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Recovery of Tungsten, Niobium and Tantalum occurring as by-products in mining and processing waste streams

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - TARANTULA (Recovery of Tungsten, Niobium and Tantalum occurring as by-products in mining and processing waste streams)

Período documentado: 2020-12-01 hasta 2022-05-31

The refractory metals Tungsten, Niobium and Tantalum are considered strategic commodities, mainly due to their physical properties, inertness and their ability to improve the performance of steel and other metals. EU accounts for very high percentage demand with respect to W, Nb and Ta, as they represent essential commodities for each booming and/or strategically important high-tech industries. The European extraction of W is quite limited, while neither Niobium nor Tantalum are extracted in Europe from primary resources.

TARANTULA’s overarching objective is to develop a suite of novel, efficient and flexible metallurgical technologies with high selectivity and recovery rates with respect to W, Nb and Ta. TARANTULA’s specific objectives to reach this goal are:

- To produce a comprehensive database of existing and currently unexploited resources that contain W, Nb and Ta.

- To drastically reduce the recovery cost of W, Nb and Ta from feedstock to product.

- To increase the market readiness of the most promising routes.

- To benchmark the overall performance of the constructed prototype against SoA processing lines.

- To stimulate commercial interest in TARANTULA’s generated knowhow through targeted dissemination and communication activities.

- To set up a socially inclusive strategy for bi-directional communication with the local communities of Penouta, Saloro, Salau, and other interesting sites.
The project has identified 3,749 records for the distribution of W, Nb and Ta containing by-products in Europe and the regulatory framework concerning the exploration of mining residues has been investigated.

Native samples have been delivered to the partners and characterization and pre-concentration tests have been performed stablishing the flowsheet of the best available techniques (BAT) for the concentration of tailings. Novel pre-concentration technologies are being tested at lab scale for the pre-concentration of tailings.

Sustainability and selection of optimal flowsheet by means of data collected from partners for LCI was development. The technologies were modelled in a LCA software (SimaPro) and an economic database was prepared. A user-friendly tool to evaluate environmental and economic key parameters was developed.

Combined leaching and extraction technologies have been applied for the selective recovery of W/Ta/Nb from mine ore concentrates and pre-treated tailing, some of them having obtained promising results in terms of yields. In the short term, the most appropriate flow-sheet among all studied at lab scale will be selected according to best LCC/LCA performance and the technologies involved will be validated in a demo at pilot scale.

Novel production routes for metals (M), carbides (MC), alloys (A) and metal oxides (MO) have also been studied by experimenting on low-temperature electrodeposition from synthetic metal oxides in molten salts. Liquid Precursor Plasma Spray system was set up, calibrated and experiments performed.

Communication, dissemination, exploitation and clustering are ongoing. A database with 555 possible stakeholders relevant to TARANTULA, a Data Management Plan, and a detailed Communication and Dissemination Plan were prepared. Market analysis report was produced to facilitate ongoing exploitation definition. Several clustering events on social license to operate (SLO) have already been organized and others are on preparation.
(a) Challenges in recovering W, Nb, and Ta from low-grade, complex feedstocks

- The W tailings will be pre-concentrated by the best available technology and/or developed novel technologies (Electro-fragmentation, MW fragmentation, Biomimetic flotation) allowing S/L extraction and solvent extraction recovering W at a good yield. A prototype at kg production level will be built and operated to demonstrate the feasability of the selected process.

- MW fragmentation treatment is expected to create thermal stress in the material in a very short time. It is foreseen that WC particles will be liberated from the binder material (Co, Ni, etc.) through micro-fracturing along the mineral grain boundaries. Direct electrodeposition of M/MC from carbide scrap will also be tested. Due to the high complexity of the scrap’s composition, an important activity will be to establish the best electrolysis conditions for being able to extract selectively from the scrap only the desired refractory elements, while the rest of impurities will be accumulating in the anode compartment. These technologies will allow the valorization of W from carbide scraps at a lower cost than the current process (SoA)

- The pre-concentration of Ta-Nb tailings and slags is expected to be achieved by novel technologies. The available technologies (WHIMS, flotation) are also being tested to concentrate Ta and Nb from very low grade tin tailings. The pre-concentrates will be treated by different leaching and extraction technologies (Solvoleaching, DES leaching, MW assisted leaching, NASX, IL extraction, S/L extraction, solvent extraction) to produce metal oxides that will be used to produce pure metal (Ta, Nb) by Electrodeposition. Produced niobium will be validated for the production of stainless steel.

The different technologies will be compared in terms of economy and environmental impact by LCA/LCI studies. According to this criteria, the best process will be selected. A prototype at kg production level will be built and operated to demonstrate the feasability of the selected process.

(b) Challenges in producing products of commercial value from (secondary) W/ Nb/Ta-containing intermediates

- Novel technologies (electrodeposition) for the recovery of W, Ta and Nb are being developed. A process to obtain metals (W, Ta and Nb) from metal oxides, at safer and more economic conditions than those from SoA, is being developed.

In the longer term, the project TARANTULA will have an important impact in society by:

- Providing competitiveness, create added value and new jobs in raw materials processing, refining, equipment manufacturing and downstream industries

- Improving significantly the health, safety and environmental performance of the operations: the innovative technology portfolio proposed by TARANTULA, focused on the recovery of W, Nb and Ta as by-products of poly-metallic deposits and processing residues, will boost the economic potential of old waste deposits, which often represent a significant source of critical raw materials. While minimising the loss of valuable content of W, Nb and Ta in mining and processing residues, TARANTULA will improve the environmental performance of the already existing European W producing sites (such as Los Santos, Spain) by providing an economically feasible package of technologies to dramatically reduce the amount of waste.

- Finally, the project TARANTULA will contribute to set up a socially inclusive strategy for bi-directional communication with the local communities of Penouta, Saloro, Salau, and other interesting sites (shortlisted during the project). Relevant activities will stimulate open discussion with local communities and other stakeholders, in view of developing and maintaining the “Social Licence to Operate” for mining and mineral waste (re)processing.
Value chain of TARANTULA