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Populist rebellion against modernity in 21st-century Eastern Europe: neo-traditionalism and neo-feudalism


Summary report of consultations

Summary report of all feedback reactions and recommendations received concerning the initial scenarios document

Dissemination and communication strategy I

First version of the Dissemination and communication strategy.

Ontology, first version

A regularly updated wiki containing the list of multi-lingual ethnographic codes applied to POPREBEL’s conversation.

Dissemination and communication strategy II

Second version of the Dissemination and communication strategy

Ethnography of uncertainty. The times of populist upheaval, deadly pandemic, and an unexpected war in peoples’ minds

The COVID129 pandemic and then the Russian invasion of Ukraine not only seriously disrupted our research work but also introduced to the project two new topics that absorbed our project participants In response to this unpredicted and dramatic change we created a new deliverable that will report on our findings based on about 200250 indepth interviews analysed by our original tool the semantic network analysis with a specific focus on Poland and the Czech Republic

Rules of engagement/ social contract document

A written document (commentable by the community) detailing the rights and responsibilities of participant-informants, and the rules of interaction and netiquette presiding on their involvement.

Report on policy recommendations designed to counteract the rise of populism in Europe

This report will deal with two issues Economic crisis and the growth of populism in CEE how determinate was the Great Recession The economic crisis of 20092010 and the growth of populism in CEE Defusing the rise of populism A description and evaluation of the success or failure of civic and political tactics and forms of activism aimed preventing or defusing populist dynamics

Summary report 1 on engagement seminars

Summary report analysing the results of the first two engagement seminars with members of the public and politicianspolicymakers

Ontology, second version

A regularly updated wiki containing the list of multilingual ethnographic codes applied to POPREBELs conversation Ethnographers and coders work together mostly online due to COVID19 restrictions

Summary report 2 on engagement seminars

Summary report analysing the results of the second two engagement seminars with members of the public and politicianspolicymakers

Report: an ethnography of European populism

A report on populism in Europe from the voices of a crosssection of citizens researchers and other relevant stakeholders

Report: Political populism from fringe to mainstream: a conceptual framework for WP4

This report will outline a shared conceptual framework for studying the spread and development of party-based political populism beyond right-wing outsider parties

Finalised scenarios report

Report completed scenarios document that will be used in engagement seminars

Interactive dashboard, second version

A software application to generate and refine on the fly visualizations of semantic social networks The revised version of Graphryder will become a public good

Interactive dashboard, first version

A software application to generate and refine on the fly visualizations of semantic social networks.

POPREBEL website
Code for multimedia coding committed to GitHub and documented

Code for multimedia coding committed to GitHub and documented [6] Deployal and documentation of the technical adaptations and extensions to functionality of platform (on Discourse) to allow for ethnographic coding of multimedia specific to POPREBEL.

Data management plan

A document detailing the governance of the data produced during POPREBEL, during and after the project.


Biopolitical Populism in Poland: The Case of PiS

Autorzy: Alexandra Yatsyk
Opublikowane w: Populism, Numer 3/2, 2020, Strona(/y) 148-164, ISSN 2588-8064
Wydawca: Brill
DOI: 10.1163/25888072-bja10015

POPREBEL & FATIGUE projects: Populism & illiberalism in Europe

Autorzy: Jan Kubik and Alicja Haran
Opublikowane w: Open Access Government, 2021, ISSN 2516-3817
Wydawca: Adjacent Digital Politics Limited

The memory of Romanian Communism after 30 years

Autorzy: Jiri Kocian, Maria Asavei
Opublikowane w: Paměť a dějiny, 2021, ISSN 1802-8241
Wydawca: Paměť a Dějiny (Memory and Hsitory Journal)

Assessing Populism at Europe’s Margins: Pervasive, Performative, Persistent

Autorzy: Andrey Makarychev, Lane Crothers
Opublikowane w: Populism, Numer 3/2, 2020, Strona(/y) 145-147, ISSN 2588-8064
Wydawca: Brill
DOI: 10.1163/25888072-02021044

Társadalmi törésvonalak és gazdasági (ir)racionalitások. A közgazdaságtan szerepe és helye a populizmus kutatásában

Autorzy: István Benczes, Krisztina Szabó
Opublikowane w: Közgazdasági Szemle, 2022, ISSN 1588-113X
Wydawca: Economic Review Foundation
DOI: 10.18414/ksz.2023.1.23

