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Populism And Civic Engagement – a fine-grained, dynamic, context-sensitive and forward-looking response to negative populist tendencies

Risultati finali

Democracy event

A two-day Democracy event bringing together policy-makers, civil society and citizens

Dissemination of project outputs

Circulation of project outputs to elected EU representatives and policy makers

Final conference and youth gathering

A final conference and gathering of youth representatives from the schools’ project and country orEuropean level policy makers to discuss the conclusions reached by young people through the exercise.

Interactive infographics

series of interactive infographics covering the development of populism (1990-2020) according to (a)individual country, (b) regional group of countries, (c) type of challenger, (d) party leadership changes, (e)parallel European and world developments.

Dissemination tools

Project website, social media accounts and press kits

Future and foresight programme for schools

Materials for futures education and plan for dissemination

Final report on dissemination

A final report with set of policy recommendations.

Tool to identify populist narratives

Publicly available tool (algorithm or application software) allowing policy actors and citizens toidentify populist narratives and counter-narratives in the media and allowing policy actors and citizens toassess their individual exposure to public populist narratives and policy actors and citizens to adequatelyreact to populist public narrative.

Report containing tools (infographics and typology)

Report targeting the public and other stakeholders containing tools (infographics and typology) toallow civil society to identify populist parties and populist narrative.

ELSI guidance on ICT tools design

Report outlining ethical, legal and social recommendations in the context of ICT tools.

An online catalogue of the relevant data sources

Catalogue of all public data relevant to case studies to be investigated by PaCE

Lessons learned from simulation analysis

A report evaluating the success of the simulation analysis and the extent to which it integrated withother types of analysis, with take-home lessons for others.

Comparative findings and assessment of risk factors

Report on comparative findings and assessment of risk factors to democratic quality

Final version of all simulations

Public releases of final versions of all simulations used and their documentation

Causal mechanisms of populism

Report on the causal mechanisms of populist social movements and political parties in Europe

Definitions and operationalisations of populism

Report containing definitions and operationalisations of populist narratives and counter-narratives;empirical types of populist narratives and counter-narratives; occurrences of populist narratives andcounter-narratives in the public media.

PaCE ethics - Period 2

Periodic report on ethical issues and management within the project

Policy recommendations

Report containing policy recommendations on how to mitigate risk factors.

Typology of populist movements

A typology of populist movements with development indicators for each type

Historical and political development of populism in Europe

Report containing the historical and political development of populism in Europe 19902020

Lessons learned from lab events

Outcomes of a programme of lab events taking place across at least 6 member states

Populism and opinion dynamics

Report presenting containing an analysis of how populist party/movement organization shapespopular opinion and how populism and the opinions of populist activists and leaders shape negativeperceptions.

Synthesis report

Synthesis report outlining the key findings from Democracy labs.

Report on the state of modern day populism in Europe
Scenarios and desired futures

Scenarios and analysis of the steps to take to reach the desired futures and avoid the undesiredfuture.

Report PaCE ethics - Period 1

Periodic report on ethical issues and management within the project

ELSI guidance in policy recommendations

Report outlining ethical legal and social recommendations in the context of policy recommendations

ELSI guidance on public engagement

Report outlining ethical, legal and social recommendations in the context of public engagement.

Interim report

Periodic report on project progress and outcomes.

Theoretical causes of models of populism

Report containing a theoretical model of the external and internal supply and demand side causes ofilliberal populism

PaCE ethics handbook

Handbook outlining the principles and practices that the project will adopt to ensure compliance with ethical frameworks and codes of conduct

Scenarios construction mehodology

Report on the scenario construction methodology

Recommendations on new forms of public participation

A report with recommendations for new forms of public participation

Results of online experiments

Report containing analysis of the effects of populist narratives in online experiments, analysis of theattenuate properties of counter-narratives in online experiments, policy recommendations on how to react topopulist narratives

First set simulation scenarios

Report and public release of a first set simulation scenarios based on case study analysis.


