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A 4 page summary of the conclusions from WP2-3-4-6-7, with a description of the best practice applications.
Annual report on execution of the IP by companies - Year 3A report will be produced to present results and recommendations to the DGIWG
Report identified and implemented cross-cutting actionsReport identified and implemented crosscutting actions
Annual report on execution of the IP by companies - Year 1A report will be produced to present results and recommendations to the DG-IWG .
Update of the report on the Inventory of National and European Public RD&I actionsUpdate of the report on the Inventory of National and European Public RDI actions
Guide on policy and incentives practices for cooperation in EURD&I Framework conditions with recommendations for non-members of the DG IWG
A comprehensive analysis of the RD&I geothermal panorama with recommendations for non-members of the DG IWG. Linked to task 6.2
Key Performance Indicators.Key Performance Indicators. Linked to task 6.3
Communication strategy and media planPlan for ‘dissemination and exploitation’ of project results with a coordinated communication and dissemination strategy.
A report on private stakeholders ́ engagementLiaison and engagement with companies committed in principle to execute all or some of the SET Plan geothermal RDI activities
Annual monitoring report - Year 2EGEC will be in charge of monitoring the performance indicators The consortium will evaluate and monitor the impact of the project through several indicators and milestones
Annual monitoring report - Year 3EGEC will be in charge of monitoring the performance indicators The consortium will evaluate and monitor the impact of the project through several indicators and milestones
Support tools to ensure private stakeholders ́ engagementThis includes a summary of the IP, a description of the available public and private RD&I funding in Europe and in each country.
Report on the national and European mobilisation of the eight RD&I activity resources -Year 3Report on the national and European mobilisation of the eight RDI activity resources
Presentation at international conferences.After identifying relevant events, different members of the Platform will be requested to participate in major events, and partners can exhibit with a booth at a trade fair in order to promote the work of the Platform, as well as the deep geothermal sector.
Report on Research-industry knowledge transfer actionsReport on Researchindustry knowledge transfer actions
Communication toolkitElectronic Newsletter for external distribution: Regularly preparing and circulating a Newsletter for general distribution to the members as well as other interested stakeholders; The press-pack (for the international press) to present the IWG's activities; an informational leaflet (Flyers presenting the SU- DG-IWG to be circulated to relevant events and stakeholders)
Annual report on execution of the IP by companies - Year 2A report will be produced to present results and recommendations to the DG-IWG .
Report on the Inventory of National and European Public RD&I actionsReport on RD&I and non-RD&I enablers in the frame of EU cooperative work
Report on RDI and nonRDI enablers in the frame of EU cooperative work
Annual monitoring report - Year 1EGEC will be in charge of monitoring the performance indicators. The consortium will evaluate and monitor the impact of the project through several indicators and milestones. Linked to task 6.4
General observation regarding synergies and strategy support for the geothermal sectorPublic report for Stakeholders
Report on the national and European mobilisation of the eight RD&I activity resources - Year 1Report on the national and European mobilisation of the eight RD&I activity resources
Report on the national and European mobilisation of the eight RD&I activity resources -Year 2Report on the national and European mobilisation of the eight RD&I activity resources
A mapping of the private stakeholders potentially active in RD&I on geothermal
The project website will be online 3 months after the start of the project. EGEC will continue to update the site throughout the project and will remain ‘live’ for minimum two years after the project is completed.
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