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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Support Unit for the Deep Geothermal Implementation Working Group

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - SU-DG-IWG (Support Unit for the Deep Geothermal Implementation Working Group)

Berichtszeitraum: 2020-08-01 bis 2022-07-31

Following the endorsement of the Deep Geothermal Implementation Plan (DG-IP) by the SET-Plan Steering Group, a Deep Geothermal Implementation Working Group (DG-IWG) is being established to advance the DG-IP, with the aim of reaching collectively the technology targets that will place Europe at the forefront of the next generation of low carbon technologies. The objective of the SU-DG-IWG project was to create a support unit for the DG-IWG to achieve its goals efficiently and productively. The support unit had three main work streams, 1) to provide the DG-IWG with relevant information and data from the various stakeholder groups to support the decisionmaking process and the implementations actions of DG-IWG on required actions; 2) to promote and organise initiatives to mobilize growth of and implementation within the geothermal community, e.g.: workshops, brokerages, consortium building and exploitation of RD&I results; 3) provide a secretariat for the DG-IWG for assistance on administrative issues and synergies & strategy support. The consortium pushed forward a broad mobilisation of the Geothermal community to implement the action in the IP. Furthermore the project inspired the development of synergies and strategies. New ways were explored to maximize the impact of knowledge, funding and market growth at european, national and regional scale. This approach supported the creation of a durable and long-lasting R&I ecosystem in the different Member-Sates and regions. The partners did focus on a multi-actor, multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral approach. As such the project has supported the collaboration and networking among representatives of the triple helix (research, industry and government) at the regional and national level and with their counterparts from the Horizon 2020 Associated Countries
The Support Unit for the Deep Geothermal Implementation Working Group (SU-DG-IWG or the Project) has now concluded its two Reporting Periods and with that its full duration. The project has been eventful and in the opinion of the authors of this report, a time of significant progress in the broad mobilisation of the geothermal community towards its goal of implementing the action in the Implementation Plan (IP)
With the support of the project the Deep Geothermal IWG actively took part in transnational cooperation in Europe with the aim of maintaining Europe’s competitiveness in geothermal, both within power generation as well as heating and cooling. The clearest example of this is the participation in the CETP.
Through the work within the SU-DG-IWG (reports, deliverables, and meetings), EGEC has highlighted the challenges of the industry and the ways for better representation of geothermal.
The SU-DG-IWG in cooperation with GEOTHERMICA, held a Round Table in November 2019, where the objective was to inform and coordinate the activities of various European and international organisations aimed at accelerating the uptake of geothermal energy in Europe. This activity brought together key European stakeholders that comprise the three pillars.
Efforts were made to be inclusive and inviting to all interested partners in the geothermal sector of Europe. All European GEOTHERMICA counties are now represented in the DG-IWG, and strong efforts were made to include non GEOTHEMICA countries as well. Furthermore, a strong focus was put on including non-EERA members and non-EGEC members in all consultation and engagements.
Efforts of “map and match” were made with project duration, including a deliverable on this issue. In the second reporting period, the focus was on opportunities to strengthen broader international collaboration on heating and cooling. Through IWG contacts, GEOTHERMICA teamed up with JPP Smart Energy Systems for a joint Call on heating and cooling. This call will result in an expected number of 15 funded projects with a supporting budget amounting to almost 33M€. Contract negotiations are in final stages at the time of reporting.
The DG-IWG of the SET plan proposed an update of the IP. A draft revision of the IP was created, that the Deep Geothermal Implementation Working Group approved in May 2020. The previous iteration of this document was dated January 2018. An ad hoc committee appointed by the DG-IWG that was tasked with the revision of the IP concluded that little changes were needed to make the document relevant for the years to come. In particular, the updated Deep Geothermal Implementation Working Plan puts the R&I Activities in a more logical order, starting from the user perspective back towards exploration which is of course underlying any use of deep geothermal energy. To increase the transparency and potential of the public and stakeholders to participate in the 2020 revision, a special Consultation Portal was set up for inputs from the geothermal community. The 2020 version of the Implementation
In the autumn of 2021, the IWG again embarked on a revision of the Implementation Plan The 2nd revision of the Geothermal Implementation Plan is still ongoing.
The SU-DG-IWG supports measures to accelerate the achievement of the targets of the DG-IP. The main tools for reaching these targets are the RD&I actions defined in the DG-IP. The expected impact of the SU-DG-IWG relies on the fact, that better coordinated RD&I actions will generate more synergies and speed up the implementation of the following RD&I actions.

The SU-DG-IWG facilitates the transfer of knowledge and training and open-science management, which are crucial for supporting all RD&I actions as well as non-technical barriers/enablers.

The main impact of the projects will be visible in a new communication platform for stakeholders, a better connection between industry and academia, the implementation of the DG-IP during and beyond H2020, geothermal events, a dialogue between all stakeholders, a more harmonised and aligned European geothermal research arena with increased efficiency of research efforts and a more targeted joint strategic research innovation and deployment measures as well as the uptake of new technologies in the sector.
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