The Pushback Against Populism: The Rise and Fall of Greece's New Illiberalism

Autori: Takis Pappas
Pubblicato in: Journal of Democracy, Numero 4, 2020, Pagina/e 54-68, ISSN 1045-5736
Editore: The Johns Hopkins University Press
DOI: 10.1353/jod.2020.0036

Does Non-violent Repression Have Stronger Dampening Effects than State Violence? Insight from an Emotion-Based Model of Non-violent Dissent

Autori: Stephanie Dornschneider-Elkink and Bruce Edmonds
Pubblicato in: Government and Opposition, Numero 0017257X, 2022, ISSN 0017-257X
Editore: Blackwell Publishing Inc.
DOI: 10.1017/gov.2022.37

Популизм как антипатернализм [Populism as Anti-paternalism]

Autori: Daniel Smilov
Pubblicato in: Сравнительное конституционное обозрение, Numero №3 (130) 2019, 2019, Pagina/e 15-26, ISSN 2542-1417
Editore: Институт права и публичной политики
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7273551

Perceived Deprivation and Voter Turnout in Austria: Do Views on Social Inequality Moderate the Deprivation—Abstention Nexus?

Autori: Fabian Habersack; Reinhard Heinisch; Viktoria Jansesberger; Armin Mühlböck
Pubblicato in: Political Studies, Numero 00323217, 2021, Pagina/e 1-19, ISSN 0032-3217
Editore: Blackwell Publishing Inc.
DOI: 10.1177/00323217211052758

Меритокрация, пост-демокрация и кризата на либералната демокрация [Meritocracy, Post-Democracy and the Crisis of Liberal Democracy]

Autori: Ruzha Smilova
Pubblicato in: Seminar_BG, Numero 13139932, 2022, ISSN 1313-9932
Editore: Foundation Media Democracy
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7273806

“Власт, страдание и състрадание” [Power, Suffering and Compassion]

Autori: Daniel Smilov
Pubblicato in: Политически изследвания [Political Studies], Numero 1-2, 2019, Pagina/e 41-57, ISSN 0861-4830
Editore: Българска асоциация за политически науки [Bulgarian Political Science Association]
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7273410

Co-developing beliefs and social influence networks—towards understanding socio-cognitive processes like Brexit

Autori: Edmonds, Bruce
Pubblicato in: Quality and Quantity, Numero 00335177, 2020, Pagina/e 491–515, ISSN 0033-5177
Editore: Kluwer Academic Publishers
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7266543

Positive Side Effects? The Impact of Populist Radical Right Parties in Government on the Media Visibility of the Austrian Parliament

Autori: Eric Miklin; Martin Dolezal
Pubblicato in: Parliamentary Affairs, Numero 00312290, 2021, Pagina/e 853-870, ISSN 0031-2290
Editore: Oxford University Press
DOI: 10.1093/pa/gsab012

Does ethno-territorial identity matter in populist party support? Evidence on the demand-side from 19 populist radical right and populist radical left national and regionalist parties

Autori: Reinhard Heinisch and Viktoria Jansesberger
Pubblicato in: EUROPEAN POLITICS AND SOCIETY, 2021, ISSN 2374-5118
Editore: Taylor&Francis
DOI: 10.1080/23745118.2021.1976577

A Semantic and Syntactic Similarity Measure for Political Tweets

Autori: Claire Little; David Mclean; Keeley Crockett; Bruce Edmonds
Pubblicato in: IEEE Access, Vol 8, Pp 154095-154113 (2020), Numero 3, 2020, Pagina/e 154095 - 154113, ISSN 2169-3536
Editore: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
DOI: 10.1109/access.2020.3017797


Autori: Cecilia Biancalana, Reinhard Heinisch, Oscar Mazzoleni
Pubblicato in: Conference on Political Populism, 2021, Pagina/e 569-584
Editore: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft
DOI: 10.5771/9783748907510-569

The effect of the resurgent radical populist right on the main centre-left and centre-right parties and their adaptation strategies

Autori: Reinhard Heinisch
Pubblicato in: Global Resurgence of the Right, 2021, Pagina/e 23, ISBN 9781003100423
Editore: Routledge

