Periodic Reporting for period 1 - PREMUROSA (Precision medicine for muscoloskeletal regeneration, prosthetics and active ageing)
Período documentado: 2020-01-01 hasta 2021-12-31
Materials currently used for musculoskeletal regeneration and prosthesis manufacturing, including metals and ceramics, have been produced, characterized concerning physicochemical properties, such as surface and bulk chemical composition, morphology, structure, release kinetics of doped ions, surface charge and degradation rates when relevant; they have also been modified in order to add specific functionalities. All the elements above have been finely studied and validated, thus they can now be used to obtain reproducible results. The interaction of the materials with proteins and mesenchymal stem cells was also assessed. The effect of dynamic conditions during cell seeding onto scaffolds was studied and optimized with different approaches, including perfusion and sonographic techniques.
Moreover, several 3D advanced cell models were developed to study the cell/stress responses, the role of extracellular matrix including proteins and glycans, vascularization, innervation and immune systems in musculoskeletal tissues regeneration with or without biomaterials. Preliminary digital simulations were set.
At the same time, ESRs have started publishing their work in scientific articles, reaching a total of 11 articles published as co-authors by December 2021.
a) the optimization of clinical choices and the consequent improvement of quality of life of the patients and the reduction of healthcare system costs;
b) the development of new assays for materials pre-clinical screening and the consequent reduction of the recurrence to animal experimentation;
c) the optimization of the existing devices and the development of the new products (devices and digital tools) and the consequent strengthening of the industrial competitiveness and definitively of employment in the industrial health sector.
PREMUROSA is also training a cohort of 13 young scientists addressing multidisciplinary scientific skill, as well as transversal skills such as entrepreneurship and European collaborative spirit.