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Links zu Ergebnissen und Veröffentlichungen von RP7-Projekten sowie Links zu einigen Typen spezifischer Ergebnisse wie Datensätzen und Software werden dynamisch von OpenAIRE abgerufen.
Report outlining the main messages gathered in the district offices opening event which will include videotestimonials from attendees authorities District offices representatives neighbours This material will be included in the Projects website and will be disseminated through Social Media and will be useful for the upscaling activities at regional levelThis deliverable will be prepared in Spanish
Project management handbookProcedures for technical and financial reporting, the presentation standards for deliverables and reports to the EC, the measures to ensure timely reporting and the internal review procedure to guarantee the quality of the results. This deliverable will be prepared in English.
White book on replicable one-stop-shop modelAs a result of T2.4 and its subtasks, and based on the knowledge gained in the previous activities, this document will compile the requirements that are essential for any district office running under the HIROSS4all methodology. This deliverable will be prepared in English.
"Reports on ""Basque OSS"" Workshop"Report with the conclusions of the two Basque OSS workshops first and second anniversaries of the inauguration of the district offices inviting industry technicians media and other stakeholders to discuss different aspects of how district offices can help and in the case of the ongoing project are helping to ease the final users journey through energyefficient renovation To be released in M24 and 36This deliverable will be prepared in English
Final publishable reportReport with recommendations on the set up of an integrated home renovation service based on the Basque example to be presented in a simple and userfriendly fashionThis deliverable will be prepared in English
Report on Twitter & LinkedIn account activityReport detailing the communication results using the HIROSS4all Opengela Twitter and LinkedIn accountThis deliverable will be prepared in English
“Technical information Pack” for other stakeholdersPart of the stakeholders communication and engagement process, this pack will contain information on the district office model and the benefits it can carry, the technical solutions that will be proposed, the way in which one-stop-shops will address the advice to neighbours through the customer journey, etc. This pack will also be part of the training material for the professionals undertaking the renovation works. This deliverable will be prepared in Spanish and Basque.
Implementation report on the Txonta and Otxarkoaga district offices and the Regional Coordination BoardD37 will summarize the setup process of Txonta and Otxarkoaga district offices and the Regional coordination board providing information on the administrative steps construction project if required utility registration furnishing etcThis deliverable will be prepared in Spanish
Communication PlanReport with the HIROSS4all communication strategy based on: objectives, targets, communication tools and channels, and the action plan. This deliverable will be prepared in English and Spanish.
Best practices in Europe. Lessons learntReport on the best practices and lessons learnt in the Knowledge Exchange and P2P learning process T21This deliverable will be prepared in Spanish
Website of HIROSS4all and links to local partners websites about the project. The website and most of its contents will be available in English, Spanish and Basque.
Testimonial videosVideo testimonials from neighbours whose households have been renovated authorities District offices representatives architects etc as well as other agents implicated in the process related to the Opengela activities This material will be included in the Projects website and will be disseminated through Social Media and will be useful for the upscaling activities at regional level The purpose will be to encourage other neighbours and districts to conduct renovations These videos will be available in Spanish subtitled in Basque
As part of the homeowners and residents communication and engagement process (T3.4), this pack will contain informative leaflets / infographics, a general “corporate” video for each of the neighbourhoods explaining the extent of the planned interventions, and (if applicable, and when available) a briefing on the main lessons learnt from similar district offices analysed in the P2P exercise. This deliverable will be prepared in Spanish and Basque.
Framework agreement for the upscaling of the financial instrumentAs a result of T5.3 (Scaling up of the financial instrument), a framework will be specified for the upscaling of the HIROSS4all on-tax payment financial instrument.This deliverable will be prepared in Spanish.
EU Call for replication - application packTo ensure an effective uptake of the project results and to help other regions develop integrated services for home renovation, FEDARENE will launch an EU call for follower regions. The call will be widely disseminated and will define transparent rules and selection criteria. 3 to 5 regions will be selected and will have the opportunity to follow and learn from the experience of the Basque Country.This deliverable will be prepared in English.
Quarterly newslettersNewsletters with updates of the renovation works in Otxarkoaga and Txonta pilots, for communication to general public: homeowners, residents, upscaling municipalities, and any other stakeholder in the renovation process . These newsletters will be released quarterly in M24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39 and 42. The newsletters will be prepared in English, Spanish and Basque.
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