Rights versus Rights? Meritocratic Depoliticisation and the Repoliticisation of Human Rights

Autori: Ruzha Smilova
Pubblicato in: Democratic Crisis Revisited. The Dialectics of Politicisation and Depoliticisation, 2022, Pagina/e 59 - 84, ISSN 78-3-8487-7286-5
Editore: Nomos
DOI: 10.5771/9783748912941-59

Efficiency, Authority and Representation

Autori: Smilov, Daniel
Pubblicato in: Steven Blockmans and Sophia Russack, Deliberative Democracy in the EU: Countering Populism, 2020
Editore: CEPS
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7273486

Austria: Tracing the Christian Democrats’ Adaptation to the Silent Counter-Revolution

Autori: Reinhard Heinisch and Annika Werner
Pubblicato in: Riding the Populist Wave - Europe's Mainstream Right in Crisis, 2021, Pagina/e 91 - 112, ISBN 9781009006866
Editore: Cambridge University Press
DOI: 10.1017/9781009006866.005

The Ideational Core of Democratic Illiberalism

Autori: Ruzha Smilova
Pubblicato in: Routledge Handbook of Illiberalism, 2021, Pagina/e 177-202, ISBN 9780367260569
Editore: Routledge
DOI: 10.4324/9780367260569-16

The Ideological Turn in Bulgarian Constitutional Discourse. The Rise Against ‘Genders'

Autori: Ruzha Smilova
Pubblicato in: Critical Essays on Human Rights Criticism, ed. by András Sajó and Renáta Uitz, 2020, Pagina/e 177-197, ISBN 9789462361232
Editore: Eleven Publishing International

Political Charisma and Modern Populism

Autori: Takis Pappas
Pubblicato in: The Routledge International Handbook of Charisma, 2020, Pagina/e 226-237, ISBN 0429553803
Editore: Routledge

Европейската демокрация: анти-патернализъм или солидарност? [European Democracy: Anti-Paternalism or Solidarity?

Autori: Daniel Smilov
Pubblicato in: Европейските ценности. Новата констелация, съст. и ред. проф. Г. Фотев [The European Values. The New Constellation}, 2019, ISBN 978-619-233-065-1
Editore: New Bulgarian University Publishing House

Human Rights in the Age of Anti-Paternalism

Autori: Daniel Smilov
Pubblicato in: Human Rights in the 21st Century, ed by Tibor Varady and Miodrag Jovanovich, 2019, ISBN 9789462369931
Editore: Eleven Publishing International


Autori: Reinhard Heinisch, Annika Werner
Pubblicato in: Political Populism, 2021, Pagina/e 111 - 130, ISBN 978-3-8487-6617-8
Editore: Nomos
DOI: 10.5771/9783748907510-111

An Evidence-Driven Model of Voting and Party Competition

Autori: Ruth Meyer, Marco Fölsch, Martin Dolezal & Reinhard Heinisch
Pubblicato in: Lecture Notes in AI, 2022, Pagina/e 261–273, ISBN 9783030928421
Editore: Springer
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-92843-8_20

Europe’s Party Politics: Liberal, Illiberal, or Quasi-Liberal?

Autori: Takis Pappas
Pubblicato in: European Liberal Forum, 2021
Editore: European Liberal Forum

The Kurz affair has uncovered the Trumpian dimension of Austrian politics

Autori: Reinhard Heinisch and Annika Werner
Pubblicato in: LSE European Politics and Policy (EUROPP) blog, 2021
Editore: LSE

КОНСТИТУЦИОНАЛИЗЪМ И ДЕМОКРАЦИЯ: МЕЖДУ ВЪРХОВЕНСТВОТО НА ПРАВОТО И ВЪЗХОДА НА ПОПУЛИЗМА В БЪЛГАРИЯ (2001 – 2010)[Constitutionalism and democracy: Between Rule of Law and the Rise of Populism in Bulgaria (2001-2010)]

Autori: Daniel Smilov
Pubblicato in: 2019, Pagina/e 1-238, ISBN 0789540747941
Editore: "Sofia University $Sy. Kliment Ohridski"" Publishing house"

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