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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Energy balancing and resilience solutions to unlock the flexibility and increase market options for distribution grid

CORDIS proporciona enlaces a los documentos públicos y las publicaciones de los proyectos de los programas marco HORIZONTE.

Los enlaces a los documentos y las publicaciones de los proyectos del Séptimo Programa Marco, así como los enlaces a algunos tipos de resultados específicos, como conjuntos de datos y «software», se obtienen dinámicamente de OpenAIRE .

Resultado final

D1.1 Guidelines of new market mechanisms and tools for incentivising electric energy flexibility

Guidelines of market mechanisms to solve future challenges regarding electric flexibility in the energy markets related to project demo sites (Spain, Italy, France and Denmark)

D6.2b Manual and tutorial of users' interfaces

User manual of the ebalance solution mobile app and user interfaces for energy operators

D2.1 Energy end-user behaviour characterization

Definition of energy end-user behaviour to identify the key behavioural factors influencing in the energy flexibility of buildings.

D2.2 Methodology for user engagement in energy literacy and flexibility

Methodology to engage end-users in using new energy flexibility solutions and get familiar with market mechanisms and concepts thereof.

D5.2 Security and privacy mechanisms specification

Specification of the cybersecurity modules and mechanisms.

D6.4 Analysis and evaluation of results and project impact

Report on evaluation of results and project impact.

D4.2 Report on algorithms to increase grid resilience at LV/MV level

Description of control algorithms to apply fault detection isolation and restoration services and optimize power flows using the ebalance architecture

D7.3 Market Analysis Report

Results of market analysis to evaluate the added value of ebalance technologies into reference markets

D5.1 Networking layer specification

Specification of the networking layer of the ebalance+ ICT architecture.

D3.2 Specification of power inverter interfaces

Specification of SiCbased power inverters for distributed grid applications and interfaces for interoperability

D6.1 Evaluation methodology and experiment design

Definition of the evaluation methodology to deploy ebalance in demo sites and definition of KPI and the experiment design in every demo site to quantify project impacts using the ebalance platform outputs

D5.5 Prototypes implemented

Report on implementation of the platform prototypes according to demo sites requirements, including in-Lab demo.

D1.2 Definition of use cases and specification of technical, market and social requirements for electric flexibility and grid resilience

Definition of use cases to be tested in the ebalance+ demo sites and list of technical, market and social requirements to implement the energy flexibility and resilience solutions.

D5.3 Data exchange middleware specification

Specification of middleware modules to integrate ebalance flexibility and resilience modules and solutions

D3.6 Specification of electric vehicle charging stations based on PV and V2G

Specification of V2G systems integrated with PV canopies car parks and innovative silicon carbide SiC power inverters

D2.3 Effectiveness of energy flexibility tools in respect to user engagement and increasing energy literacy

Evaluation of the flexibility solutions effectiveness regarding increasing energy literacy and enduser engagement This deliverable may have a second release after project demonstration and according social project mentoring

D3.1 Specification of smart-storage interfaces

Specification of threephase electric smart storage systems and interfaces for interoperability

D3.4 Specification and implementation of grid automation and control devices and interfaces

Specification of grid automation and control devices to increase the energy flexibility and resilience of power system and specification of interfaces for interoperability

D4.1 Report on algorithms to unlock flexibility in electric distribution grids

Description of models and algorithms to predict and quantify the available flexibility at level of buildings and distribution grid electric vehicle charging points electric storage power inverters and building appliances

D3.3 Specification of interfaces for IoT devices

Specification of IoT devices and mobile app to increase the smart readiness of buildings ensuring the interoperability

D7.2 Report on Analysis of Obstacles to Innovation

Assessment of legal and regulatory barriers for optimal deployment of flexibility solutions at national and European level

D3.5 Description of prediction models and algorithm specification

Description of prediction models and algorithms of available energy flexibility at building grid EV and storage level

D9.4 Final Report

Final reports that includes a summary of project activities, outcomes and exploitable results.

