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ULTIMATE: indUstry water-utiLiTy symbIosis for a sMarter wATer society


Protocol and tools for business-to-business co-creation

This Deliverable comes from Task 32 and involves SubTask 321 and Subtask 32 and will provide the protocol and tools for businesstobusiness cocreation We will explain the process used to collect cocreation best practices from partners and build a method repository of cocreation formats and tools for ULTIMATE The outcome will be make ULTIMATE able to form a cocreation model for the ULTIMATE places To be used in Task 33

Results and insights from co-creation exercises in ULTIMATE CS

This Deliverable comes from Task 33 and will provide results from testing out cocreation methodologies and the cocreation model from D34 for the ULTIMATE places to ensure project outcomes are driven by user needs

Place by design playbook (updated)

This deliverable is an updated version of D18 and comes from Task 31 and provides a citizen participation playbook with instructions protocols and guidelines for designing and implementing the immersive experience The outcome will be a play book for stakeholder engagement to be implemented in Task 32 and 33 This will make it possible to design and implement the stakeholder engagement for the Use Case Studies CS2 NL CS4 GR CS9 DK The playbook will be used in D36

Scientific quality assurance plan

The deliverable provides the scientific quality assurance plan for ULTIMATE which will detail the processes for project internal scientific quality assurance The deliverable will also provide procedures for handling foreseeable difficulties in a WP to achieve objectives or deliverables Need for harmonisation of activities between and across WPs Obstacles and barriers causing delays in progress in particular if this is likely to affect other WPs that need the output of another WP as a starting point Need for reallocation of tasks and resources within or among the WPs if needed Security or privacy issues raised as part of the DMP design and implementation Weak performance of a partnerThis deliverable is linked to T72

Criteria for linking existing LLs to the Case studies

This Deliverable comes from Task 34 our Living Lab engagement and will identify existing Living Labs LL in the regions of the ULTIMATE cases by using the existing Water Europe LL inventory and provide the criteria derived from our WSISLL typology to work with them towards upgrading their status to WSISLLS The outcome will be used to to the extent possible colocate our engagement spaces in Task 33 with the WSISLLS to increase outreach and impact

Place by design playbook

This deliverable comes from Task 31 and provides a citizen participation playbook with instructions protocols and guidelines for designing and implementing the immersive experience The outcome will be a play book for stakeholder engagement to be implemented in Task 32 and 33 This will make it possible to design and implement the stakeholder engagement for the Use Case Studies CS2 NL CS4 GR CS9 DK The playbook will be used in D36

Info-pack for internal communication (tools/procedures)

This deliverable consists of the tools to facilitate project internal communication containing amongst others templates eg deliverables powerpoint a collaboration platform for file sharing and facilitating interaction and knowledge exchange between partners instructions and manuals for using communication tools provided by ULITMATEThis deliverable is linked to Task 71

White paper on societal expectations and challenges around WSIS, and potential societal impacts of WSIS adoption

This deliverable will include an indepth outline of societal expectations and challenges around WSIS and CE and describes whether the adoption of WSIS can benefit the societal legitimisation of CE and the wider relationship between industries and society The deliverable is an outcome of Task 41 contributing to the wider normalisation of a sustainable CE in a watersmart society

Ethical Principles & guidelines for RRI update

This deliverable consists of guidelines procedures and criteria for i identification and recruitment of research participants ii obtaining informed consent for the participation of humans in project activities and iii managing any ethical risks associated with their participation It will include templates for the informed consentassent forms and information sheets in language and terms intelligible to the participantsThis deliverable is linked to Task 77 EthicsThis deliverable builds upon D75 and will be updated in M48 D711

WSIS-Living Labs: Gap analysis and recommendations

This Deliverable comes from Task 34 and will identify the critical factors for successful WSIS LLs that can fully utilize their capacities in building a symbiosis between water service providers and industries To do so we will use the CoPs built around the cases in Subtask 321 and initiate a dialogue between them as problem owners and a wide crosssection of existing LL actors from D31 The outcome will be recommendations proposing a new type of WSISLL including an open innovation environment best suited for symbiosis with industry

Ethical Principles & Guidelines for Responsible Research & Innovation

This deliverable consists of guidelines procedures and criteria for i identification and recruitment of research participants ii obtaining informed consent for the participation of humans in project activities and iii managing any ethical risks associated with their participation It will include templates for the informed consentassent forms and information sheets in language and terms intelligible to the participantsThis deliverable is linked to Task 77 EthicsThis deliverable will be updated in M30 D710 and M48 D711

Policy brief (2-3 pager) resuming key insights and actionable initiatives for these audiences - a project mid-point

