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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Decarbonising Transport in Europe


Summary of international model design workshop

workshop summary report providing a summary of the discussions led by the workshop participants and resulting take-away actions for the ITF for further work on the international freight and passenger models; incl. a list of priority policy measures that are to be covered in the respective models

Urban freight transport model - Methodological note

Report that provides insights into how the urban freight transport model functions, what the main data inputs and assumptions are, what outputs can be obtained, how transport mitigation measures were integrated.

Summary of result dissemination event – international transport

event summary report providing a summary of the discussions led by the event participants and resulting policy recommendations/guidance

International aviation model - Methodological note

Report that provides insights into how the international aviation model functions, what the main data inputs and assumptions are, what outputs can be obtained, how transport mitigation measures were integrated.

Summary of urban scenario development workshop

workshop summary report providing a summary the discussions led by the workshop participants and resulting take-away actions for the ITF for the refinement of the urban transport baseline and alternative policy scenario

Summary of international scenario development workshop

workshop summary report providing a summary the discussions led by the workshop participants and resulting take-away actions for the ITF for the refinement of the urban transport baseline and alternative policy scenario

Urban passenger transport model - Methodological not

Report that provides insights into how the urban passenger transport model functions, what the main data inputs and assumptions are, what outputs can be obtained, how transport mitigation measures were integrated

Overview of ITF baseline and alternative scenarios

Report that provides a description of the baseline and policy scenarios, underlying assumptions and resulting transport activity and CO2 emissions from urban and international transport in Europe.

Set of knowledge products

set of knowledge products including all workshopevent summaries model focus reports published on dedicated project website

International freight model - Methodological note

Report that provides insights into how the international freight model functions, what the main data inputs and assumptions are, what outputs can be obtained, how transport mitigation measures were integrated.

Summary of urban model design workshop

Workshop summary report providing a summary of the discussions led by the workshop participants and resulting take-away actions for the ITF for further work on the urban freight and passenger models; incl. a list of priority policy measures that are to be covered in the respective models

Summary of result dissemination event – urban transport

event summary report providing a summary of the discussions led by the event participants and resulting policy recommendations/guidance

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