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The first integral control and command system for managing missions which delivers 3D cartography and georeferenced data in real-time

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - DRONECOP (The first integral control and command system for managing missions which delivers 3D cartography and georeferenced data in real-time)

Período documentado: 2019-06-01 hasta 2019-09-30

As part of the phase 1 for Dronecop, we conducted a comprehensive feasibility study with the aim of ensuring Dronecop project meets technical, commercial and financial requirements, as well as profit potential so as to define the business strategy including resources, timing, and budget.
Technically, a deep analysis was carried out to plan and design the final integration of the haptic devices, improvement of the simultaneous localization and mapping technology and 3D rendering and the integration of all the elements in our own designed drone. We defined the specific requirements and configurations for three different applications: fire-forest, floods and earthquakes. Moreover, we analysed the technical viability of integrating and developing new fire extinguishing systems such as a delta-wing and fire-extinguishing capsules. Once all the designs and parameters were defined, we analysed the manufacturing process and the costs. Finally, we have identified the regulatory landscape for adapting our Dronecop to the local regulation and we identified the technical risk that can arise during the execution of the project.
Commercially, a deep market analysis revealed an increasing demand for aerial means for being using in natural disasters, especially in the Mediterranean region. We have also identified potential competitors and strategic partnerships for component supply, manufacturing and commercialization. A patent study has shown that Dronecop does not infringe on existing technologies, therefore enabling the continued development of our solution. Further protection of our IP is underway, with periodic IP landscape searches scheduled to ensure continued freedom to operate.
Financially, our cost-benefit analysis comparing Dronecop with current air means for taking the information from the catastrophic area have demonstrated that the annual cost of one helicopter is the equivalent of the cost of 43 Dronecops. Our market study has shown immense potential for sales and the growing profit accumulated in the first years of commercialization.
Geointelligence is the company who have developed the necessary code to integrate Real Time Kinematic (RTK) with GPS, which provides an accuracy of <2cm at 80km/h speed for cartography works and real-time data processing. By using Dronecop, natural disasters management entities will reduce fatalities and injured, decrease the social, environmental and economic impact.
Map generated with Dronecop