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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

A joint doctoral program to educate tomorrow’s insect pathologists: Solving disease problems in the upcoming insect rearing industry.

Descripción del proyecto

La cría masiva de insectos requiere científicos formados para gestionar los brotes de patógenos

Desde la primera revolución agrícola de hace unos 12 000 años, las personas han cultivado cosechas y criado animales para su propio beneficio. La aparición de patógenos y enfermedades en estas especies domesticas plantea un riesgo de pérdida económica para los agricultores, así como de contagio de enfermedades a los humanos. La «enfermedad de las vacas locas» y la gripe aviar son un par de ejemplos recientes. Mientras que el mundo recurre a la cría de insectos a gran escala como alternativa a la carne y como una vía hacia un control de plagas y una gestión de residuos más ecológicos, existen grandes deficiencias en la comprensión de la patología de los insectos y los ecosistemas creados por la cría de insectos a gran escala. INSECT DOCTORS está formando a jóvenes investigadores en las tecnologías y la ciencia pertinentes para gestionar las interacciones insecto-microbio en la cría masiva de insectos.


Mass rearing of insects is a rapidly expanding industry due to improved mechanisation and increasing interest in the use of insects for a variety of purposes, such as sterile insect techniques, food and feed, waste management, and biocontrol of insect pest species. However, expertise is urgently needed to address emerging problems with infectious disease outbreaks in mass reared insects. Therefore, we propose the INSECT DOCTORS joint doctoral programme to build a durable European framework to educate experts in insect pathology in order to overcome the shortage in properly educated experts in Europe, and beyond. The research of INSECT DOCTORS will expand our understanding of emerging pathogens and will provide necessary tools for disease management in industrial insect rearing. The complementary expertise of the participating institutes and companies leads to an ambitious and exciting programme, providing interdisciplinary training and research in pertinent areas of insect pathology (bacteriology, mycology, virology) and entomology (immunology, physiology). In an overarching training program, novel advanced courses will provide students with technical, scientific and transferable skills. This interdisciplinary approach, crucial to provide insight in the complexity of insect-microbe interactions in a range of farmed insects, can only be achieved by joining forces between European universities. Furthermore, this joint doctoral programme aims to build durable partnerships for doctoral training in insect pathology, thereby overcoming national and interdisciplinary boundaries in doctoral research. By requiring equal excellence from all participants in this training programme we will contribute to high level PhD education across Europe. In short: INSECT DOCTORS will provide the durable framework, the people, the scientific knowledge and the tools to assist the upcoming insect industry to diagnose and mitigate infectious diseases in their mass reared insects cultures.

Ámbito científico

CORDIS clasifica los proyectos con EuroSciVoc, una taxonomía plurilingüe de ámbitos científicos, mediante un proceso semiautomático basado en técnicas de procesamiento del lenguaje natural.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 796 859,64
6708 PB Wageningen
Países Bajos

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Oost-Nederland Gelderland Veluwe
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 796 859,64

Participantes (7)