Description du projet
Changer la perception des bâtiments écologiques
La conception, la construction et l’exploitation des bâtiments sont responsables de l’épuisement de nombreuses ressources naturelles dans le monde. Bien que le passage à des bâtiments plus écologiques soit une solution clé, beaucoup de banques et de propriétaires hésitent à investir dans ce type d’édifices. Le projet SMARTER, financé par l’UE, s’est fixé pour but de changer les mentalités. Son objectif est d’aider les familles à réfléchir aux avantages financiers des mesures d’efficacité énergétique lorsqu’elles examinent le coût d’achat d’une maison; en outre, il permettra aux investisseurs et aux promoteurs de mieux comprendre les critères de performance énergétique. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, SMARTER a créé la plateforme d’investissement dans les maisons vertes (Green Homes Investment Platform) et l’écosystème des fournisseurs de solutions pour les maisons vertes (Green Homes Solution Providers).
"Many citizens, particularly in nascent green building markets, make suboptimal decisions in the design and construction choices for renovation approaches and new home purchases due to a fear of bank financing. Borrowing sufficiently to bring forward necessary resources to build homes properly both reduces citizens’ “Total Cost of Monthly Ownership” (loan payment plus energy, health and repair costs) while unlocking a critical increase of construction budgets facilitating ownership of the greenest, high-quality homes. Financing Green Homes with the borrower subject to lower monthly operating costs is less risky to banks which provide discounted credit without harming profits.
The SMARTER project effectively communicates the benefits of Green Homes to citizens and other key stakeholders to bring a systemic solution to a systemic problem that inhibits the financial industry to design and offer green finance products and the citizens to understand and request them. SMARTER replicates a successful “Green Homes and Green Mortgage” program to 12 new countries, addresses barriers and brings green innovation with relevant research and cluster formation, adapts essential tools for administration and communication, and effectively expands collection of actual energy and financial performance to improve risk analysis with local data. Public investment is leveraged and ambitious green EU targets are supported as banks, developers, and green solution providers all contribute budgets to increase private financing for building exemplary homes.
The SMARTER “Green Homes Investment Platform” guides new programs to a suitably ambitious, common definition of green investments and facilitates institutional investment by collaborating with ongoing initiatives including EeMAP and EEFIG; aligning with EC objectives such as “Mainstreaming Energy Efficiency Finance” and advancing the Financial, Technical and Behavioral de-risking championed by “Smart Finance for Smart Buildings""."
Régime de financement
CSA - Coordination and support actionCoordinateur
020334 Bucuresti
L’entreprise s’est définie comme une PME (petite et moyenne entreprise) au moment de la signature de la convention de subvention.