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Next generation short-sea ship dual-fuel engine and propulsion retrofit technologies

Descrizione del progetto

Motori navali simbiotici e innovazioni di propulsione

Un consorzio di otto partner industriali e accademici sta conducendo un progetto di ricerca triennale per sviluppare due motori navali simbiotici e innovazioni di propulsione. Il progetto SeaTech, finanziato dall’UE, svilupperà una versione operativa di un dispositivo di propulsione a pala oscillante e testerà questo dispositivo per il risparmio energetico a bordo di navi a corto raggio. L’innovazione sarà caratterizzata da una possibilità di apportare ammodernamenti successivi e una facilità di manutenzione elevate. Offrirà inoltre agli armatori un ritorno sull’investimento del 400 % grazie ai risparmi sul carburante e sui costi operativi. Il progetto stima un risparmio di CO2 di 32,5 milioni di tonnellate all’anno, se solo il 10 % di tutte le navi a corto raggio dell’UE saranno dotate degli ammodernamenti progettati da SeaTech. Tale stima equivale alle emissioni di 200 000 autovetture all’anno.


The SeaTech consortium is proposing to develop two symbiotic ship engine and propulsion innovations, that when combined, lead to an increase of 30% in fuel efficiency and radical emission reductions of 99% for NOx, 99% for SOx, 46% for CO2 and 94% for particulate matter. The innovations will be characterized by high retrofitability, maintainability and offer ship owners a return-on-investment of 400% due to fuel and operational cost savings.
The proposed renewable-energy-based propulsion innovation is the bio-mimetic dynamic wing mounted at the ship bow to augment ship propulsion in moderate and higher sea states, capturing wave energy, producing extra thrust and damping ship motions.
The proposed power generation innovation is based on the idea of achieving ultra-high energy conversion efficiency by precisely controlling the auto-ignition of the fuel mixture at every operating point of the engine for achieving radically reduced emissions.
The ultimate objective of the project is to upscale both technologies, demonstrate them in relevant environment and finally model the expected complementarities and synergy effects of deploying both innovations on a short-sea vessel scenario by extrapolating demonstration data with the help of a bespoke Advanced Data Analytics Framework.
The project partners envisage to commercialize both symbiotic innovations in the European and Asian short-sea market by 2025, followed by the adjacent deep-sea market. Assuming only 10% of EU short-sea vessels would be retrofitted with SeaTech, this would result in CO2 savings of 32.5 million tons annually, which equals the emissions of 200.000 passenger cars/year. Further impact includes savings of EUR 85.2 billion in health and climate change damages due to lower emissions, the creation of +100 jobs at the project partners with a cumulative net profit of EUR 820 million in the first 5 years post-commercialisation, and the indirect creation of 250 new jobs in the EU shipyard industry.

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

IA - Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 474 589,00
Paesi Bassi

Mostra sulla mappa

Tipo di attività
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Costo totale
€ 707 541,25

Partecipanti (7)