Radical right populist entrepreneurs and the use of religious representations through popular culture: George Becali as the ‘Saviour of Romania’

Autorzy: Maria Alina Asavei
Opublikowane w: European Journal of Cultural Studies, 2020, Strona(/y) 136754942097320, ISSN 1367-5494
Wydawca: SAGE Publications
DOI: 10.1177/1367549420973205

Populism in Estonia and Slovakia: Performances, Transgressions, and Communicative Styles

Autorzy: Aliaksei Kazharski, Andrey Makarychev
Opublikowane w: Populism, Numer 3/2, 2020, Strona(/y) 165-185, ISSN 2588-8064
Wydawca: Brill
DOI: 10.1163/25888072-bja10005

The traditionalism–modernism value conflict in Hungary and Slovakia – a comparative analysis from a longue durée perspective

Autorzy: István Kollai
Opublikowane w: Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, Numer 28/1, 2020, Strona(/y) 29-44, ISSN 2573-9638
Wydawca: Informa UK Ltd
DOI: 10.1080/25739638.2020.1812942

The Anatomy of the Newly Emerging Illiberal Model of State Capitalism: A Developmental Dead End?

Autorzy: Judit Ricz
Opublikowane w: International Journal of Public Administration, Numer 44/14, 2021, Strona(/y) 1253-1263, ISSN 0190-0692
Wydawca: Marcel Dekker Inc.
DOI: 10.1080/01900692.2021.1874984

Still second-order? European elections in the era of populism, extremism, and Euroscepticism

Autorzy: Piret Ehin, Liisa Talving
Opublikowane w: Politics, Numer 41/4, 2021, Strona(/y) 467-485, ISSN 0263-3957
Wydawca: Political Studies Association of the United Kingdom
DOI: 10.1177/0263395720986026

Include me out: theatre as sites of resistance to right-wing populism in Estonia, the Czech Republic and Hungary

Autorzy: Maria-Alina Asavei, Jiri Kocian
Opublikowane w: Studies in Theatre and Performance, 2020, Strona(/y) 1-17, ISSN 1468-2761
Wydawca: Intellect Books
DOI: 10.1080/14682761.2020.1834258

An Economic Understanding of Populism: A Conceptual Framework of the Demand and the Supply Side of Populism

Autorzy: István Benczes, Krisztina Szabó
Opublikowane w: Political Studies Review, 2022, ISSN 1478-9299
Wydawca: Blackwell
DOI: 10.1177/14789299221109449

Second-order effects or ideational rifts? Explaining outcomes of European elections in an era of populist politics

Autorzy: Piret Ehin, Liisa Talving
Opublikowane w: Italian Political Science Review/Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, Numer 50/3, 2020, Strona(/y) 350-367, ISSN 0048-8402
Wydawca: Societa Editrice il Mulino
DOI: 10.1017/ipo.2020.27

Taking back control over the economy: From economic populism to the economic consequences of populism

Autorzy: István Benczes
Opublikowane w: European Policy Analysis, 2022, ISSN 2380-6567
Wydawca: Wiley / Policy Studies Organization (PSO)
DOI: 10.1002/epa2.1134

Competition versus contention. The role of personal relations in late modern capitalisms (article in Hungarian!)

Autorzy: István Kollai
Opublikowane w: Külgazdaság, 2021, ISSN 2732-0235
DOI: 10.47630/kulg.2021.65.11-12.53

Estonia: Empowering the Executive

Autorzy: Liisa Talving, Piret Ehin
Opublikowane w: In: Lynggaard, K., Jensen, M.D., Kluth, M. (Ed.). Governments' Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic in Europe. (235−245). Palgrave Macmillan. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-14145-4_20. Navigating the Perfect Storm, 2022
Wydawca: Palgrave Macmillan
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-14145-4_20

Populist Distortion of the Cultural Heritage of Savski Square, Belgrade

Autorzy: Nikola Samardzic, Haris Dajc, Milena Vukmiorivc
Opublikowane w: Un patrimoine pour l’avenir, une science pour le patrimoine Heritage for the Future, Science for Heritage, 2022
Wydawca: Fondation des sciences du patrimoine – Foundation for Heritage Science
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10359619

Faces of Populism in Central and South-Eastern Europe

Autorzy: Maja Vasiljevic, Ljiljana Dobrovsak
Opublikowane w: 2023
Wydawca: Jagiellonian University Press

