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ULTIMATE: indUstry water-utiLiTy symbIosis for a sMarter wATer society

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ULTIMATE (ULTIMATE: indUstry water-utiLiTy symbIosis for a sMarter wATer society)

Reporting period: 2021-12-01 to 2023-05-31

Circular economy aims to design waste and pollution management with new value chains, by keeping products and materials in re-use and regenerating natural systems. Industrial Symbiosis (IS) is a particular type of circularity in which separate industries are engaged in a collective approach involving physical exchange of materials, energy, water, and/or by-products. Industrial symbiosis systems collectively optimize material and energy use at efficiencies beyond those achievable by any individual process alone.

As Industry accounts for circa 40% of all water abstractions in Europe, a more water efficient industry can substantially contribute to safeguarding fresh water resources. ULTIMATE acts as a catalyst for a particular type of industrial symbiosis – “Water Smart Industrial Symbiosis” (WSIS) – in which water/wastewater plays a key role both as a reusable resource but also as a vector for energy and materials to be extracted, treated, stored and reused to stimulate new circular business arrangements.

ULTIMATE creates economic value and increases sustainability by valorising resources within the water cycle. Drawing on “Water Smart Industrial Symbiosis” (WSIS) we promote wastewater recycling in various industrial settings. We have selected nine large-scale demonstration cases from the four most important industrial sectors in Europe: the agro-food processing industry, the beverages industry, the heavy chemical/petrochemical industry and biotech industry.

ULTIMATE supports the transition to WSIS by naturing nurtures partnerships between business, water service providers, regulators and policy makers as well as systematically addressing technical, digital, socio-economic, governance and business systems interdependencies, to
- showcase, promote and learn from successful high cases where water and industrial sectors collaborate to deliver innovative resource-efficient, circular solutions, with special emphasis on cross synergies, transferability and applicability in the EU and beyond.
- develop, optimise and demonstrate novel technologies for water reclamation and reuse, exploitation of energy and heat, nutrient and material recovery/reuse, and assessing the impact with life cycle and risk based tools.
- assemble, further develop and apply digital support tools to improve the design, control and operation of industrial symbiotic schemes.
- develop and demonstrate novel exploitation/valorisation schemes (value chains) for these resources, through a range of business models and symbiotic arrangements, linking them to ongoing investments and plans for industries and water utilities.
- design, promote and accelerate business transformation to WSIS, through active stakeholder engagement.
- actively support these stakeholders through immersive storytelling, using technology and art to set out shared visions for a more circular, profitable, socially responsible, and greener industry with water at its core
- reduce existing barriers for recovery, reuse and commercial exploitation of valuable water-related resources (incl. requirements and standards for reuse).

The setup of ULTIMATE is such that it supports uptake in and transfer of WSIS knowledge and experiences to other industrial environments, different regional and cultural settings, as well as the upscaling of current case studies. As such, ULTIMATE actively contributes to the green and digital ‘twin’ transition promoted by the EC in the EU and beyond.
Starting in 2020, the baseline conditions for all case studies were assessed successfully and pilot systems were designed. By the end of reporting period 2 (May 2023) a total of 22 pilot plants were designed, of which 20 were operational and construction of 2 full scale pilots was nearing completion. Details about all 9 case studies and the innovations demonstrated in them have been collected and published in the Technology Evidence Base (accessible through )

A digital onthology tool an an data exploration and visualization tool for WSIS have been published. Implementation of LCA, LCC and risk studies for selected case studies are underway, Qualitative System Dynamics models have been made for three case studies and the use of Sherwood plots for WSIS has been published. Key performance Indicators (KPIs) for measuring circular economy were selected.

An engagement toolbox (Playbook) has been designed and was used to develop Communities of Practice in all nine case studies. Furthermore, it is used to develop immersive media experiences (IMX) for 3 case studies aimed at engaging and informing citizens (first prototypes completed).

A white paper describes corporate moral and ethical drivers and motivations for companies to adopt CE (and WSIS) practices and societal expectations regarding the adoption of such CE practices, based on large-scale survey results.

The synergy of the ULTIMATE case studies with pre-selected industries was explored, leading to a selection of the technically and economically most relevant synergies. Exploration of the value creation opportunities from shared use of water resources between industrial facilities, other economic activities and communities is underway. Furthermore, the market feasibility of identified Key Exploitable Results was started, identifying first markets and associated factors. Circular Economy finance models and contract forms were developed and an open call for greenfield assessment for WSIS opportunities was published and 3 applications were selected for assessment.
ial sites for assessment.
ULTIMATE goes beyond current approaches that target incremental improvements of water, resource and energy efficiency by providing a whole value chain demonstrated at large scales.

Technologies for water, energy and materials will be demonstrated and adapted to industrial requirements. Specific solutions for recovering valuable compounds and reusing wastes will be developed, combined and demonstrated in real conditions, significantly advancing the SoA in industrial environments and their uptake by key industries.

We identify, further develop and combine several smart tools to (i) improving connections and data sharing, (ii) making products, processes and services more circular and match the related performance to business decisions; and (iii) empowering stakeholders and citizens.

Building on ongoing research on industrial symbiosis and CE business models, we develop novel, fit-for-purpose, business models for CE water service provision in the target industries supported by matchmaking services.

We will develop an in-depth understanding of the wider societal expectations and challenges around CE in WSIS, to assess and address potential barriers that these may present to WSIS (and wider CE) uptake.

Through a transdisciplinary approach in Art, Technology and Humanities, we will engage stakeholders in ULTIMATE by fostering technology-focused collaborations between industry, artists and the general public through CoPs, User Centred Design and Multi Use Play Spaces. We will facilitate stakeholder engagement by designing Multi Use Play Spaces, centred on WSIS, that bring industry (business-to-business (B2B)) and the general public together for communication and reflection.
ULTIMATE project logo
ULTIMATE process
ULTIMATE annual meeting 2023 - site visit Case Study 5 in Lleida (ES)
ULTIMATE nexus graphic