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Integrating Diversity in the European Union


Differenzierte Integration für eine zukunftsträchtige EU

Populistische Parteien haben für ein immer tieferes Misstrauen in die EU gesorgt. Diese muss nun ihrerseits reagieren und die solide Grundlage ihrer Zukunft festigen. Die differenzierte Integration hat sich bereits als zugkräftiges Argument in diesem Diskurs um die Zukunft Europas herausgestellt. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt InDivEU wird nun eine umfassende Wissensgrundlage zum Thema differenzierte Integration aufbauen, die den politisch Verantwortlichen als Hilfestellung dienen und direkt in die Arbeit des Europäisches Parlaments und der Kommission sowie der Staatskanzleien, EU-Ausschüsse und Interessengruppen der Zivilgesellschaft einfließen soll. Im Projekt wird eine integrative Neubewertung und Neubeurteilung der differenzierten Integration vorgenommen, Modelle und Szenarien werden erarbeitet und getestet sowie ein Handbuch der differenzierten Integration für die politisch Verantwortlichen erstellt.


The challenge of Integrating Diversity in the European Union, InDivEU, is back on the EU agenda as it strives to forge a post-crisis future, respond to Brexit and reach out to European citizens. Europe’s Union has been under assault from populist political entrepreneurs who have mobilized distrust of and opposition to the EU. Hence the urgency of building the next phase on solid foundations. Differentiated integration (DI) is a compelling issue in deliberations on the Future of Europe.
InDivEU has built a consortium of some of Europe’s premier research universities and outstanding scholars of DI to address the challenges facing the EU and commits to supplying robust evidence to support policy.
The aim of InDivEU is to create a comprehensive knowledge base on DI of relevance to Europe’s policy makers. This work will have a direct impact on the work of AFCO in the EP, the Commission planning unit, prime ministers offices, European Affairs Committees and numerous civil society nodes.
InDivEU will: 1. produce a comprehensive reappraisal and re-assessment of DI; 2. develop and test a range of models and scenarios, based on a catalogue of design principles, for the future use of DI; 3. create a DI Manual to support policy makers in designing future DI solutions; 4. evaluate existing policy proposals for DI and draft proposals for DI and other forms of flexibility as an input into the European debate based on four InDivEU unique data sets, tool kit and scenarios.
The project’s foundations are built by establishing the normative criteria for a fair system of DI and by critically analysing the constitutional and institutional architecture of DI. InDivEU will complete two unique data bases, EUDIFF 1 & 2, on the uses of DI and two data sets on public opinion and flexible implementation. This is complemented by zooming in on key policy fields and on EU relations with its neighbours. InDivEU includes thorough analysis of the DI preferences of citizens, parties and governments.

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€ 481 487,50
50014 Fiesole

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Centro (IT) Toscana Firenze
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 481 488,00

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