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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Co-diversification and co-evolution of human populations and cereals in Africa

Description du projet

Mettre à jour la relation coévolutive entre les céréales et les populations humaines

La génétique des migrations humaines et celle de la domestication des plantes sont étroitement liées. Elles sont cependant traitées de manière distincte dans le cadre de la recherche. Le projet CODEV, financé par l’UE, étudiera l’interaction de ces processus en Afrique en utilisant une approche pluridisciplinaire qui se concentre sur les données génomiques humaines et végétales. Le projet entend déterminer si les populations céréalières et humaines ont en réalité coévolué et se sont coadaptées. Il entend également apporter un éclairage sur la dynamique neutre et adaptative liée à la transition agricole. Les travaux du projet stimuleront la recherche sur l’Afrique et sur les ressources biologiques africaines.


The Neolithic agricultural revolution is a key step in recent human evolution that dramatically shaped genetic diversity and adaptations of today populations. Plant domestication played a crucial role in its set-up. Yet the genetics of human migrations and plant domestication is addressed separately. CODEV explores the interaction between these processes in Africa, with an innovative multidisciplinary approach that jointly analyses human and plant genomic data, complemented by ethno-linguistic and environmental information. The largest genomic data-sets available to date of three mayor African cereals and human populations will be analyzed to identify congruent and idiosyncratic signatures of spatio-temporal evolutionary processes. CODEV will inform about whether cereal and human populations have undergone parallel or convergent evolution and co-adaptation.
CODEV will yield novel evolutionary insights on the neutral and adaptive dynamics associated with the agricultural transition, a topic of great scientific and public interest. CODEV will also contribute to strengthening research on Africa and African biological resources, still poorly characterized. Determining the genetic bases of adaptation to agriculture is relevant to understand farming-related human diseases. The identification of adaptive genes in cereals informs crop improvement towards more sustainable and hazard-resilient varieties. Transfer of knowledge and capacity building activities will be addressed to European and African graduate students and researchers and outreach events will allow sharing CODEV findings with the civil society.
This MSC action will increase the researcher competitiveness for career consolidation through new knowledge on human evolutionary genetics and species interaction analysis, and the increase of her international network. The specialized training enabled by CODEV will reinforce her skills in leadership and project management, scientific dissemination and mentoring.

Régime de financement

MSCA-IF-EF-ST - Standard EF


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 203 852,16
751 05 Uppsala

Voir sur la carte

Östra Sverige Östra Mellansverige Uppsala län
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 203 852,16