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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Sustainable Recovery, Reprocessing and Reuse of Rare-Earth Magnets in a Circular Economy (SUSMAGPRO)

Descripción del proyecto

Nuevas tecnologías para reciclar imanes de neodimio

Los imanes de tierras raras (imanes de neodimio, hierro y boro), el tipo más potente de imán permanente disponible, son ampliamente usados en la fabricación de productos tecnológicos modernos. Se emplean en electrónica, turbinas eólicas o motores de vehículos eléctricos, entre otros. Desafortunadamente, la mayor parte de los imanes de neodimio disponibles en el mercado de la Unión Europea proceden de terceros países. El proyecto SUSMAGPRO, financiado con fondos europeos, tiene por objeto desarrollar una cadena de suministro piloto para imanes de neodimio reciclados en Europa. El producto se va a probar con el apoyo de un equipo multinacional y las nuevas tecnologías desarrolladas bajo los auspicios del proyecto Remanence del 7PM. Estas novedosas tecnologías de hidrógeno se utilizarán en los procesos de separación y depuración. Posteriormente, se reciclará industrialmente para obtener diferentes formas de imanes y se evaluará el potencial del nuevo método.


The aim of this project is to develop a recycling supply chain for rare earth magnets in the EU and to demonstrate these new materials on a pilot scale within a range of application sectors.

Rare earth magnets based upon neodymium-iron-boron (NdFeB, also containing dysprosium) are used in a wide range of products, including for example clean energy technologies (wind turbines and electric vehicles) and high tech sectors such as electronics. However in recent years the supply of these materials has come under considerable pressure and neodymium and dysprosium are now deemed to be of greatest supply risk for all elements.

The EU imports far more NdFeB magnets than it manufactures (>1,000 tonnes manufactured per annum). It has been estimated that ~ 2,000-3,000 tonnes/annum of NdFeB will be available by 2020 for recycling, which presents a significant opportunity. The aim of this project is to identify, separate, recycle and demonstrate recycled magnets at a pilot scale with a multidisciplinary team located across the EU. The project will target three of the main application sectors including automotive, electronics and wind turbines.

The project will develop new sensing and robotic sorting lines for the identified EoL products, building upon technologies developed in the FP7 project Remanence. New hydrogen based technologies will be demonstrated at scale for separating and purifying NdFeB powders from the robotically sorted parts and this technology will be duplicated at another partner in the project. The separated powders will be re-manufactured into sintered magnets, injection moulded magnets, metal injection moulded magnets and cast alloys, at 4 different companies across 3 countries, building upon work in the Repromag Horizon 2020 project. A techno economic assessment will be performed for each potential recycling route alongside a life cycle assessment to assess the environmental benefits over primary production.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Convocatoria de subcontratación


Régimen de financiación

IA - Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 2 183 284,05
75175 Pforzheim

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Baden-Württemberg Karlsruhe Pforzheim, Stadtkreis
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 2 183 284,05

Participantes (22)