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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Time Machine : Big Data of the Past for the Future of Europe

Descripción del proyecto

La tecnología da vida a la historia

La tecnología puede convertir la historia y el patrimonio cultural en un recurso vivo. El proyecto Time Machine, financiado con fondos europeos, permitirá digitalizar un enorme volumen de archivos históricos, geográficos, museísticos y bibliotecarios. La digitalización y la infraestructura informática llevarán la inteligencia artificial y las TIC a un nuevo nivel con modelos interpretativos revolucionarios. El acceso abierto a innumerables fuentes y la investigación en curso impulsarán en gran medida la educación, las empresas, el turismo y muchos otros campos que crean nuevos puestos de trabajo.


Europe urgently needs to restore and intensify its engagement with its past. Time Machine will give Europe the technology to strengthen its identity against globalisation, populism and increased social exclusion, by turning its history and cultural heritage into a living resource for co-creating its future.
The Large Scale Research Initiative (LSRI) will develop a large-scale digitisation and computing infrastructure mapping millennia of European historical and geographical evolution, transforming kilometres of archives, large collections from museums and libraries, and geohistorical datasets into a distributed digital information system. To succeed, a series of fundamental breakthroughs are targeted in Artificial Intelligence and ICT, making Europe the leader in the extraction and analysis of Big Data of the Past. Time Machine will drive Social Sciences and Humanities toward larger problems, allowing new interpretative models to be built on a superior scale. It will bring a new era of open access to sources, where past and on-going research are open science. This constant flux of knowledge will have a profound effect on education, encouraging reflection on long trends and sharpening critical thinking, and will act as an economic motor for new professions, services and products, impacting key sectors of European economy, including ICT, creative industries and tourism, the development of Smart Cities and land use.
The CSA will develop a full LSRI proposal around the Time Machine vision. Detailed roadmaps will be prepared, organised around science and technology, operational principles and infrastructure, exploitation avenues and framework conditions. A dissemination programme aims to further strengthen the rapidly growing ecosystem, currently counting 95 research institutions, most prestigious European cultural heritage associations, large enterprises and innovative SMEs, influential business and civil society associations, and international and national institutional bodies.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Régimen de financiación

CSA - Coordination and support action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 137 202,98
1015 Lausanne

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Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera Région lémanique Vaud
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 193 671,88

Participantes (35)