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Novel Organic recovery using Mobile ADvanced technology

Description du projet

Une valorisation organique pour les petites installations

Le digestat, c.-à-d. le matériel résiduel de la digestion anaérobie d’une matière première biodégradable, sert principalement à améliorer les qualités physiques du sol. Toutefois, les contraintes comme le manque d’équipement rentable disponible empêchent actuellement les petites installations de transformer le digestat en engrais biologiques. Le projet NOMAD, financé par l’UE, vise à surmonter cet obstacle en développant une solution technologique innovante à petite échelle qui récupérera fibres et nutriments spécifiques à partir du digestat. Ces nutriments peuvent ensuite être utilisés pour formuler des engrais biologiques à haute performance. En raison de la mobilité et la modularité de cette solution, elle pourrait servir à plusieurs installations et se traduire par un partage des coûts, la rendant plus viable que l’installation de systèmes dans des installations individuelles.


NOMAD gathers partners from China, Greece, the UK, Italy, Romania, Malta and the Netherlands to develop an innovative, small-scale tech solution designed to recover fibre and specific nutrients from digestate for formulation into high performance bio-fertiliser products. It addresses key digestate issues including environmental and health risks, handling, variable composition and the increasing volume being produced. Currently, turning digestate into bio-fertiliser products is not feasible for most small plants due to lack of available, cost-effective equipment, and the expense of achieving end of waste standard PAS110.

Building on partners’ previous work, the proposed technology will utilise heat from combustion of waste timber and recovered energy from a collection vehicle to improve energy efficiency while simultaneously addressing regulatory compliance. Specific nutrients will be extracted from the liquid fraction and water recovered for reuse. The remaining sludge will be blended & composted with ash (derived from waste timber combustion) and biochar to produce optimised, nutrient-balanced soil conditioners. The model rests on the solution’s mobility and modularity as one unit could serve multiple plants, tackling digestate from a range of feedstocks with shared costs making it more viable than installing systems at individual plants.

Other project activities include stakeholder engagement; field trials across contrasting regions; policy recommendations; a comprehensive impact assessment of the business model; and dissemination of key outputs. The project aims to replace non-renewable mineral fertilisers with low-carbon, organic equivalents; minimise environmental and health risks associated with digestate; create a new, disruptive business model for rural decentralised AD; and achieve a more favourable climate for circular economy development through successful stakeholder engagement.


Appel à propositions


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Sous appel


Régime de financement

IA - Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 591 537,41
57001 Thermi Thessaloniki

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Βόρεια Ελλάδα Κεντρική Μακεδονία Θεσσαλονίκη
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
€ 591 537,41

Participants (14)