Two short policy briefs resuming key insights and actionable initiatives for these audiences will be produced by WE a project midpoint and to capitalize on final takeaways at the end of the project This deliverable is linked to task 62

Risk Management Plan

This deliverable consists of a risk management plan It will detail the critical risks for the implementation of the project and provide processes and contingency plans to detect the materialising of any risk as early as possible and propose mitigation measuresThe risk management plan will be updated in M30 D78 and M48 D79This deliverable is linked to task 76 Risk Management

Interim report on editorial, video and visual content highlights

This deliverable provides a summary of the most important communication dissemination activities in ULTIMATE in the period M01M24 It will cover content generated coverageoutreach and distribution achieved by the project and partners at events in print and online This deliverable is linked to the dissemination tasks 62 63 64 65 66 and 67 This deliverable will be updated in M48 D63

ULTIMATE Plan for exploitation during project lifetime

D53 will provide a draft list of results as of M12 with their ownership and the expected exploitation strategy by individual partners This Deliverable will report the analysis of all the potential outputs of the project at M12 that would have the best chance of commercialization The analysis will be based on market assessment and the technical analysis of the results D53 will display the initial startup concepts investigated in the first year and their relevance This Deliverable is link to the T53

Risk Management Plan updated

This deliverable consists of a risk management plan It will detail the critical risks for the implementation of the project and provide processes and contingency plans to detect the materialising of any risk as early as possible and propose mitigation measuresThis deliverable is linked to Task 76 Knowledge and Information managementThis deliverable builds on deliverable 74 and will be updated in M48 D79

Assessment of baseline conditions for all case studies

This deliverable will include the current status of all case studies for each of the cycles to be addressed It serves as case study description before the implementation of the technologies and strategies considered in the project This deliverable refers to T12T14This deliverable will provide input for the microbial risk assessment which will include virusrelated risks such as eg Covid19 that will be performed under subtask 221

Start-up and intermediate results of plant operation from all case studies

This deliverable includes a detailed description of the final design and realization of all pilot plants in ULTIMATE together with the results from the commissioning startup phase as well as intermediate results of normal plant operation It will report on the status of pilot activities identify challenges and how they have been addressed by the consortium This report will provide valuable feedback on the pilot system design and startup for similar activities in the future Based on the intermediate results the planned research activities in WP1 until the end of the project will be adapted if necessary D19 is linked to the subtasks dealing with investigations in pilot plants such as 121 122 124129 131135 141143 145147 This deliverable serves as an intermediate evaluation of the pilot plant activities and has a preparative function for the successful achievement of D13 D14 and D15

Lessons-learned from synergy workshops

Outcomes of external workshops and related insights to strategies for successful implementation of water smart industrial symbioses are summarised in a report This deliverable refers to T15 and contributes to D17 In addition T15 is linked to T56 and thus D18 might also contribute to D56 An updated version of this deliverable will be produced in M48 D110

Report on customisable WSIS contracts and financing Schemes

D54 based on T54 will present alternative contractual clauses and financing schemes adapted to waterbased industrial synergies based on the concept of chemical leasing The deliverable takes advantage of the classification of industrial ecosystems based on the ontological approaches WP2 and reports on feedbacks collected from selected ULTIMATE cases WP1

Dissemination, Communication & Collaboration Master Plan

A framework for communication collaboration and dissemination that empowers all partners to engage with multiple audiences in confidence Ready for M3 it will be updated twice in the project lifetime to refine content messages and analyse effectiveness it is a framework for communication and dissemination that empowers all partners to engage with multiple audiences in confidence It will outline ULTIMATE content formats and high impact PESO distribution model A dynamic website delivered in M4 will act as a digital anchor for all project content giving visitors an easy to navigate yet indepth access to knowledge and content generated The site will integrate with the projects most important outreach channels on social media twitter YouTube and LinkedIn launched M2 These will be managed and mined for maximum impact using market leading software and analytics The website will also be a digital home for all interviews news blogs video and other content including publicly available deliverables A call to action postcard and roll up posters will give print materials to accompany the website launch and support all partners in their external communication This deliverable is the outcome of task 61 and task 66

Operational demo cases

This deliverable will provide evidence that the demo cases are operational. Evidence will be shown via e. g. plans of the final design of the pilot plants, pictures, audio-visual material, press releases, successful commissioning of the plants, etc. It is linked to the subtasks dealing with investigations in pilot plants such as 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.4-1.2.9, 1.3.1-1.3.5, 1.4.1-1.4.3, 1.4.5-1.4.7. This deliverable serves as a prerequisite to make sure that the first results for D1.9 will be produced in time. Furthermore, some of the materials collected in this scope will be reused in the TEB (D1.7).This deliverable will provide input for the microbial risk assessment which will include virus-related risks such as e.g. Covid-19 that will be performed under subtask 2.2.1

Technology Evidence Base concept and integration

This deliverable is a data base summarising the results of the various solutions developed and demonstrated in ULTIMATE for circular water services The first step is to integrate the different concepts of symbioses and the ULTIMATE technologies into the existing NextGen TEB This deliverable refers to T12T14 and serves as the basis for D17

A Marketplace for Water, Energy, Materials in a WSIS

D5.5 will consist of a marketplace centralising information on water-smart industrial synergies for energy, water and material resources.

