Descripción del proyecto
La divulgación científica es tan importante como la ciencia
Una divulgación científica eficaz resulta esencial para fomentar las interacciones entre científicos, comunicadores, ciudadanos y responsables políticos. La cuestión es cómo se divulga la ciencia: el aumento de la digitalización y las redes sociales, así como los retos afrontados por los medios de comunicación tradicionales, cambian constantemente la divulgación de la ciencia y las relaciones entre sus agentes, incluidos los ciudadanos. El proyecto QUEST, financiado con fondos europeos, estudia el panorama y la dinámica de la divulgación científica actual investigando tres vertientes principales —el periodismo, las redes sociales y los museos— a fin de elaborar indicadores de calidad y herramientas para respaldarla. El proyecto reforzará a la comunidad multidisciplinaria de divulgación científica probando mejores prácticas y proponiendo formas innovadoras de interactuar con la ciencia, especialmente al abordar retos importantes de la sociedad, como el cambio climático, las vacunas y la inteligencia artificial.
Science Communication (SciCom) plays a key role in addressing today’s societal challenges. To be effective, it must be conceived as multi-directional communication, involving scientists, policy-makers, journalists, other communications actors and citizens. On one side, scientists produce research results but are not always equipped to communicate efficiently to the public and to policy-makers. On the other, journalists and other communications actors act as the interface between science, citizens and other audiences, although they may face challenges in fully comprehending the scientific message. Citizens will have a varied perception of the information received but limited knowledge and tools impeding a qualitative assessment. The variety of means of communication existing today makes communications faster and easier, but that increases the complexity of these interactions and the challenge to communicate “sound” science. We also need to consider that much of today SciCom passes through the digital sphere, as the advent of digitalization has changed the way in which information flows and opinions are shaped, also regarding science. Social media are one of the key representatives of these modern means of communication, deserving a special focus. In this context, the challenge faced by SciCom is in finding effective, non-hierarchical ways to exchange these diverse forms of knowledge, by making SciCom stakeholders interact in a constructive way through the different media. QUEST aims at facing this challenge with a multi-step approach that will: (1) understand the dynamics of today SciCom (2) design tools to evaluate SciCom quality (3) experiment best practices and proposing innovative ways for SciCom (4) promote SciCom training (5) build an engaging SciCom community. The focus will be on (a) journalism (b) Social media (c) Museums, recognized as having the highest impact in this context. Climate change, Vaccines and Artificial Intelligence are used as case studies.
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Régimen de financiación
RIA - Research and Innovation actionCoordinador
30100 Venezia