Economic Insecurity

Autorzy: András Tétényi
Opublikowane w: The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Global Security Studies, Numer 07 November 2019, 2020, Strona(/y) 1-8, ISBN 978-3-319-74336-3
Wydawca: Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-74336-3_620-1

Income Inequality

Autorzy: Krisztina Szabó
Opublikowane w: The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Global Security Studies, Numer 17 April 2019, 2019, Strona(/y) 1-10, ISBN 978-3-319-74336-3
Wydawca: Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-74336-3_343-1

CONTEMPORARY POPULISM AND ITS POLITICAL CONSEQUENCES. Discourses and Practices in Central and South-Eastern Europe. Haris Dajč, Isidora Jarić, Ljiljana Dobrovšak (eds.) Bibliotheca Studies – Book 44. Institut

Autorzy: Haris Dajc, Natasa Jovanovic Ajzenhamer
Opublikowane w: Biblioteka Studije of Ivo Pilar Institute, 2022
Wydawca: Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7645437

"""Between the past and the future Eurosceptic political parties and the EU integration of Serbia"" in: The Right-Wing Critique of Europe ed. by Joanna Sondel-Cedermas and Francesco Berti, Routledge 2022"

Autorzy: Natasza Styczyńska and Haris Dajc
Opublikowane w: 2022
Wydawca: Routledge
DOI: 10.4324/9781003226123


Autorzy: Reserachers from the Poprebel (Belgrad and Krakow)
Opublikowane w: 2019
Wydawca: UBFF
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3567712isbn:978-86-88813-07-5

LGBT Movement and National Sentiments: Politics of Sexuality and ex/in/clusion in Serbian LGBT Community

Autorzy: Isidora Jaric and Haris Dajc
Opublikowane w: Antroplogija, 2020, ISSN 1452-7243
Wydawca: Impressum


Autorzy: Nikola Samardzic
Opublikowane w: CICERON, 2022, ISBN 978-961-6627-99-3
Wydawca: Ciceron

The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Global Security Studies

Autorzy: Tétényi, András
Opublikowane w: The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Global Security Studies, Numer 2020, 2020, Strona(/y) p. 8, ISBN 978-3-319-74336-3
Wydawca: Palgrave Macmillan
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-74336-3

Drugi hladni rat. Zapad i Rusija 1999-201

Autorzy: Nikola Samardzic
Opublikowane w: 2020, ISBN 978-86-88813-12-9
Wydawca: Acta Historia

Viimatistest Euroopa Parlamendi valimistest Euroopas ja Eestis

Autorzy: Ehin, Piret; Talving, Liisa
Opublikowane w: Riigikogu Toimetised, 2020, ISSN 1406-5665
Wydawca: Tallinn

Demand conditions for the growth of populist support (A populizmus népszerűségének gazdasági magyarázatai)

Autorzy: András Tétényi
Opublikowane w: Köz-gazdaság, Tudományos Füzetek, Numer XV. ÉVFOLYAM, 1. SZÁM 2020. ÁPRILIS, 2020, Strona(/y) 87-94, ISSN 1788-0696
Wydawca: Corvinus University of Budapest
DOI: 10.14267/retp2020.01.09

Another counter movement? Can we understand emerging populism using Polányi’s analytical framework? (Újabb ellenmozgás? Megérthető-e a populizmus térnyerése Polányi szemüvegén keresztül?)

Autorzy: Gábor Vigvári
Opublikowane w: Köz-gazdaság, Tudományos Füzetek, Numer XV. ÉVFOLYAM, 1. SZÁM 2020. ÁPRILIS, 2020, Strona(/y) 95-108, ISSN 1788-0696
Wydawca: Corvinus University of Budapest
DOI: 10.14267/retp2020.01.10

The many meanings of neo-feudalism Analysis of academic and public discourse alluding premodern social structures (Mit jelent a neo-feudalizmus? A premodern társadalmi struktúrákra utaló tudományos és nyilvános diskurzus elemzése)

Autorzy: István Kollai
Opublikowane w: Köz-gazdaság, Tudományos füzetek, Numer XV. ÉVFOLYAM, 1. SZÁM 2020. ÁPRILIS, 2020, Strona(/y) 122-132, ISSN 1788-0696
Wydawca: Corvinus University of Budapest
DOI: 10.14267/retp2020.01.12

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