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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Democratic governance in a turbulent age

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Best practices overview to be used for the current and coming NORFACE programmes

A report bringing together best practices in the NORFACE Network, harvested from partners’ experiences and from other research networks, a knowledge pool is created to inspire both partners and the research community and to encourage funders to develop innovative ways to boost effective creation of impact and projects to move from ‘passive’ to ‘active’ impact. This task will be under the responsibility of the SPCT.

NORFACE Governance knowledge exchange and communication strategy

A knowledge exchange and communication strategy tailored specifically for the NORFACE Governance programme

Model of contract to be signed between the CO & Main Applicant

A model of the contract to be signed between the Governance consortium partners and project leaders of funded projects

Joint vision on new thematic research areas

An up to date and relevant vision on joint promising activities that will address the societal issues and questions of these times drafted by a dedicated Task Force It will be the inspirational basis for future endeavours of the network and will be regularly brought up to date in light of relevant developments

NORFACE Governance leaflet

A leaflet presenting the programme in the NORFACE line of leaflets Presenting NORFACE

Final NORFACE Governance Call for Proposals and supporting documents

Including at least a Programme Text, Call for Proposals, Outline proposal template, and FAQ for applicants.The JTC will be published on the NORFACE website ( and distributed as widely as possible through relevant communication channels including email lists and websites of the NORFACE Governance partners to ensure a high visibility of the JTC among research communities across Europe.

NORFACE Governance website

A website dedicated specifically to the programme and connected to the main NORFACE website wwwnorfacenet


Why Dark Personalities Participate in Politics

Autoren: Marta Rogoza; Marta Marchlewska; Dagmara Szczepańska
Veröffentlicht in: Personality and Individual Differences, Ausgabe 1, 2022, ISSN 0191-8869
Herausgeber: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2021.111319

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