An online tool for semantic-driven WSIS

This deliverable corresponds to the Task 21 The deliverable focuses on the online tool based on ontologies allowing industries to register and explore opportunities associated with industrywater processes and identify promising symbiotic schemes to be further explored Based on this the related outcomes are the ontology for the WSIS and the data exploration tool

Data Management Plan updated

This deliverable update provides a Data Management Plan DMP in compliance with the Guidelines on FAIR Data Management in Horizon 2020 26 July 2016 This deliverable will evolve during the lifetime of the project and represent the status of the project reflections on data management The DMP will detail the data that will be collectedgenerated whether the data will be shared and made open or preserved In general the intention is to make data sets as open as possible for external parties to reuseThis deliverable is linked to Task 74 Knowledge and Information management and builds on Deliverable 73

Data Management Plan

The deliverable provides a Data Management Plan DMP in compliance with the Guidelines on FAIR Data Management in Horizon 2020 26 July 2016 This deliverable will evolve during the lifetime of the project and represent the status of the project reflections on data management Updates of the DMP are thus planned in projectmonth 36 and 48 The DMP will detail the data that will be collectedgenerated whether the data will be shared and made open or preserved In general the intention is to make data sets as open as possible for external parties to reuseThis deliverable is linked to Task 74 Knowledge and Information managementThe risk management plan will be updated in M30 D76 and M48 D77


Turning wastewater into a resource

Author(s): ESCI
Published in: 2020
Publisher: CORDIS

EU greenlights large demo projects on waste water mining and smart water

Author(s): KWR Water, University of Delft
Published in: Dutch Water Sector, 2020
Publisher: Dutch Water Sector

Viewpoints: Our Ambitions For Finding The ULTIMATE Water Symbiosis

Author(s): KWR
Published in: Water Online, 2020
Publisher: Water Onlline

Four lessons from creating a Dutch circular face scrub

Author(s): KWR
Published in: 2020
Publisher: KWR

Naar een volledig hergebruik van afvalwater

Author(s): KWR
Published in: 2020
Publisher: KWR

4 Lessons From A Dutch Utility Circular Collaboration

Author(s): KWR
Published in: Water Online, 2020
Publisher: Water Online

Gerard van den Berg: ‘’The term wastewater is a barrier for a lot of initiatives’’

Author(s): ESCI, KWR
Published in: Amsterdam International Water Web, 2021
Publisher: Amsterdam International Water Week

Circular economy solutions to water scarcity: Promoting sustainability via industrial symbiosis

Author(s): ESCI
Published in: Smart Water Magazine, 2023
Publisher: Smart Water Magazine

Lleida, en un projecte europeu per recuperar recursos com l'aigua en processos industrials

Author(s): AQUALIA
Published in: Segre Castellano, Issue 27, 2022
Publisher: Segre Castellano
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8363732

Reutilización de agua depurada. Garantía de recursos hídricos de calidad para la industria

Author(s): Aqualia
Published in: AQUALIA, 2023
Publisher: AQUALIA

The female euroscientist: views from western Europe

Author(s): ESCI
Published in: Euroscientist, 2023
Publisher: Euroscientist

CPTM joins ULTIMATE project

Author(s): CPTM
Published in: Website CPTM, 2020
Publisher: CPTM

Agua depurada, vía para abastecer a la industria ante el cambio climático

Author(s): Aqualia
Published in: LA NUEVA ESPAÑA, 2023

Towards Water Smart Industrial Symbiosis Systems

Author(s): KWR
Published in: Smart Water Magazine, 2019, Page(s) 57-57
Publisher: iAgua

La soluzione alla crisi idrica passa dal riciclo

Author(s): ESCI
Published in: Recover Magazine, 2022
Publisher: Recover Magazine

Press release on ULTIMATE's participation in Water Projects Europe

Author(s): Water Europe
Published in: 2020
Publisher: Water Europe

Soluciones de economía circular exponenmodelo de negocio para el uso sostenible del agua

Author(s): ESCI
Published in: Alpha Galileo, 2021
Publisher: Alpha Galileo

New network to help unite Europe's young water professionals

Author(s): KWR
Published in: Smart Water & Waste World, 2021
Publisher: Smart Water & Waste World

