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Risultati finali
Detailed design of the technical validation and functional testing of the core Gatekeeper services implementation.
Dissemination and communications planReport with the planning and strategy to disseminate and communicate GATEKEEPER`s outputs.
Final ReportFinal report summarizing all the activities done in the project.
Dissemination and communications activities and materialsReport with all the materials and activities performed during the reporting project.
Open Innovation and co-creation WorkshopsV1 (M3) Template for workshops organisers
D2.4.2 Open Innovation and co-creation WorkshopsV2 (M12), report on results from 1st cycle of workshops
Scaling up twinnings reportReport with conclusions and guidelines of the 10 twinnings.
Initial standardization strategySynthetic report presenting the standardization strategy adopted by GATEKEEPER consortium.
Legal, Ethics and Privacy Protection (LEPP) ManagementV1 (M8) will provide a short assessment and a LEPP management Manual
D1.5.2 Legal, Ethics and Privacy Protection (LEPP) ManagementV2 M24 will provide annual evaluation including an ethical risks compilation based on a template distributed to all partners
Overall Gatekeeper architectureReport with the overall architecture of the Gatekeeper ecosystem and will provide a detailed description of the main components.
Medical use cases specification and implementation guideIt describes medical uses cases presented by Reference Sites and new use cases resulting from Open Calls and provides relevant recommendations for their implementation at highest clinical standards.
D8.1.2 Overview of relevant standards in smart living enviroments and gap analysisReport containing a set of existing and ongoing standards relevant for the project objectives including the identification of the responsible standardisation committees and a gap analysis about future developments
D4.6.2 Gatekeeper Marketplace ServicesDetailed design of Gatekeeper market place service
Open Calls ReportV1 (M12) Guide for applicants and 1st round plan
Report on the overall governance for procurementsDocument reporting best practices methodologies opportunities and guidelines for the Procurement of GK solutions
Gatekeeper Marketplace ServicesDetailed design of Gatekeeper market place service
D1.5.3 Legal, Ethics and Privacy Protection (LEPP) ManagementV3(M48) will provide annual evaluation including an ethical risks compilation (based on a template distributed to all partners).
D9.3.3 Dissemination and communications activities and materialsReport with all the materials and activities performed during the reporting project.
Initial Plan on the Overall Governance for ProcurementsAnalysis of the status of EU PPI in Healthcare barriers best practices and framework for the definition of GK solutions procurement
Updated KPI Evolution Report (I to IX)KPI periodic report based on the results of use cases and comparison with the previously locally observed KPIs.
D6.1.2 Medical use cases specification and implementation guideIt describes medical uses cases presented by Reference Sites and new use cases resulting from Open Calls and provides relevant recommendations for their implementation at highest clinical standards
New use case demonstrations conclusion (I to IX)Report on the results of the inclusion of new use cases from open call and the conclusion of the exploration of own solutions in new sites
User Requirements and TaxonomyReports stakeholders` requirements and baseline taxonomy
D2.6.2 Open Calls ReportV2 M24 Report of 1st Open Call results V3 Guide for applicants and 2nd round plan
Certification scheme strategy and sustainability planPlan with recommendations for leveraging on certification mechanisms to support GATEKEEPER adoption by the market.
Initial Ecosystem Management PlanDocument the definition of the open calls and their scope, the requirements for the platform sustainability and management details.
GATEKEEPER Trust FrameworkOverview of relevant stakeholders and bespoke RRI approach focusing on trust.
D3.2.2 Overall Gatekeeper architectureReport with the overall architecture of the Gatekeeper ecosystem and will provide a detailed description of the main components.
Standardization report and recommendationsReport an standardization activities achieved by the members of the consortium and recommendation for future standardization effort
D2.6.3 Open Calls ReportV4 (M48) 2nd Open Call results
D2.3.3 User Requirements and TaxonomyReports stakeholders requirements and baseline taxonomy
D4.6.3 Gatekeeper Marketplace ServicesDetail design of GK marketplace service
Interoperability within GatekeeperDocument detailing how things will be interoperable with Web of Thing, FHIR and SAREF standards.
Technical validation reportDetailed design of the technical validation and functional testing of the core Gatekeeper services implementation
D7.2.3 Updated KPI Evolution Report (I to IX)KPI periodic report based on the results of use cases and comparison with the previously locally observed KPIs
D7.2.5 Updated KPI Evolution Report (I to IX)KPI periodic report based on the results of use cases and comparison with the previously locally observed KPIs
D2.3.2 User Requirements and TaxonomyReports stakeolders requirements and baseline taxonomy
D7.2.4 Updated KPI Evolution Report (I to IX)KPI periodic report based on the results of use cases and comparison with the previously locally observed KPIs
D9.3.2 Dissemination and communications activities and materialsReport with all the materials and activities performed during the reporting project
Overview of relevant standards in smart living environments and gap analysisReport containing a set of existing and on-going standards relevant for the project objectives, including the identification of the responsible standardisation committees and a gap analysis about future developments.