D8.5 Final project video

Final project dissemination video

D8.4 Video News Release with Dissemination Report

Videos to disseminate project results

D8.2 Project website and social media channels

Project website (online)

D8.3 Introductory video

Introductory video published in social networks


Household Energy Management

Autores: Piotr Powroźnik, Robert Szulim, Wiesław Miczulski, Krzysztof Piotrowski
Publicado en: Applied Sciences, Edición 11/4, 2021, Página(s) 1626, ISSN 2076-3417
Editor: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/app11041626

Generic Energy Production Model for Smart Grid Emulation 

Autores: Milosz Krysik
Publicado en: Proc. 13th Scientific Conference on Measurement Systems in Research and in Industry (MS 2020), 2020, Página(s) 49-52, ISBN 978-83-957716-0-6
Editor: University of Zielona Gora

Two-Stage Secure Bottom-Up Load Coordination Mechanism in Distribution Grids

Autores: Mohsen Banaei, Razgar Ebrahimy, Henrik Madsen
Publicado en: 2023 IEEE 11th International Conference on Smart Energy Grid Engineering (SEGE), Edición 1-08-2023, 2023, Página(s) 64-69, ISBN 979-8-3503-4071-6
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/sege59172.2023.10274586

Distribution Grid Energy Flexibility: The Ebalance-Plus Technologies Developed for the University of Calabria Demo Site

Autores: Anna Pinnarelli, Daniele Menniti, Nicola sorrentino, Juan Jacobo Peralta Escalante, Maurizio Vizza, Pasquale Vizza
Publicado en: Environmental Sciences Proceedings, 2021
Editor: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/environsciproc2021011010

A secure automation solution to provide flexibility at low-level grid - middleware services

Autores: Ebrahimy, Razgar, Mohsen Banaei, Henrik Madsen, Jaime Chen Gallardo, Manuel Diaz Rodríguez, Juan Jacobo Peralta Escalante, Krzysztof Piotrowski.
Publicado en: 27th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2023), Edición 12/9/2023, 2023, Página(s) 3305-3309, ISBN 978-1-83953-855-1
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10517912

Intelligent and Interactive Household Simulation for Energy Management Algorithms’ Evaluation 

Autores: Igor Koropiecki, Piotr Powroznik, Krzysztof Piotrowski 
Publicado en: Proc. 13th Scientific Conference on Measurement Systems in Research and in Industry (MS 2020), 2020, Página(s) 33-36
Editor: University of Zielona Gora

Engaging Electricity Users in Italy, Denmark, Spain, and France in Demand-Side Management Solutions

Autores: Bohdanowicz, Zbigniew, Jarosław Kowalski, Paweł Kobyliński.
Publicado en: Digital Interaction and Machine Intelligence. MIDI 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Edición 440, 2022, Página(s) 171-178, ISBN 978-3-031-11431-1
Editor: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-11432-8_17

Low Voltage Warning System for Stand-Alone Metering Station Using AI on the Edge

Autores: Krzysztof Turchan, Krzysztof Piotrowski
Publicado en: Digital Interaction and Machine Intelligence. MIDI 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems,, Edición 440, 2022, Página(s) 107-114, ISBN 978-3-031-11431-1
Editor: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-11432-8_10

Techno Economic Analysis of Electric Vehicle Grid Integration Aimed to Provide Network Flexibility Services in Italian Regulatory Framework

Autores: Anna Pinnarelli, Daniele Menniti, Nicola sorrentino, Pasquale Vizza, Giuseppe Barone, Giovanni Brusco, Gianluca Marano
Publicado en: Energies, Edición 19961073, 2022, ISSN 1996-1073
Editor: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en15072355

Testing Smart Grid Scenarios with Small Volume Testbed and Flexible Power Inverter

Autores: M. Krysik, K. Piotrowski, K. Turchan
Publicado en: Energies, Edición 19961073, 2022, ISSN 1996-1073
Editor: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en15020428

Exploiting demand-side flexibility: State-of-the-art, open issues and social perspective.

