Retter, Victoria Buschman, Pâviârak Jakobsen, Frank Johnson, Bjarne Lyberth, Jennifer A. Parrott, Mikhail Pogodaev, Rodion Sulyandziga, Nikita Vronski
Pubblicato in: People and Nature, Numero 2/3, 2020, Pagina/e 544-556, ISSN 2575-8314
Editore: British Ecological Society, Wiley Online Library
DOI: 10.1002/pan3.10131

Connecting Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approaches in Environmental Observing

Autori: Hajo Eicken, Finn Danielsen, Josephine-Mary Sam, Maryann Fidel, Noor Johnson, Michael K Poulsen, Olivia A Lee, Katie V Spellman, Lisbeth Iversen, Peter Pulsifer, Martin Enghoff
Pubblicato in: BioScience, Numero 71/5, 2021, Pagina/e 467-483, ISSN 0006-3568
Editore: American Institute of Biological Sciences
DOI: 10.1093/biosci/biab018

The Use of Digital Platforms for Community-Based Monitoring

Autori: Noor Johnson, Matthew L Druckenmiller, Finn Danielsen, Peter L Pulsifer
Pubblicato in: BioScience, Numero 71/5, 2021, Pagina/e 452-466, ISSN 0006-3568
Editore: American Institute of Biological Sciences
DOI: 10.1093/biosci/biaa162

Creating Synergies between Citizen Science and Indigenous and Local Knowledge

Autori: Maria Tengö, Beau J Austin, Finn Danielsen, Álvaro Fernández-Llamazares
Pubblicato in: BioScience, Numero 71/5, 2021, Pagina/e 503-518, ISSN 0006-3568
Editore: American Institute of Biological Sciences
DOI: 10.1093/biosci/biab023

The Critical Importance of Citizen Science Data

Autori: Alex de Sherbinin, Anne Bowser, Tyng-Ruey Chuang, Caren Cooper, Finn Danielsen, Rorie Edmunds, Peter Elias, Elaine Faustman, Carolynne Hultquist, Rosy Mondardini, Ioana Popescu, Adenike Shonowo, Kishore Sivakumar
Pubblicato in: Frontiers in Climate, Numero 3, 2021, ISSN 2624-9553
Editore: Frontiers
DOI: 10.3389/fclim.2021.650760

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