Descripción del proyecto
Cuantificación del impacto medioambiental del transporte aéreo mundial
Las compañías aéreas hoy en día son más austeras, ecológicas y seguras, pero su impacto medioambiental sigue generando gran preocupación. El proyecto GLIMPSE2050, financiado con fondos europeos, cuantificará el impacto medioambiental que tendrán sobre el sistema del transporte aéreo mundial, de aquí a 2050, las normativas y políticas que se están negociando actualmente y que podrían implantarse antes de 2040. Este impacto incluye el ruido y las emisiones. A partir de esta cuantificación, GLIMPSE2050 elaborará recomendaciones para las partes interesadas relevantes. Tras la selección sistemática de normativas y políticas, los investigadores determinarán el alcance de la evaluación y un proceso de cuantificación, basándose en enfoques demostrados y aplicados satisfactoriamente. El proyecto comparará el rendimiento medioambiental del sistema del transporte aéreo para los períodos seleccionados con los avances económicos, demográficos y tecnológicos previstos con las normativas y políticas y sin ellas.
Cross-positioned in Clean Sky 2 and part of Clean Sky 2 TE, GLIMPSE2050 quantifies the environmental impact at air transport system level up to 2050 of regulations and policies that are currently discussed and potentially introduced until 2040. This impact includes noise and emissions. From this quantification, GLIMPSE2050 provides recommendations to target stakeholders.
Through its quantification, GLIMPSE2050 helps to understand which environmental benefits can be achieved in addition to those brought by Clean Sky 2 technologies. This understanding subsequently helps to evaluate to which extent technology diffusion in aviation can reach the ACARE Flightpath 2050 environmental goals.
GLIMPSE2050’s concept is twofold: first it sets the assessment scope by a systematic selection of regulations and policies and of target stakeholders; then it sets the quantification process, building on proven and successfully applied approaches. For every year 2020/2025/2030/2035/2040/2045/2050, this process compares the environmental performance of two scenarios: one is a projection of the air transport system in that year based on autonomous economic, demographical and technological developments but without the regulations and policies; the other is a projection of the air transport system in the same year, but with the regulations and policies introduced. In these scenarios, Clean Sky 2 technologies are considered an autonomous technological development.
GLIMPSE2050 expects to impact Clean Sky 2 TE (by complementing the other assessments), Clean Sky 2 JU and Clean Sky 2 Members (by monitoring Clean Sky 2 achievements in a broader perspective), EC and EU Member States (by assessing the level of success towards the ACARE Flightpath 2050 goals), aviation sector (by providing capabilities to assess effects on business development), research community (by indicating opportunities for further research), and society (by displaying effort and progress in sustainable aviation).
Palabras clave
Régimen de financiación
CSA - Coordination and support actionCoordinador
1059 CM Amsterdam
Países Bajos