Sicherstellen, dass die Winde der Innovation weiterhin stark wehen
Schwimmende Windturbinen stellen für Länder mit tiefen Gewässern eine innovative Energielösung dar, da ihre Installation weniger kostet und sie an Orten mit hohen Windgeschwindigkeiten mehr Energie erzeugen können. Der europäische Strategieplan für Energietechnologie schlägt vor, dass die EU sich schnell um den Einsatz von schwimmenden Windturbinen bemüht und die Initiative durch die Beteiligung von Nachwuchsforscherinnen und -forschern verstärkt. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt STEP4WIND zielt darauf ab, das Niveau der kommerziellen Reife der Offshore-Windenergie zu heben, indem innovative technologische Systeme übernommen werden. Als Doktorandenprogramm der europäischen Industrie wird es 10 Doktorarbeiten begleiten, die von drei Universitäten und fünf führenden Energieunternehmen betreut werden. Das Projekt wird außerdem spezifische Instrumente und Verfahren entwickeln, die die mit schwimmenden Windturbinen einhergehenden technologischen und wirtschaftlichen Herausforderungen angehen sollen.
STEP4WIND aims at increasing the commercial readiness level of floating offshore wind energy through technological innovations across the supply chain. Floating wind turbines (FOWTs) could be a game changer to further decrease the cost of offshore wind energy and unlock new markets. Wind turbines placed on a floating support and moored to the seabed can harness energy in areas with much higher wind speeds, at a reduced installation cost. It also gives the opportunity to countries with deep water to enter the offshore wind industry. The SET-Plan stresses that Europe needs to move fast in deploying FOWTs. It also highlights the urgency to widen the basic knowledge of early-stage researchers (ESRs) towards the design of FOWTs and match it with industrial needs. This European Industrial Doctorate programme will achieve this by delivering 10 doctoral degrees jointly supervised by the public and private sectors. The ESRs will be supervised by 3 universities with a track-record in wind energy research and 5 companies leading the deployment of floating wind farms and heavily involved in policy-making bodies. A mentoring scheme will be tailored to the needs of each ESR, with the involvement of several female senior staff. Scientifically, STEP4WIND will develop floating-specific tools, methods and infrastructures to tackle the technological and economical challenges of FOWTs, from design to deployment, operation and scaling up. The innovations from each ESR will be systematically integrated in a common multi-disciplinary design and optimisation tool to assess their impact on cost, risk and the environment. STEP4WIND will also deliver guidelines for large farm deployments, with a clear roadmap to commercialisation. The results will be disseminated openly in a series of innovative ways, including an online game and a design competition. STEP4WIND will also take part in large outreach initiatives, such as the TORQUE2020 outreach events organised by the Coordinator in May 2020.
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MSCA-ITN - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN)Koordinator
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