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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

LAND-use based MitigAtion for Resilient Climate pathways

Description du projet

Des solutions terrestres pour les émissions négatives

Les solutions terrestres aux émissions négatives sont incluses en tant que mesures d’atténuation dans les contributions déterminées au niveau national (CDN) dans le cadre de l’accord de Paris. Les solutions en matière d’émissions négatives sont susceptibles de jouer un rôle important dans les efforts mondiaux visant à atteindre les objectifs climatiques et de développement durable (SDG). Toutefois, il subsiste des questions et des risques importants concernant l’efficacité autant que l’efficience de ces solutions. Le projet LANDMARC, financé par l’UE, estimera l’impact climatique, le potentiel de transposition à plus grande échelle, ainsi que les avantages et les inconvénients connexes de diverses solutions terrestres en matière d’émissions négatives, telles que les puits nets de gaz à effet de serre dans l’agriculture. Pour ce faire, le projet aura recours à la surveillance via l’observation de la Terre; à une combinaison de modèles de simulation du climat, de l’utilisation des terres et de l’économie; ainsi qu’à des activités d’engagement des parties prenantes locales et régionales à travers seize études de cas et cinq plateformes régionales.


Roughly 30% of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement (PA) include land-based mitigation measures, but there are still significant uncertainties in their effectiveness to deliver negative emissions. Aside from the expected shortfall of all current NDCs to deliver on the below 2 oC ambition, this uncertainty adds to the risks to human wellbeing as a result of climate change. Land-use based mitigation technologies (LMTs) can play a crucial role in the global efforts to meet the PA goals and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Considering the land-climate-development interface, LANDMARC aims to assess the impacts of LMTs as net sinks for greenhouse gas (GHGs) by applying unique mixed-methods approach. LANDMARC assesses the potential and feasibility of LMTs in the AFOLU sector by: a) quantitatively assessing environmental, social-economic, co-benefits and trade-offs identified through a suite of monitoring tools and model system (including land use, climate and economic models) complemented by; b) qualitative assessments guided by stakeholder engagement. This mixed-method approach allows us to provide more detailed insights on the effectiveness and climate resilience of LMTs at different spatial scales (e.g. scaling up from local/national level to the regional/global level). These tools, services and approaches will contribute to land-based LMT decision support in the private sector and by policy makers. LANDMARC is an interdisciplinary consortium with expertise from ecology, engineering, climate sciences, global carbon cycle, soil sciences, satellite earth observation sciences, agronomy, economics, social sciences, and business. There is a balanced representation of partners from academia, SMEs, and NGOs from the EU, Africa, Asia and the Americas, which ensures a wide coverage of LMTs operating in different contexts (e.g. climates, land-use practices, socio-economic etc.) and spatial scales.

Appel à propositions


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Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 796 062,50
2628 CN Delft

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West-Nederland Zuid-Holland Delft en Westland
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 796 062,50

Participants (19)