RRI approach for the ICT for AHA domainRecommendations for other initiatives on how to deal with trust and privacy in a dynamic RRI framework.
GATEKEEPER binary FHIR optimization for IoTReport describing the GATEKEEPER binary FHIR optimization for IoT and smart home devices and its integration.
D3.3.2 Interoperability within GatekeeperDocument detailing how things will be interoperable with Web of Thing, FHIR and SAREF standards. Two versions will be released.
Functional and technical requirements of GATEKEEPER platformState-of-the-art analysis on technologies regarding WoT, AI, cybersecurity for eHealth and specifications of all Functional and technical requirements of GATEKEEPER platform.
D6.1.3 Medical use cases specification and implementation guideIt describes medical uses cases presented by Reference Sites and new use cases resulting from Open Calls and provides relevant recommendations for their implementation at highest clinical standards
D2.4.3 Open Innovation and co-creation WorkshopsV3 (M36) report on results from 2nd cycle of workshops.
Actual software release of the Thing Management System.
Microservices Containerization & DeploymentActual software release of cloud service infrastructure for the Gatekeeper platform.
D5.5.2 Design of authoring tool for adaptive and multimodal interfacesDetailed design of the authoring tool and the UX patterns of interaction for elderly persons.
Thing Management SystemActual software release of the Thing Management System.
D4.1.3 Microservices Containerization & DeploymentActual software release of cloud service infrastructure for the Gatekeeper platform.
Gatekeeper Trust AuthorityActual software release of the Secured Data sharing & Trusted Transactions Component.
Intelligent Connected Care Services and IoTDetailed design the Intelligent Connected Care Services and IoT hub for proactive healthcare services.
Design of authoring tool for adaptive and multimodal interfacesDetailed design of the authoring tool and the UX patterns of interaction for elderly persons.
Robotic assistance in community care: general framework, requirements and evaluationDesign specification for integrating home robot assistance in smart-community care, the functional and non-functional requirements of robotic assistance, the results of user testing and the discussion of the results.
D4.1.2 Microservices Containerization & DeploymentActual software release of cloud service infrastructure for the Gatekeeper platform.
D5.1.2 Application Programming Interfaces for GatekeeperSW and description of the programming interfaces.
Project websiteA project website as a service for communication and dissemination.
Application Programming Interfaces for GatekeeperSW and description of the programming interfaces.
D5.4.2 Intelligent Connected Care Services and IoTDetailed design the Intelligent Connected Care Services and IoT hub for proactive healthcare services.
Project DMP and local DMPs will provide, in compliance with GDPR, the strategy to be adopted within the project regarding the data management, knowledge and IPR issues.
Data Management PlanProject DMP and local DMPs will provide, in compliance with GDPR, the strategy to be adopted within the project regarding the data management, knowledge and IPR issues.
Przemyslaw Kardas
Pubblicato in:
Gazeta Lekarska, Numero 07/08/2022, 2022, Pagina/e 60
Naczelna Rada Lekarska
Carlo Allocca, Samia Jilali, Rohit Ail, Jaehun Lee, Byungho Kim, Alessio Antonini, Enrico Motta, Julia Schellong, Lisa Stieler, Muhammad Salman Haleem, Eleni Georga, Leandro Pecchia, Eugenio Gaeta,and Giuseppe Fico
Pubblicato in:
Applied sciences, 2022, ISSN 2076-3417
Serena Mingolla, Ylenia Sacco, Francesco Fera, Giovanni Gorgoni
Pubblicato in:
Rosenberg & Sellier
Sonia Valladares-Rodríguez; Manuel J. Fernández-Iglesias; Luis E. Anido-Rifón; Moisés Pacheco-Lorenzo
Pubblicato in:
Electronics, Vol 11, Iss 21, p 3424 (2022), Numero 49, 2022, ISSN 2076-3417
Gianluca Bardaro, Alessio Antonini & Enrico Motta
Pubblicato in:
International Journal of Social Robotics, 2021, ISSN 1875-4805
Elias Dritsas, Sotiris Alexiou, Konstantinos Moustakas
Pubblicato in:
"""The 16th Learning and Intelligent Optimization Conference """, 2022
Alessio Antonini
Pubblicato in:
Crossref, Numero 23, 2023
Elias Dritsas, Sotirios Alexiou, Konstantinos Moustakas
Pubblicato in:
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments, 2022, ISBN 978-1-4503-9631-8
Ioannis Konstantoulas, Elias Dritsas, Konstantinos Moustakas
Pubblicato in:
2022 13th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems & Applications (IISA), 2022
Elias Dritsas; Sotiris Alexiou; Konstantinos Moustakas
Pubblicato in:
2022 International Conference on INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications (INISTA), 2022
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