Description du projet
Contribuer au déploiement politique et à grande échelle de la santé numérique
L’UE vise à fournir à l’ensemble de ses citoyens un accès à des services de santé et de soins numériques sûrs et de qualité. Conformément à la stratégie de la Commission européenne en faveur du marché unique numérique, les principales priorités sont de garantir un accès sécurisé à leurs données de santé, de personnaliser la médecine grâce à une infrastructure de données européenne partagée et de doter les citoyens d’outils numériques pour des soins centrés sur la personne. Le projet DigitalHealthEurope, financé par l’UE, apportera un soutien complet à la transformation numérique de la santé et des soins. Il soutient le déploiement à grande échelle de solutions numériques pour des soins centrés sur la personne, en facilitant la reproduction de bonnes pratiques ayant un impact sur la santé par des actions de jumelage. Au niveau politique, le projet soutiendra les décideurs au moyen de livres blancs, de lignes directrices et de recommandations politiques.
DigitalHealthEurope will provide comprehensive, centralised support to the digital transformation of health and care (DTHC) priorities of the Digital Single Market. The partners bring a broad range of collective knowledge and expertise, originating from the longstanding leadership and engagement in the whole spectrum of activities, from interoperability and standards to health service innovation and from the technical to the policy level. The project will support large-scale deployment of digital solutions for person-centred integrated care by identifying, analysing, and facilitating the replication of highly impactful best practices, utilising the consortium’s exceptional expertise on knowledge management and impact assessment (EIP on AHA repository of innovative practices, MAFEIP), twinning schemes, and mobilisation of stakeholders. A marketplace will enable organisations to find suitable partnerships. At least 46 twinnings ranging from adaptation of impactful best practices to full adoption will be carried out. A funding advice service and capacity building framework will be provided to further stimulate deployment and scale up. Building on the unique composition of the consortium, the project will establish and manage 3 collaboration platforms to align all efforts of ongoing and future initiatives supporting the 3 DTHC priorities. The partners will utilise their vast network of more than 1,100 members representing national, regional, and EU-wide stakeholders. The collaborative work will lead to common strategic agendas and commitments for action that will boost innovation and progress in the respective topics. A Board of Associated Experts with proven high-level competence on all key fields will support the delivery of an actionable strategic vision and recommendations for EU policy beyond 2020.
- H2020-EU.3.1. - SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Health, demographic change and well-being Main Programme
- H2020-EU. - Improving scientific tools and methods to support policy making and regulatory needs
- H2020-EU. - Active ageing, independent and assisted living
- H2020-EU. - Improving halth information and better use of health data
- H2020-EU. - Individual awareness and empowerment for self-management of health
Régime de financement
CSA - Coordination and support actionCoordinateur
53111 Bonn
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