Autores: D’Ettorre, F., Banaei, M., Ebrahimy, R., Pourmousavi, S. A., Blomgren, E. M. V., Kowalski, J., Bohdanowicz, Z., Łopaciuk-Gonczaryk, B., Biele, C., & Madsen, H.
Publicado en: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Edición 13640321, 2022, ISSN 1364-0321
Editor: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2022.112605

Elastic Energy Management Algorithm using IoT Technology for Devices with Smart Appliance Functionality to React to the Occurrence of Overvoltage in the Smart-Grid

Autores: P. Powroznik, P. Szczesniak, K. Piotrowski
Publicado en: Energies, Edición 19961073, 2022, ISSN 1996-1073
Editor: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en15010109

An Elastic Energy Management Algorithm in a Hierarchical Control System with Distributed Control Devices

Autores: P. Powroznik, P. Szczesniak, K. Turchan, M. Krysik, I. Koropiecki, K. Piotrowski
Publicado en: Energies, Edición 19961073, 2022, ISSN 1996-1073
Editor: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en15134750

A Stochastic Methodology to Exploit Maximum Flexibility of Swimming Pool Heating Systems

Autores: Mohsen Banaei, Francesco D’Ettorre, Razgar Ebrahimy, S. Ali Pourmousavi, Emma MV Blomgren, Henrik Madsen
Publicado en: International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Edición 01420615, 2022, ISSN 0142-0615
Editor: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijepes.2022.108643

Maintaining flexibility in smart grid consumption through deep learning and deep reinforcement learning

Autores: Fernando Gallego; Cristian Martín; Manuel Díaz; Daniel Garrido
Publicado en: Energy and AI, Vol 13, Iss , Pp 100241- (2023), Edición 35, 2023, ISSN 2666-5468
Editor: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.egyai.2023.100241

Grey-box modeling for hot-spot temperature prediction of oil-immersed transformers in power distribution networks

Autores: E.M.V. Blomgren; F. D’Ettorre; O. Samuelsson; M. Banaei; R. Ebrahimy; M.E. Rasmussen; N.H. Nielsen; A.R. Larsen; H. Madsen
Publicado en: Blomgren , E M V , D'Ettorre , F , Samuelsson , O , Banaei , M , Ebrahimy , R , Rasmussen , M E , Nielsen , N H , Larsen , A R & Madsen , H 2023 , ' Grey-box modeling for hot-spot temperature prediction of oil-immersed transformers in power distribution networks ' , Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks , vol. 34 , 101048 ., Edición 4, 2023, ISSN 2352-4677
Editor: Elsevier Limited
DOI: 10.1016/j.segan.2023.101048

Intentions to Charge Electric Vehicles Using Vehicle-to-Grid Technology among People with Different Motivations to Save Energy

Autores: Bohdanowicz, Zbigniew; Kowalski, Jarosław; Biele, Cezary
Publicado en: Sustainability; Volume 14; Edición 19; Pages: 12681, Edición 23, 2022, ISSN 2071-1050
Editor: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/su141912681

Intensive Data-Driven Model for Real-Time Observability in Low-Voltage Radial DSO Grids

Autores: Blomgren, Emma M. V., Mohsen Banaei, Razgar Ebrahimy, Olof Samuelsson, Francesco D’Ettorre,Henrik Madsen
Publicado en: Energies, Edición 16 (11), 2023, Página(s) 4366, ISSN 1996-1073
Editor: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en16114366

Households’ electrical energy conservation and management: An ecological break-through, or the same old consumption-growth path?

Autores: Zbigniew Bohdanowicz, Beata Łopaciuk -Gonczaryk, Jarosław Kowalski, Cezary Biele
Publicado en: Energies, Edición 19961073, 2021, ISSN 1996-1073
Editor: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en14206829

Replicability of innovative smart grid business models. New assessment methodology for business models in smart grid research & innovation projects.

Autores: Stravopodis, Georgios; van Welie, Mara Johanna
Publicado en: Edición 21, 2023
Editor: Zenodo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10130520

Control System of the Inverter Model with Regulated Maximum Power and Synchronization with the Power Grid

Autores: Milosz Krysik
Publicado en: 2020
Editor: University Zielona Gora

Generic Energy Production Model for Smart Grid Emulation 

Autores: Ryszard Rybski, Milosz Krysik, Krzysztof Piotrowski
Publicado en: Measurement Systems in Theory and Practice, 2020, Página(s) 107-124, ISBN 978-83-957716-1-3
Editor: University of Zielona Gora

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