Reutilización de agua depurada. Garantía de recursos hídricos de calidad para la industria

Author(s): Aqualia
Published in: INDUSTRIAMBIENTE, 2023

Materials recovered from leftover fruit juice could make saving water pay

Author(s): ESCI
Published in: 2021
Publisher: ESCI

Accelerating the ULTIMATE & NextGen Water Circular Economy solutions

Author(s): KWR
Published in: 2020
Publisher: KWR

Community of Practice ULTIMATE - Oviedo

Author(s): Aqualia
Published in: RTVE, 2023
Publisher: RTVE

New network to help unite Europe's young water professionals

Author(s): KWR
Published in: Water World, 2021
Publisher: Endeavor Business Media
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8251541

ULTIMATE indUstry water-utiLiTy symbIosis for a sMarter wATer society

Author(s): WRE Team
Published in: Water Reuse Europe, 2020
Publisher: Water Reuse Europe

EASME side-event 'Building a Water-Smart Economy and Society'

Author(s): Water Europe
Published in: 2020
Publisher: Water Europe

International water research networks offer solutions for water stress

Author(s): ESCI
Published in: Smart Water Magazine, 2022
Publisher: Smart Water Magazine

Water Knowledge Europe 2021 concluded

Author(s): Water Europe
Published in: 2021
Publisher: Water Europe

Press release on ULTIMATE's participation in Water Knowledge Europe 2021 Summer Edition

Author(s): Water Europe
Published in: 2021
Publisher: Water Europe

Reutilización de agua depurada. Garantía de recursos hídricos de calidad para la industria

Author(s): Aqualia
Published in: IAGUA, 2023
Publisher: IAGUA

Press release on ULTIMATE's participation in Water Knowledge Europe 2021 Spring Edition

Author(s): Water Europe
Published in: 2021
Publisher: Water Europe

CWS and CSAM H2020 project success - ULTIMATE

Author(s): University Exeter
Published in: 2020
Publisher: University Exeter

Lleida, en un projecte europeu per recuperar recursos com l'aigua en processos industrials

Author(s): Aqualia
Published in: SEGRE, 2023
Publisher: SEGRE

El Principado proyecta que la depuradora de Villapérez dé agua a la industria de Gijón y Avilés

Author(s): Aqualia
Published in: EL COMERCIO, 2023
Publisher: EL COMERCIO

Press release/announcement on ULTIMATE's participation in Water Knowledge Europe 2021 Summer Edition

Author(s): Water Europe
Published in: 2021
Publisher: Water Europe

Exeter joins new European initiative to turn wastewater into valuable resource

Author(s): University Exeter
Published in: 2020
Publisher: University Exeter

Water circular economy solutions

Author(s): KWR
Published in: Smart Water Magazine, 2020, Page(s) 62-65
Publisher: KWR

Resource Recovery and the Sherwood Plot

Author(s): Georgios Karakatsanis and Christos Makropoulos
Published in: Entropy, Issue 2023, 25(1), 4, 2023, ISSN 1099-4300
Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/e25010004

Membrane-Based Processes to Obtain High-Quality Water From Brewery Wastewater

Author(s): Marc Sauchelli Toran, Patricia Fernández Labrador, Juan Francisco Ciriza, Yeray Asensio, André Reigersman, Juan Arevalo, Frank Rogalla, Victor M. Monsalvo
Published in: Frontiers in Chemical Engineering, Issue 3, 2021, ISSN 2673-2718
Publisher: Front. Chem. Eng
DOI: 10.3389/fceng.2021.734233

Targeted Bio-Based Volatile Fatty Acid Production from Waste Streams through Anaerobic Fermentation: Link between Process Parameters and Operating Scale

Author(s): Cecilia Bruni; Alessia Foglia; Anna Laura Eusebi; Nicola Frison; Çağrı Akyol; Francesco Fatone
Published in: ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng, Issue 1, 2021, Page(s) 9970–9987, ISSN 2168-0485
Publisher: American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.1c02195

Four lessons from creating a Dutch circular face scrub

Author(s): KWR
Published in: Water & Waste Water Asia, 2020, ISSN 2010-233X
Publisher: Issuu Inc.

Water Challenges for the 21st Century

Author(s): KWR
Published in: REVOLVE, 2020, ISSN 2324-5417
Publisher: REVOLVE Media

Why water is key to unlocking a circular economy across Europe

Author(s): KWR
Published in: WaterWorld, 2021, ISSN 1083-0723
Publisher: Endeavor Business Media

Why water is key to unlocking a circular economy between utilities & industries

Author(s): KWR
Published in: Water & Waste Water Asia, 2021, ISSN 2010-233X
Publisher: Issuu Inc.

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