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Linking Climate Change, Habitability and Social Tipping Points: Scenarios for Climate Migration

Description du projet

Le changement climatique comme déclencheur des migrations

Un nombre considérable de migrants arrivant dans l’UE fuient des pays d’Afrique et d’Asie qui souffrent du changement climatique. Le projet HABITABLE, financé par l’UE, s’efforcera d’améliorer notre compréhension de la manière dont le changement climatique affecte les normes de migration et de déplacement. Ce projet multidisciplinaire impliquera des parties prenantes d’Afrique de l’Ouest et de l’Est et d’Asie du Sud et du Sud-Est. Il mettra en œuvre des méthodes innovantes reposant sur le concept d’habitabilité en cherchant à comprendre dans quelle mesure le changement climatique génère la migration et comment le climat affecte les politiques et les perceptions qui interagissent pour influencer les schémas de migration. Le projet introduira le concept de points de basculement sociaux qui permettront de mieux comprendre comment les variations environnementales peuvent potentiellement déclencher des changements sociaux.


The HABITABLE project is centred around the concept of habitability and seeks to advance our understanding of how climate change does and will affect migration and displacement patterns. It does so through the mobilisation of innovative methods to explore key research gaps, implemented by a diverse, experienced consortium associating 21 partners from different disciplines and representing a number of regions of the world, including local partners from West Africa, East Africa, South Africa and Southeast Asia. The project seeks to understand not only how climate change causes migration, but also how climate impacts, policies and perceptions interact with each other and influence migration patterns in a systems-based approach. We introduce the concept of social tipping points as a fresh way to understand how environmental disruptions can potentially trigger major social changes. The project intentionally steers away from simple linearity assumptions in an innovative research design that will focus on the entire social-ecological system, accounting for climate impacts and their perceptions, as well as adaptation options and their implementation, in order to determine the conditions for social tipping points and sustainable policy options for preventing large-scale displacement. The project mobilizes fresh methodologies and datasets in case-studies in Africa and Asia that are relevant for European policy-making. The project pursues a non-deterministic understanding of the impact of climate change on migration, and enables a systematic comprehension and appreciation of the complex social, economic and environmental interactions involved. This allows us to develop policy-relevant migration scenarios. On this basis, the project will propose a number of adaptation options for populations affected by climate change, as well as recommendations to inform key policies, in particular the European Agenda on Migration.

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Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 196 531,25
4000 Liege

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Région wallonne Prov. Liège Arr. Liège
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 1 196 531,25

Participants (22)