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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

RenoBooster - the Smart Renovation Hub Vienna


Komplettlösung zum Schutz von Altbauten in Wien

Die historische europäische Stadt Wien beherbergt eine beeindruckende Zahl an jahrhundertealten mehrstöckigen Gebäuden, die stetig und kostspielig saniert werden müssen. Die speziell auf die Stadt zugeschnittene Smart City Framework Strategy ist wichtig, um diese Gebäude zu schützen. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt RenoBooster will diese Bemühungen durch die Schaffung einer Komplettlösung stärken, die den jeweiligen Gebäudeeigentümern helfen soll. Das Projekt wird alle wichtigen Interessengruppen einbeziehen und notwendige Dienstleistungen kombinieren – von der Beratung und den Bankgeschäften bis hin zum technischen und rechtlichen Rahmen. Dadurch sollen gezielte Pakete getestet und entwickelt werden, die neue Technologien sowie ökologische und wirtschaftliche Lösungen beinhalten. Das Ergebnis werden deutliche Energieeinsparungen, die Reduzierung von CO2-Emissionen und garantiert hochwertige Dienstleistungen sein.


Vienna has set itself ambitious targets in its Smart City Framework Strategy. To achieve those targets, efforts must be increased considerably. With a large share of multi-storey buildings and the highest share of large buildings from before 1919, Vienna’s building stock differs significantly from those of the other Austrian provinces and calls for specifically targeted strategies and actions.

RenoBooster – the Smart Renovation Hub Vienna proposes a tailored and timely answer to this challenge. It is the joint effort of renowned institutional, technical and social expertise led by the City of Vienna, to create an attractive offer - One-Stop-Shop - for the Viennese private home owners and their building managers built on existing services.

The project is designed as comprehensive participatory process, involving the key stakeholders in Vienna and thus laying the ground for stable local partnerships for renovation. Substantial support has already been achieved in preparation of the proposal. The project combines new consulting services, banking and finance instruments, targeted subsidies, communication formats as well as technical and legal framework conditions into integrated services. Careful market segmentation and target-group specific communication will support the development and thorough testing of a number of new packages – including topics like efficient technologies, renewable energy and energy poverty. Quality assurance to support home owners in achieving the expected energy savings will be the essential element.

In the first 5 years of the Smart Renovation Hub Vienna the new integrated services are expected to lead to an increase of the renovation rate and quality, triggering at least 110 mio € investments, 5.5 GWh/a of primary energy savings and a reduction of 1000t of CO2 emissions/a. Moreover, RenoBooster is expected to create a positive dynamic going beyond this project and stimulate further energy-efficient renovation initiatives.

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€ 436 250,00
1010 Wien

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Ostösterreich Wien Wien
Public bodies (excluding Research Organisations and Secondary or Higher Education Establishments)
€ 436 250,00

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