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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Community Friendly Miniliner

Descrizione del progetto

Pendolarismo in mini aereo

Per milioni di persone che vanno al lavoro ogni giorno, viaggiare in autostrada e incontrare traffico intenso è in genere qualcosa da sopportare e raramente da apprezzare. L’UE sta finanziando UNIFIER 19, un nuovo concetto di aereo di linea che offrirà una soluzione di mobilità aerea nuova, sostenibile ed economica. L’aeromobile a emissioni prossime allo zero da 19 passeggeri è progettato per fornire un servizio diffuso che collega gli aeroporti più piccoli tra loro e con punti di connessione, in grado di ospitare sia voli di linea che su richiesta. Sfruttando la scarsa e sottoutilizzata rete europea di piccoli aeroporti, UNIFIER 19 offrirà ai pendolari un’esperienza di mobilità radicalmente nuova che sarà semplice da usare, come un autobus.


UNIFIER19, the Community Friendly Miniliner, is an innovative commuter concept specifically designed to enable a new, environmentally sustainable and cost-efficient air mobility solution. This 19-passenger near-zero-emission aircraft is designed to provide a diffused service connecting smaller airports among them and with hubs, accommodating both scheduled and on-demand shuttle flights. The ability of the UNIFIER19 concept to capture the mobility demand for short- and very short-haul travel rests on a dedicated market study focusing on two scenarios: the “miniliner”, serving a potentially huge small airport network, and the “microfeeder”, providing a rapid transfer to hubs from local airports and even unpaved airfields.

The capability to achieve substantial emission reduction performance is based on the adoption of modular propulsive solutions including different propellers and different combinations of battery and range-extending technologies. The propulsive architecture is integrated with airframe design, in the quest for maximum aerodynamic advantages, while guaranteeing producibility and maintainability of the design solution.

The result is a family of aircraft sharing a single airframe, accommodating multiple cargo and passenger-seating layouts, as well as multiple motive power-generation solutions. Powertrain modularity eases future upgrades via supplementary type-certificates, granting an extended commercial life.

Aiming to a reduction in CO2, NOx and acoustic emissions by at least 20% compared to the 19 seaters in service today, UNIFIER19 shall offer a new mobility experience for our communities that is as easy to use as a bus. UNIFIER19 shall exploit the sparse, underused European small airport network avoiding overwhelming burdens for new ground infrastructures and providing a commercially viable response to Europe’s need for mobility.

Meccanismo di finanziamento

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 289 937,50
5270 Ajdovscina

Mostra sulla mappa


L’organizzazione si è definita una PMI (piccola e media impresa) al momento della firma dell’accordo di sovvenzione.

Slovenija Zahodna Slovenija Goriška
Tipo di attività
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Costo totale
€ 289 937,50

Partecipanti (2)